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Everything posted by Saguaro

  1. Saguaro

    Red flag laws

    I used to think the dems were all about just banning AR type rifles and magazines. I know there's debate they want them all banned but I always try to be careful with hype. While I'm not on twitter and never look at anything except ADOT once in a while, but I do read the news and noticed in the war on guns, dems are all in. Twitter posts often make the news. Two examples are the recent hashtags on Walmart banning gun sales, and CA gun laws. In the case of Walmart, the dems were mum on their side crowing about banning the very guns they say are not part of the fight. Guns like Henry Golden Boy and Mossberg shotguns. They love to talk common sense, where's the common sense there? No problem criticizing the right, but when the pro 2A dems hear a hair brain idea like banning the less violent guns, it's not worth tweeting about. California has laws that are totally unreasonable. I could make a list, but it's worth looking into. Again, no tweet about being fair and reasonable. The attitude is like "yeah get them".
  2. Saguaro

    Popcorn thread

    I was joking.
  3. Saguaro

    Popcorn thread

    It would be interesting to know what happened with the guy and the generator.
  4. Saguaro

    Popcorn thread

    The tracker on your truck could be a from a competitive hunter. I have considered doing it to one person that has a history of finding big game in one of my favorite units. I think it would be great, all I would have to do is upload the data and check where he parks the truck. Then I could go out there and score a big animal. Then who's the expert hunter? I can't seem to find the devices I would need and I'm not tech savvy enough to pull it off, but it's a good idea don't you think?
  5. Saguaro

    Walkie Talkies

    I had good luck with Garmin RINO. I have one that's 22 years old and still works. I remember one time I was high up on a Mesa near Winslow, AZ and I turned it on and scanned the channels. It picked up two people talking, and since they both had Garmins, I could see how far away they were. They were 48 miles away. I keyed my Mic and they started talking about me since it shows up on their radio who I am.
  6. Saguaro


    I know the feeling people have when you go outdoors and find that the cattle chewed the whole pasture down to the nub. It bothers me too. It sucks when the cattle are moved to the empty pasture you've been scouting for deer, elk or whatever and had lots of luck and now they're all gone, at least from the active pasture. There's also Gov assistance to farmers and ranchers that bother a lot of people. They way I explain it away is that I enjoy cheap beef and access. I've heard it from a ranchers mouth that if we were to stop all of the cattle ranching in the southwest, there wouldn't be anything felt in the meat industry of the U.S. He seemed to know a lot about the meat market and carrying capacity and imports and things like that. I'm not, nor will I ever campaign against ranchers. I've had too many treat me well. The problem here is we just don't have the water and grass that grows 3" a day like we do back east. The 70s and 80s we had a lot more rain than we do now. Feral animals are the worst and I still can't believe we protect them, especially when science says they're bad. It's real backwards thinking and humans should be embarrassed.
  7. Saguaro

    Left Hand 22LR?

    Give Marc R. at Healy Arms a call and tell him what you're looking for. He's helped me on a number of leftys over the past 8 or so years. You will have to be patient. It might take a few days for him to search his venders and get back to you. It's likely something is out there new and sitting in a warehouse that hasn't been sought after and that kind of info is only available to guys like him. If you decide to go with Cooper, I had good luck with two that I ordered from First Stop Guns in Rapid City, SD. There are other Cooper dealers closer but I found out from either a phone call or visit to their store that they didn't take me seriously. I called Cooper and asked who they recommend and wasn't disappointed. Let that be a lesson going forward looking for leftys, It's always a good idea to talk to the manufacturer and find out who does a good job selling their product.
  8. Saguaro

    Left Hand 22LR?

    Hoss, another option for rimfires would be Cooper. They take a long time depending on the finish you want. I ordered a LH 22 magnum 16 months ago and it's due in this month. It has high grade wood and metal finishing and that's why it took so long, so if you talk to them about a composite stock with iron sights and maybe Ceracote finish, they should be able to help you out.
  9. Saguaro

    Left Hand 22LR?

    Very true! I'm naturally right handed. I have a vision problem with my right eye or I would shoot right handed. I don't know why anyone would shoot left handed unless there's a vision problem. I shot right handed guns until my first centerfire when I was 12. My dad bought it for me because he was kind of a perfectionist and everything was about proper form and technique and I think it bugged him to watch me cycle a Bolt on the wrong side. I've found that shooting off of a bench as a lefty with a right hand Bolt feels pretty good. I have his guns now and all of them are right handed, but everything I buy now will be left handed. There are fewer options like you said, so it's a matter of hunting down what you want and that takes a bit of time. You can still find pretty much everything you're looking for, but you won't find anything on the shelves. I've also found that I might have to special order what I want.
  10. Saguaro

    Left Hand 22LR?

    I guess they don't offer one in a left hand with iron sights. I bought one ten years ago and it has iron sights. It is the 1417L I believe. You may be able to find one on gunbroker or talk to Anschutz about making one. That's what I'd do. Don't get him a CZ or the like. It could be one he has for the rest of his life.
  11. Saguaro

    Left Hand 22LR?

    Anschutz. They're more expensive, but make a much better rifle for a factory.
  12. Saguaro

    What happened here ?

    It's called a Xenalith, I probably have the spelling wrong. It's a rock in a lava flow that is older than the flow itself. You see a lot of these in the Sunset and Elden lava flows near Flagstaff.
  13. Saguaro

    Whatcha Lissnin to?

    Just a few metallica, Ozzy, Korn, Pantera, System of a Down, NIN, Type O Negative, Alice In Chains, Bush, Sheryl Crow, Darrius Rucker both solo and Hootie, Eminem, Dre, plus many others.
  14. Saguaro

    Heber Mule trip

    Thanks for sharing. I've had some fun times on a Mule in county like that. I'm not a cowboy and know very little about horses or mules. My boss knows plenty about both and when he takes people like me, he puts them on his Mule and all I have to do is speed her up or slow her down. She follows the horse in front.
  15. Saguaro

    AZ Coues hunters headed to Colorados GMU 74

    I spent a lot of time there when I was young. My Grandparents had a place sort of near Lemon Lake. They sold it one day out of the blue. Our family was very upset about it. We would have bought it from them. I can't comment on the hunting there since we never did any of that and were always there in the summer time. There was a store called Hellen's Store along the way we would always go to for candy. It had an old Coors beer sign outside it. Someone sent me a picture of the place about a year ago and it looks like a completely different place from when I was young, except for that Coors sign. I'm glad whoever owns it kept it there.
  16. Saguaro

    Car Jacking

    That's the problem with this country. Here is a person, who I don't know other than this video, that clearly isn't a violent person, would be taken to task for this situation. It should be a very quick investigation to clear him and I hope it is. We have 350,000,000 people in this country. Let's get behind the good people that work for a living and don't protect the losers.
  17. Saguaro

    Gun Sale Soon in LA???

    The media really screws things like this up. If the man broke the law, fine, talk more about that and less about the stash. People really latch on to stories like this. Mostly the people that aren't "gun people" enjoy these reports. I love to argue with these people in a friendly way. Usually they are left leaning. The best arguments are with the left leaning that have guns. They have guns but can't be called "gun people". The difference is that when you talk to a real gun person, and ask "what gun do you want that you don't have", they have about 4 answers instantly, there's no thinking about it. They're also the type that can understand a person having a few thousand rounds of ammo lying around. They just understand that a fun weekend can cost a few hundred rounds of 22lr and a few hundred throughout the month of the others so to hear a person has thousand rounds of ammo isn't shocking. The best thing to say to them is quote Obama... "Ignorance is not a virtue...it's not cool to not know what you're talking about".
  18. Saguaro

    What's your favorite CWT thread?

    That was a great thread. The ones where you can actually learn something are the best. Outdoor Writer is one I really listen to. I wish he would post more. There's so much to learn from people like him. There was a thread either here or on another forum from him that talked about the history of other things about Arizona that I really liked. He would talk about something and someone else would add to it or remind us of something else from the past and others would go back and forth with stories and interesting facts. I was a lurker then but I would have a lot to add to it now. The thread was a lot of talk about Phoenix in the old days and stores that are now closed like Yellow Front and other changes and the way things were in the state that was real interesting.
  19. Saguaro

    Rimfire Guys!!

    Some of the Anschutz models come threaded. https://www.anschutznorthamerica.com/sporting-models.html if you order from Cooper, they can thread the barrel as an option when you customize it.
  20. Saguaro

    Rimfire Guys!!

    A few more models to think about... Anschutz 1710 Cooper model 57m Winchester model 52 Remington 40x the Remington and Winchester can be found in either sporters or target models.
  21. Saguaro

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Believe me, us old folk don't hate you guys for wearing them. That's what wisdom teaches us. We do like to complain about the young people, It's kind of the law when you get a lot of years behind you. You guys are hunters, you can't be that stupid. If you like those hats, fine, own it. As long as you believe it's a good idea to wear a hat like that, then I'm fine with it. Like I said, I'm trying to believe it's a style like we have so many others that come and go. But our parents seriously would have thought we were retarded if we wore them like that. They might even have taken us to the hospital to get us checked out.
  22. Saguaro

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Well it official, I'm old. At 40 years old, I can't help but imagine how disappointed my dad would have been if he came around the corner and saw me in a flat brimmed hat with my ears tucked in. My younger years, he would have just knocked it off of my head. I'm trying to understand that it's just the culture or style now just as those silly Lincoln hats were back in the day. It's scary to think that it may become such an accepted style that Law Enforcement will soon start wearing them that way.
  23. Saguaro

    JAVELINA 37B ?

    This is the first year I didn't see any. I've been going there for 12 years, always see plenty, not this year. The Freeman was about the only place I didn't go, at least not from the Barkerville to the 79. Less quail out there too.
  24. Saguaro

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    I have a 2011 f250 diesel and a 2016 GMC 1500. I drove a 2003 f150 for 13 years. The 3/4 ton is not a hunting rig remember that. Nothing will out perform a 1/2 ton on 2 tracks, sand, and rock crawling. With the 3/4 ton, you will have wheel hop that straight up doesn't happen with half tons. You also won't turn as well as the half tons. They're just a rough riding vehicle out there. The solid axle is stronger, but how strong do you need to be? Are you driving the Ribicon or mostly highways? Unless you're towing 30 times during the year, keep a half ton. Let's be honest, we work most of the time and hunt only a small amount of time. The only thing positive about diesels is the buku power.
  25. Saguaro

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    I agree with PRDATR. It's kind of funny to listen to us Gen Xers talk about their kids like they're disadvantaged. There are other ways to hunt that don't require a big game permit.