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Everything posted by Saguaro

  1. Saguaro

    Hunting Access From Highways

    I’ve never had a problem. I guess I’ve been lucky. When I park on the side of a highway or freeway, I park way off of it. I think the DPS could take a look at it and instantly recognize it as a purposeful and not pick up on any risk or danger. I’ve seen more Game and Fish at or near my parked vehicle in the field than any DPS or county on my parked in the ROW vehicle. It could also be that I’m known in the regions I park.
  2. Saguaro

    Blocking traffic? LMAO!

    I love it. Protest all you want, just don’t hold me or anybody else up. Also, there’s the fundamental lesson that’s ignored, and that is don’t play on the streets or freeways because you could get hurt. My parents made sure I learned that one.
  3. Saguaro

    FNG from ND

    You’ll like Arizona. There are a LOT of people from Minnesota and North Dakota here. I know of at least 20 I can think of right now.
  4. Saguaro

    Getting into Reloading

    Nosler, Speer, Hornady and Sierra are the ones I use. I don’t have a favorite but it seems like Hornady keeps getting better. The first few chapters of Speer are good reading. It shows you with illustrations the cause and effects of doing it wrong. It will show you a lot, like cases with too much lube and pressure signs. It will talk about seating depth and brass prep and everything in between.
  5. Saguaro

    Rifle recommendations

    I understand both ways of thinking. I consider myself a true gun guy. It’s all I think about some days. I know it’s easier to accept dings and scratches on a composite stock than a show piece Walnut job. There is also that part of me that sees a nice wood stock with the proper checkering, lop, possibility a unique fore end, sling swivels and metal finishing and can’t help but to respect and want to use it. I don’t think wood or walnut is more or less accurate for me when I’m hunting because I killed all of my big game in 400 yards or less. It’s usually around 50-150 yards. I’m not interested in those 750 yard shots at game like a lot of people are. I have a target rifle I do those things with.
  6. Saguaro

    Getting into Reloading

    That press will be great. I think progressives are better for pistols. The only things I recommend is look into brass prep tools and reloading manuals and good scales. I know most info is online, but there is a lot to be gained by reading the manuals.
  7. Saguaro

    Rifle recommendations

    I forgot three more- Steyr SM 12, Anschutz 1782 and Sako.
  8. Saguaro

    Rifle recommendations

    Cooper would be my next rifle with the specs you mentioned. I would get it in .270 or .280. I bought two so far but one is a Varminter and the other a rim fire. They are really good shooters and the fit and finish is something you want to stare at for hours. Weatherby Mark V would be another.
  9. Saguaro

    Criminal Bear

    I can’t believe someone would pay $5000 dollars to find out who did it. What crime did they commit? Is putting a sticker on a collar on a bear that’s on your property harassing an animal? Don’t you want to harass a bear that’s comfortable on your property? If it was me, I would turn myself in and take their money. What’s wrong with companies today? Pick a better thing to post a reward. This is purely political.
  10. Saguaro

    Protection of green cedars? FS

    Thinning is one thing. Push downs or munching them up is another. I worked for the FS and City of Flagstaff as a seasonal fire fighter. We would thin a lot of acres when I was with the City. When I started in 1999, It was the first program of its kind and it was called the Fuel Management Crew and it was part of the City Fire Department. There were about 10-12 men and women, I can’t remember the exact number. We would load up with about 6 chain saws and switch off with each other cutting and piling all day long. That was over 20 years ago and I sometimes go back to those areas we thinned and they are the best looking forest around. We took a lot of pride in it. When we cut up a Dog Hair Thickett, we would cut the stumps almost flush with the ground, pile up all the limbs in the nicest pile so they would burn down to nothing. After the control burn the next year, the place looked amazing. I have problems with munching up 300 acres of Junipers indiscriminately. I can tell stories about areas near Winslow, Heber and Holbrook where I would go to find sheds in the past and since they munched it up, no sheds to be found. Not many tracks either. No doubt it does great for cattle, but I think game isn’t as impressed.
  11. Saguaro

    What State

    I think about this a lot. I will have to be somewhere that has the outdoor features I like. Some of those things sound stupid to some, but mean everything to me. A few of those are Sandstone, Badlands, Piñon and Juniper, cliff rose, Cacti, sagebrush and Prairie dogs. Those are just a few. You can sum up those as High Desert places I guess. But I always liked Springerville, AZ because it’s right near the Forest if I decide to do that. I made up my mind I will need to be in the Southwest states to enjoy myself. At least the four corners states. Wyoming would be awesome except for the brutal cold.
  12. Saguaro


    They’re good for Varmint hunting. We have the 25-06 and 257 Roberts. There is a Gunsmith I know that likes the 250 3000 AI and he seems to do really well with them. I’m talking one hole, 5 shot groups at 100 yards. The 257 Roberts was the rifle I had all of my firsts with. First Coyote, first running Coyote, first long range shots on whatever. It was my dad’s Remington 722, which I still have. It still performs. We would always talk about that rifle as one that will never disappoint you. It’s one that will hit what’s in front of it every time.
  13. Ask about ordering an 870. In left hand, you’re going be around $400. That’s about as cheap as you’ll find a shotgun anywhere.
  14. Saguaro

    Free rooster chandler

    Rhode Island Red
  15. Saguaro

    PSA of the day. Highways are for cars...

    It’s hard to feel sorry for them. As soon as I learned how to walk, my parents always made sure to teach me to not screw around in the street. The lesson is that I could get hit by cars and that would be bad.
  16. Saguaro

    Still some good people out there!

    That’s how it should play out. The person returned it without even leaving their name. Too often people moral and virtue signal so that people hear how great they are. I see it a lot where they make sure others know they donated money to a group or protested on behalf of another or volunteered here or there or returned someone else’s property. I think the ones that keep their mouths shut and do those things are the best.
  17. Saguaro

    0:00 / 2:37 Star Spangled STEEL

    It would be nice if they could do it all the way through. It’s too difficult to do it without any mistakes. I’m sure that’s why they threw in the theatrics after the first few dings. Cool idea though.
  18. Saguaro

    Free rooster

    How big? Is it a big cock?
  19. Saguaro

    Free rooster

    Is it a black cock or white cock?
  20. Saguaro

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    Snakes and Sparklers are the only ones I like.
  21. You sure do have nice rifles. That 40x and this one with everything that comes with it are priced right too. I wish you luck. I’m a lefty or would definitely buy both of them.
  22. Saguaro

    Elk and cattle.

    All I can speak for is what I’ve seen. I had an elk tag four years ago and watched two herds in an area without cattle. I was feeling so good about opening day. The week before opening day, the rancher opened that pasture and put 100+ cattle. On opening day, I only saw one cow elk passing through. She was obviously not comfortable there and on a mission to go somewhere else judging her behavior. When I see pictures of elk and cattle together, I believe they are elk passing through and won’t willfully spend lots of time there. As far as the herd I was seeing, who knows where they went.
  23. Saguaro

    Happy Father's Day

    True. I lost my dad in 2011 to Glioblastoma. I was in my 30’s and busy in life and I’m not the best person to have around when there’s something terminal. I don’t handle it well. I miss him every day.
  24. Saguaro

    Mask Requirements

    With the restaurants open, it’s going to be hard to eat and wear a mask. I guess people could get those masks with zippers over the mouth and zip/unzip between bites.
  25. Saguaro

    SOLD Remington 700 BDL 30-06 PRICE DROP $475 SOLD

    It was THE gun when I was young. Back then, it was the caliber to get or .270 or .308 or .243. Now most won’t go near a rifle unless it’s something sexy, ending in PRC or Nosler or WSM. I have a feeling it will go back to being very popular some day.