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Everything posted by campmeat

  1. campmeat

    Son’s youth hunt

    That’s the good stuff right there! Congratulations to you both!
  2. campmeat

    Filled my tag

    Congratulations man.
  3. campmeat

    NonVoter Shame

  4. campmeat

    NonVoter Shame

    It’s so pathetic
  5. campmeat

    NonVoter Shame

  6. campmeat

    NonVoter Shame

    My kind of people
  7. campmeat

    NonVoter Shame

    Dems right now!!!
  8. campmeat

    NonVoter Shame

  9. campmeat

    Whats my score

    That’s a really cool buck, with a lot of mass.
  10. campmeat

    2024 buck

    Sweet buck man! Congratulations!
  11. As I patiently wait for my December rifle hunt to be here , I figured we’d have a little fun guessing the score of my last rifle buck I was blessed to have taken . I’m getting him officially scored in a few days to see if he can be entered into Boone and Crockett , then will be sending him off to Clay to have shoulder mount done. I know a bunch of you guys are pretty good at guessing score on these little majestic creatures from god off of photos So let’s see who’s the closest to the exact measurement. To help you with a guess , his inside spread is 16 inches !!
  12. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    Every time , opening morning!!
  13. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    I like the nets are for fish quote ! 👌🏼
  14. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    Thank you brother. To be honest I don’t like perfect. But won’t pass on one lol.
  15. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    Thank you man. I thought it would be fun to do this on here. I appreciate all you guys knowledge on measuring and participating in my post.
  16. campmeat

    2024 buck

    Nice buck man! Congratulations!
  17. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    Sorry to keep you all waiting so long on this. I got my buck late last week and been busy with the family and work stuff. Okay so I learned so much about measuring a buck . First off I learned about inside spread and you don’t measure the widest point of the inside of the antler(greatest spread), you measure the width of the widest point of the main beam(inside spread of main beam )my bad for miss leading you guys on that . I also learned that the Boone and Crockett measure for a perfect symmetrical animal, as some of you had stated. I lost almost 10 inches on his net score because of the extra tine on the one side and unsymmetrical tine length. I love my buck and this doesn’t change my feelings about how amazing he is. I did learn a lot on measuring though . He netted 95 6/8 and grossed 105 2/8.
  18. campmeat

    2024 coues

    The guy scoring him said give him a couple days . I dropped him off with him on Thursday , so I’ll probably give him a call today and see where he is on him. Hopefully I can get back to you all on a official score tonight.
  19. campmeat

    2024 coues

    Congratulations man. This kinda of stuff is getting me fired up for my hunt.
  20. campmeat

    Long 7 years for my youngest

    That’s good stuff right there!! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing with us all.
  21. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    Thank you man.
  22. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    Well Richard wasn’t able to do it tonight. Said he’d get to it in the next few days . That guy has some amazing mounts in his house.
  23. campmeat

    Guess The Score !!

    I just love these little deer so much ! By far the most majestic and beautiful in the deer species in my opinion.