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Everything posted by Saguaro

  1. Saguaro

    1st custom rifle w/ backstory

    Thanks for sharing. I like the honesty about not knowing a lot about rifles. I think that is important when doing a custom build. We all know enough basics about rifles but the expert builders know much more. I have a few custom builds and each time I get one built, I ask the gunsmith to advise me rather than me telling him how to and what to use to build.
  2. Saguaro

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    No big deal Ross, most of us have a traffic past. I looked myself up and found 8 traffic cases going back 20 years.. The funny thing is that I look like a drifter. The cases are from Holbrook, Winslow, Payson, Duncan, St. John's, Flagstaff, Globe and Phoenix.
  3. Saguaro

    Low life Camera thiefs

    Keep us informed. Post back here when you catch them.
  4. Saguaro

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    If it is, it's a very valuable gun. I can't tell you if it is but look to see if it has German markings. Search the web too. There's probably something on YouTube to identify if it is or not.
  5. Saguaro

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    The old timers did a lot of that etching. My grandfather's guns have that too, not his license number, but numbers he came up with. I agree with you, it sucks but that's what they did. I keep a spreadsheet and pass it out to other members of my family in case I loose it.
  6. Saguaro

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    The Colt looks like a Vest Pocket model. I can't find them in anything but 25 auto. Those go for $200 - $500 dollars. I would love to have it if it's a 22 mag.
  7. Saguaro

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    NoBull, Why does Azgfd have a vendetta against him? Can you please explain that more?
  8. Saguaro

    Went to buy an ATV at a dealer

    My opinion is to buy used. I see good quality, low hours, original owner, garage kept atvs out there that I would be proud to own. They are usually priced competitively. I don't buy because I live by the less is more attitude but recognize the practicality.
  9. Saguaro

    Randy Lee Knifes

    Does anyone here have one? I'd love to get one but I don't think I can afford it right now. Maybe if he has a raffle or end of the year blowout sale. Nice knifes though. http://randyleeknives.com
  10. Saguaro

    Home Depot worse service I’ve ever had

    Only thing I can think of is try Casey's in Winslow. It's been 15 years since I've even stepped in there so it might be a different place. Back then, we got a lot of roofing materials from them. You might get lucky, who knows. Other option is to get another color that is as close to the one you have and mix it up on the roof. Pick areas that are easy to hide like next to penetrations and near the ridges or an area that doesn't get a lot of sun.
  11. Saguaro

    Any private pilots here?

    Kaffer62, What kind of plane are you building? Aerobatic or STOL? That was always a dream my dad had, to build one at the house.
  12. Saguaro

    Any private pilots here?

    My dad was. He had a 172 and a Beech Bonanza. The 172 was a lot of fun. You can fly low and slow and spot game much easier. The Bonanza was a hot rod and a lot less forgiving than the 172. I'm not a pilot but would act as a co pilot on cross country trips. No big deal, it was usually when he needed to take a nap and we were where I wouldn't run into trouble, and if I did, I could just elbow him awake. It's a lot of fun. You should pursue it. Cost is a lot but we grew up in a small town and it didn't cost $1000 a month to park the planes. From what I've noticed with all of the private pilots is that it's better to learn on the high wing planes and then go after the high performance ones if that's your thing. My dad bought the plane and then learned how to fly. The plane was a 1972 172 and his flight instructor went with him to fly it back to Holbrook from Sky Harbor in 1983. From there he learned and soloed. We weren't a wealthy family and he was able to support a family of five and still operate it.
  13. Saguaro

    Mid Life/wife crisis Question

    I think your idea of the smaller the better is the way to go. Since she is pushing the subject, it could be fun for both of you. I own a half ton and a 6.7 Diesel. The diesel has all of the power you'll need.
  14. Saguaro

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Did a lot of posts just get deleted? If so, which ones. Kind of hard to keep track of. thanks
  15. Saguaro


    I was with the GC. I sent you a message.
  16. Saguaro


    They're high quality lockers. I was the Superintendent that built that fitness center. It was actually done in two phases. The first had only four showers per room, then we went back there and expanded it while it was occupied.
  17. Saguaro

    New pool

    I have one and rarely use it. It's my first house and I thought I just had to have it. I would never get a house with one ever again. You're right about this time of year being the best time to have one but think about the rest of the year. Something I learned is to have a pool guy maintain it for you. It's simple enough to do it yourself, but it's easy to get lazy about it. Before you make a move, think about the long term. I pay my pool guy about $100 a month and that brings him out once a week. The math works out to about $25 dollars a week. That's money well spent to me. It's also about how important your time is to you. Do you want to waste time on it? I sure don't. You will have to replace filters or a pump on occasion so be prepared for that too.
  18. Saguaro

    Wild Horses???

    A good way to get rid of them, at least the Salt River bunch, is to quietly organize a group of people and shoot them at night during the winter solstice. During then because you would be able to maximize the night time hours. Once done, get rid of the evidence like clothing, boots, guns, etc and use other vehicles that can't be traced. Leave the cell phones and anything else that tracks you at home. They would still get busted because someone couldn't help but brag about it afterwards.
  19. Saguaro

    Wild Horses???

    They are feral. I can't believe how backwards protecting them is. Try to find a Biologist that will say feral animals are ok in nature. You won't. Their protection is purely political and that bothers me to no end. Now that I said that, some will call me a horse hater. Which I'm not.
  20. Saguaro

    Interesting Article

    As long as it doesn't effect hunting, I don't care. As far as mining goes, I say find another place. I don't live there and haven't even been to the places they're talking about so again it doesn't affect me. What bothers me is that the mining is what will stop hunting, not protection of a moth. There have been two things happen in my favorite hunting areas and it didn't come from the crazy left. One was Potash development and another is Wind Turbines. Thankfully the potash development has died or hunting would have been more difficult. The wind turbines have forever marred the landscape that was once nice.
  21. Saguaro

    Remington 722 .222 Rem Magnum

    I have a 722 in 257 Roberts. It seems like it's the most deadly rifle we have. I inherited it from my dad. I learned centerfire shooting from it and it never let me down. I got my first coyote and shot birds with it out to 280 yards. It's not a long range banger but it's a great gun. Good luck with the sale, it's a very fair price and I would buy it if I didn't just purchase a 22 K Hornet.
  22. Saguaro

    AZ G&F and trails cameras

    This could be a good way to raise money. If they come up with a permit for each camera and charge $1000-$2000 dollars per permit, they could raise a lot of money.
  23. My opinion is starting to change. I'm now leaning more to not having these tags until they explain this more.
  24. Saguaro

    Conserve and Protect AZ SURVEY/

    4 is a tough question. We can still learn from this survey and talk about that later.