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Everything posted by JOEDKILLA


    Mature buck or freak?

    I agree with this theory. Only way to find out is to let them walk. I'ts verry intresting to watch a deer grow from year to year. Dificult not to the lob an arrow!

    mule deer in southern az

    I feel i have a unique perspective on this topic. I grew up hunting these units and have also experienced the decline. I'm also fortunate to hunt & manage property in Sonora Mex. , some that sits just south of 35A, 36B & C. Being bordelands, we experience much of the same issues in regards to human and drug trafficking. The drought did'nt stop at the border either. A thriving cattle industry also exists and no matter how many predators we shoot it never seems to be enough. Yet the mule deer populations are thriving! I see plenty of bucks in the 160-180 range, a few in the 190-210, & the ocasional 220+. The buck to doe ratio is as high as 1 to 2 in some places! Lets for one second pretend that the border does'nt exist, lets just call it our neighbors property to the south. The deer are from the same gene pool, the feed is the same, the weather is the same, and the predators are the same. So what is the biggest difference? Our neighbor to the south does'nt have a government agencie that issues(sells) 2 or 3 tags for every buck alive and counts on projected success rates as a management tool. Hunting pressure is still pressure succesful or not.
  3. Has anyone else heard of this kill?!!??? Seen picks?? This buck just surfaced at a taxidermy shop in Tucson aparently 9 months after it was harvested. Just wondering why none of us(southern Az. bowhunters) have heard of this great buck till now. Down here a 180 causes a comotion, news of a 200 should've spread like wild fire. I'm SUPER curious & would love to see field pics and a story on this WORLD CLASS DESERT MULE DEER WITH A BOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how long for your first coues?

    It took me 2 years of unsuccessful stalks before I got it done and have progressed from there. A coues buck has a way of humbling a spot n stalk hunter. I carry more patience than arrows in my quiver and treat and savor every stalk as if it were my last! Wish you the best of luck and hope you get it done!

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    These R some fantastic bucks with stick N string! Congrats N keep'um comin!!!!!

    Finally got story written and video put together!

    Theres just something about those wide ones! Congrats on a super buck, great adventure and amazing video! Keep up the handy work with your bow!

    Finally first deer with a bow

    Bowhunting is something verry special, spot n stalk makes it that much more fulfilling! Congrats on memorable 1st!

    big strip muley

    Wow crazy MASS and very unique! What dreams are made of! Congrats!

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Awesome brndog1, please realay my cograts! hope to hear story & see pics!

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    I agree with trphyhtr it just struck me as odd. Not judging or anything, there could be many reasons why. Lets just hope for the sake of such a great trophy that its a good one. I've seen the rack and i'ts SOLID. On a different note, this just shows how these southern units have the potential to grow exceptional mulies. Too bad they're not managed for that! Well said coach!

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    Killer bull congrats!

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Thanks guys! Much more productive. Its great when we can respect eachothers opinions and not impede on ones right to voice them.

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    This post was started whith the sole intent of gaining knowledge on what could potentially be the largest typical Desert Mulie ever taken with a bow in our state. All skepticism aside, it's quite a tremendous acomplishment. It was never intended (this post) to P.O. the forum POLICE. With that said lets try and keep this discussion civil on both sides and hopefully learn more about this amazing trophy and honor it acordingly. I know I'm not the only curious one out there.

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    IN that case congratulations R in order and we would love to see and hear all about it. Also I heard of a 187 out of Tucson Mountains area from about 4 people. Maybe same buck that ylclaret was talking about.

    Spot and stock unit 32 antelope

    Super goat=Hard Work N Dedication. Spot N Stalk=Priceless! Congrats!

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    The buck is hard horned and was supossedly killed in December 2012.

    That's 2 from 10 in 3

    I took the first goat in 2011 & the other in 2013. Both spot and stalk in Unit 10! The second had too much character to pass on.

    New to site, thought I'd Share

    Thanks guys! That top buck is currently # 3 SCI Desert Mulie with a bow.

    New to site, thought I'd Share

    Sonoran coast on my lease.