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Everything posted by Saguaro

  1. What people need to think about is intent. Was it the intention to hack, or to make a funny. It’s pretty easy for me to believe it’s a joke and nothing more. No personal info was shared or leaked or even looked at probably. I know we have to add drama if it’s not there, but try to be smart and not emotional about it.
  2. Saguaro

    Please Block This Pill Peddling Clown!

    I know! It’s ridiculous, we have kids on this site.
  3. Hurt feelings? That’s happening a lot more now. I always thought Lark was a tough person.
  4. Where did he go? I haven’t seen a post from him in a while.
  5. Saguaro


    1998, I used a .270 win at about 50 yards. If I get drawn, I will use a .280 AI and will take the shot up to 400 yards. I will try hard to make it a closer shot.
  6. Saguaro

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    Ok, you’re right. It’s in the wrong forum. Don’t let it bother you that much. It’s definitely a first world problem.
  7. Saguaro

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    The forum it’s in doesn’t really matter. Most social media has new content, that’s where the interesting things are. Sometimes in the new content, there will be discussions that have a lot of postings. This is what’s attractive to people, youth/kids especially. It’s no surprise they find things that are popular in discussions. They’re probably better at it than you give them credit for. I know if I need help with anything social media, I find a kid to help me out. But please keep talking about how the kids are defenseless without people like you cleaning places like this up ahead of them. It’s really funny when I see the kid defense.
  8. Saguaro

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    We’re coming up with new things to outrage over every day. Cut him some slack, tomorrow something else will bother him and he will have forgotten all about this.
  9. Saguaro

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    Stay away. Just think about today’s culture. We are in a culture of passing blame, everyone does it now. I would bet just about everyone here feel the same way. If something happened to one of our kids, we start to look at someone else being responsible and less about the kids decision making process. It applies to adults too. If you fell off of a ladder at work, it’s the employers fault, not yours. It’s always someone else’s fault. Stay away. Don’t be insensitive, but choose your words wisely if you choose to say anything to her.
  10. Saguaro

    Two men's rings

    Exactly! I’m not married, but I would never wear a ring if I was. It’s just a personal thing for me. No jewelry like watches, rings, necklaces etc. for me. likewise I couldn’t expect the lady to wear hers if I don’t.
  11. Saguaro

    Any ideas?

    In the late 80sand early 90s, we probably found 5 of the balloons like Edge has shown. One was plastic and the others had a styrofoam package with sensors and instruments inside. All were in Prairie Dog country in Navajo and Apache counties.
  12. Saguaro

    Lost or Stranded/FUBAR scenarios while hunting.

    About 18 years ago I was scouting for an upcoming Deer hunt. I was driving down a two track that was paralleling a fence. The road came up to another fence intersection and stopped. I got out to skirt the edge of this big Mesa to see if there was anything interesting like a road or tank or cliff rose. I expected to only take maybe 20 minutes so I left all of my gear and water at the truck. Didn’t even lock the doors. That’s how quick I expected the trip to take. About 10 minutes into it, I find a decent 4 point shed. That usually means the other side is nearby. I decided to look for it for a little while. Maybe an hour into looking for the other side, I decided to go back to the truck. I then started to see a lot of fresh sign and beds. I then decided to follow those and check them out. I started to spook deer here and there and decided to make it to the other end of the Mesa. I saw all kinds of good stuff that day and was feeling good. I knew I had to go back, so i headed back. The truck was about 2 miles away I figured. I started getting sick after a bit and had to stop about every 100 yards or so. I still had my mind together and really thought I was going to cause real damage to myself like a stroke or heat exhaustion. I made myself focus on playing it safe and stopping to rest periodically. I finally made it to the truck and all of my water was real hot which may have been a good thing because I would have drink it real fast and it was so hot I had to drink it very slowly. On the way out, I came up to a vehicle heading the opposite way and we got to talking. He offered me a beer and it was the best one I ever had. We talked for another 20 minutes and he gave me another one. It was the second best beer I ever had.
  13. Saguaro

    Popcorn thread continues on MonsterMuleys>com

    Probably right. He couldn’t control himself. I still think it would be interesting to see him defending his decision making process.
  14. Saguaro

    Popcorn thread continues on MonsterMuleys>com

    Maybe he can explain himself. I’m sure he follows these posts. I would like to know why he did it.
  15. Saguaro

    horses in elk unit

    I drive the Bush Highway often and it’s usually early in the day. I see people parked on the side of the road filming or taking pictures of these Horses. Sometimes they’re only 20’ away. You can tell they’re thrilled to be there. I laugh to myself almost every time because the wild animals I know won’t let you get 20’ away talking and making all kinds of movement and the passing vehicles spook the animals I consider wild. I try to figure out what can make a person so stupid as to consider these wild animals and the only thing I can come up with is that these people are city people and can’t think like we do. To them, they’re called wild horses on the tv, well damit, they’re wild.
  16. Saguaro

    Hungry Mountain Lions

    It’s junk science. I don’t believe they studied a lion that killed and fed on a human and followed it to find out if it prefers humans after that. Besides, when a killer dumps a body in the desert or wherever, the animals feed on it until the bones are discovered. They would have to kill every predator to make sure they got the one(s) that fed on it.
  17. Saguaro

    Carrying Rifle w/Chambered Round?

    I heard the same type of story and it involved a guy that had one stowed in a pack. It was a 300 RUM and did all kinds of damage to him. To me, it’s a bad idea to have one chambered in a pack or otherwise stowed. Stowed is not the same as carrying, all kinds of mistakes or accidents could happen.
  18. Saguaro

    Carrying Rifle w/Chambered Round?

    Some people will say there are no accidents with guns. If something happened, it’s because they did something they shouldn’t have, it was caused by negligence. The same argument is there when defending guns as tools or instruments to the anti crowd that guns won’t kill people unless there is something willful or negligent. Doesn’t minimize the incident, people are only human and make mistakes.
  19. Saguaro

    Carrying Rifle w/Chambered Round?

    Chambered for me. Good topic. There is no wrong answer. My explanation is that I’ve done it since I was a kid and if you follow the rule that every gun is loaded, you will treat it as such and have good muzzle discipline. I’ve had old timers tell me I’m safe to hunt next to. It’s not hard for me to mentally stamp my brain that my weapon is hot. It boils down to confidence. Where I lack confidence with chambered guns is in striker fire pistols without safety’s like Glocks. I can’t get my brain to agree with that. Now a double action/single action, my brain thinks that’s fine.
  20. Saguaro

    Favorite Christmas Gift Growing Up.....

    Nothing remarkable for Christmas that I can remember. I would usually get clothes and toys that I forgot about when I got bored with them. My dad would surprise me with a gun or a knife on regular calendar days and to me that made them more meaningful. They weren’t for any special occasion. I have plenty of those stories. a cool Christmas we had was when I was about 5 years old and started hearing that Santa Claus was really your parents. We would usually go to Farmington, NM to see my moms parents for Christmas and one time we left a few days before and me and my sisters remember leaving the house and nothing was under the tree. When we got back and walked inside, Santa had been there. We were shocked. Mom and Dad were with us the whole time and all of our friends were gone, so it had to be Santa. Who else could have done it? We definitely had that Christmas joy. Years later, my mom told us that she and Dad got everything ready in their room and when we all loaded up in the car, my dad told her to run inside and get something he had forgot and it was during that 2 minutes she spread everything out.
  21. Saguaro

    Diesel Rebuild Shops

    I don’t think it’s too dumb. I love seeing the older vehicles still running. You will need to be very careful going forward. Any problems after this will nickel and dime you to death. It’s likely it won’t be the power train, but you will probably start noticing door hinges wearing out, steering and suspension issues, miscellaneous interior annoyances and just overall slop in the fit and finish of everything. Take notice of older vehicles door/hood/tailgate gaps. It’s almost like a restoration would be the best thing.
  22. Saguaro

    Left Hand 22LR?

    Did you find anything for him?
  23. Saguaro

    Strange things found while out hunting.....

    Probably a piece of a jet engine turbine blade.
  24. That’s quite the machine. I can totally see how it would lend confidence in a crossing. Heavy, All wheel drive, snorkel, with tractor type tires. Plus I bet they crossed many times in it before. I remember seeing it up there before so I know it gets driven enough to understand capabilities. Hindsight tells us it’s a bad idea, that crossing probably changed it’s output to greater flow every minute and the group got caught up in the fun. I don’t hold it against the parents or anybody.