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Everything posted by AGRL2013

  1. AGRL2013

    Fundraising Gun Raffle Banquet

    Last reminder. The banquet is tomorrow night. You do not have to be present to win. You can just buy raffle tickets if you'd like. Thanks.
  2. AGRL2013

    Fundraising Gun Raffle Banquet

    We are putting on a Gun Raffle Banquet for my FOP (Fraternal order of police) lodge at the end of the month. This is the Arizona Game Ranger Lodge, and we use the money for different charitable events (like the Red Mountain fishing day we put on in Mesa each year that 100-150 challenged kids come fish at). This banquet will not have any live auctions, instead all guns will be raffled off. There should be close to 50 guns depending on ticket sales. Most of the guns will be $500 guns (our cost), and will therefore be mainly rifles and shotguns. However, there will be quite a few handguns as well. You do NOT have to be present to win. If there are any questions about how it works, please call David or Bryan (our numbers are on the bottom of one of the flyers). To purchase tickets, please call John Toner. Thank you. GB Flyer 2013.pdf GB explanation.pdf GB Order Form 2013.pdf
  3. AGRL2013

    Fundraising Gun Raffle Banquet

    Just a reminder, the banquet is coming up this weekend. If you haven't called and got a ticket yet, now is the time. There a still some seats available. If you'd like to order tickets, please call John Toner at 623-512-5044. Thank you.
  4. AGRL2013

    Fundraising Gun Raffle Banquet

    David 480-528-7568 Bryan 520-591-4721 Thank you.