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About pepsiman

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Globe ariz
  • Interests
    hunting, fishing everything with my wife..

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  1. pepsiman

    archery mule deer 5x4 28 inches wide unit 21

    Good job ... GREAT BUCK.... thats the way to stay the course... wow IMPRESSIVE...
  2. I think we should have a guess the score on this buck.... free case of pepsi for the closest one>>> I dont know what it will score had it taped @ Rusty's shop... whay do you guys think???
  3. i am a blessed man, in every way . thanks for the coments.. i will be curious to see his score in about 50 days..
  4. pepsiman

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Wow i dont know what to say or think... I just killed the buck of MY life time and told the whole story from start to finish on here, dont know why a buck like that would not be burning up cell phones and the internet, when i looked @ the pic sent in by the road a sinking feeling ran through me... he has a green score already why is there not more about it rather that all this back and forth on here... O well I am the happiest guy in the world right now dont think i will ever match the buck i was blessed with again.... Good luck to this guy hope all is above board...
  5. pepsiman

    archery mule deer 5x4 28 inches wide unit 21

    wow that is Awesome.... good job!!!! what a feeling...JB
  6. I put this story in another forum... just excited as heck about this buck...
  7. My wife and i drew the same whitetail hunts.... oct 25th but different units.. I was trying to figure how to do them both on the one weekend.. I was finishing up my archery hunt up north when i came across this little buck so i though if he gives me a shot i will take it and be done with my hunt so in Oct we can focus on her.... well i had no idea how this evening was going to turn out. while trying to get a shot @ this small 2 point a bigger buck that was laying down jumped up, WOw i had not seen a buck that big in years ... tried to stalk him but he was on to us... so went off and about 1 hour or so later we ended up on a road above where we had jumped this buck, so we parked the ranger and walked over and down the hill about 100 yards or so, i just glassed the forest floor............ and HOLY crap there he was bebbed down abot 85 yds away... wind in my face i started the stalk got to 64 yds... ranged a tree in front of me that was 30 yds ... ok if i could get to that tree i would have about a 35 yd shot.... half way there he turned around we had a stairing match..... he turned back i took another step, he looked again... ok i thiught this is it... if he turnes around where i cant see his eyes i am goint to step aside the only little tree that was in front of me and pull back......he turned i stepped out and pulled back he stood up and i drilled him.... Holy cow.... i could not believe it... good stick we found him about 75 yds down the hill..... I Am still hook on whitetail but i finally got my big Muley... so now we can focus on my wifes hunt in Oct... JB