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Everything posted by campmeat

  1. campmeat

    Gun safe found - SE Tucson

    The things tweekers will do when they think there’s drugs inside something .
  2. campmeat

    Gun safe found - SE Tucson

    Is it really a " safe " if a tweaker can pick it up and carry it out with its tweaker buddies...?
  3. campmeat

    National Egg shortage

    This isnt a conspiracy my friend ! My boss has chickens and said that his hens quit laying when he started giving his chickens feed from tractor supply . he switch and is finely getting eggs again. The more that life goes on and the older I get I realize that the so called people " wearing tin foil hats " are right about most things, and the everyone else is just burring their heads in the sad .
  4. campmeat


    message inbound
  5. campmeat

    Kudu Broadheads

    Ill take them if Love2huntCoues doesnt!
  6. campmeat

    Kudu Broadheads

    Great single beveled broadheads !
  7. campmeat

    Alec Baldwin charged!!!

  8. campmeat

    Kifaru Hoodlum vs 44 Mag

    with the strap systems kifaru has Im sure most of their packs can be compressed down .
  9. campmeat

    Ex NFL Player Takes an Archery Mt Lion.

    Thats a big lion!
  10. campmeat

    Thanks AZ...

    Good work out there ! Congrats on a nice buck and Javelina .
  11. campmeat

    Kifaru Hoodlum vs 44 Mag

    Another for the Stryker XL. With the Sherman pocket works great for day trips . like HuntHarder said you can always add the the dry sack or camp bag for extra equipment .
  12. campmeat

    Alec Baldwin charged!!!

  13. campmeat

    Alec Baldwin charged!!!

    The hypocrisy of these leftist movie stars is mind blowing . Most of them use their platforms to push stronger gun control yet make millions making movies using guns , and have zero gun safety . He gets what he deserves ! I just hope his charges stick .
  14. That's a great buck, well deserved for the motivation and persistence ! congratulations
  15. campmeat

    Father & Son opening day success

    Nothing more rewarding that being successful with your offspring right next to you. Great deer as well.
  16. campmeat

    Call your double and raise you one.

    Great work!
  17. campmeat

    Giant Tom Hits the Dirt!

    Thats a beautiful lion ! congrats ! Thanks for helping the deer population.
  18. campmeat

    Anybody have a Cabela's safe stolen?

    Thats not suspicious at all ! Why aren't they saying whats in it...? Criminals are so dumb!
  19. campmeat

    11 pointers….

    That second 11 pointer has a real good spread! Thats a real trophy buck for any road hunter!
  20. campmeat

    Pair of nice bucks for my boys.

    Very nice looking bucks. A proud dad moment for sure! Great job dad raising them outdoors.
  21. campmeat

    Wife’s First mule Deer

    That’s a beautiful buck! Congratulations!
  22. campmeat

    Late Bull Hunt Success!

    That’s a great finish to a well earned bull. Loved the write up . Congratulations!
  23. campmeat

    34A Muzzy hunt

    thats a stud ! congrats!
  24. campmeat

    Unit 23 late rifle bull

    Thats a nice opening day bull ! Congrats!