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Everything posted by wyguy

  1. Pretty sad when I can pick out Garrett Cole and I out of every hunting stereotype.... "the blind napper?"
  2. wyguy

    Isn't it hunting season???

    If Obama wasn't president ISIS would be WASWAS....
  3. wyguy

    What's this world coming to?

    This pisses me off more than anything.
  4. wyguy

    Ben Carson 2016

    Isn't it a shame, the candidate that's playing the cleanest is the one being smeared the most? Stay strong Carson 2016! We need a real president!
  5. wyguy

    First one for my boy

    Only way to raise them right ... never forget the many hunting trips with my father and brothers... can't wait to get married and start the tradition over again with my kids! Great picture!
  6. wyguy

    Too good not to share :)

    I laughed a little too hard at these
  7. Liberals are 100% for free speech.... until they don't agree with it ....
  8. Wait but that is a violation of their right of free speech. *rolls eyes*
  9. wyguy

    Gun Control Stupidity

    Saw this on Facebook and had to share
  10. When will we get it thru Liberals heads....
  11. wyguy

    Tribute to my Boys

    Wouldn't have been possible without you Dad.
  12. wyguy

    this x-ray has me worried

    Would be a crappy xray.................
  13. wyguy

    Trail Cam pic of the day

    Flagstaff, AZ. too bad not drawn....
  14. wyguy

    Trail Cam pic of the day

    Can't wait for bugling with that boy
  15. wyguy

    subway jared

    I'm officially dying laughing... too many comedians here
  16. wyguy

    Trail Cam pic of the day

    How bout this ugly rack? One in middle.... got this on my cam in Flagstaff, AZ
  17. wyguy

    United we.... Stand?

    I think Liberals, Illegals and Terrorists are the same thing though?
  18. wyguy

    Rattle Snake ID

    Theres a species of snake called the Dumbass?
  19. wyguy

    Better off dead

    Nope.. Nope.. Nope;.. Nope ... Nope.. Im catching the nope train all the way to "screw that"-ville...
  20. wyguy

    Politically Correct?

    I guess if the Confederate Flag comes down because of its offensive "slavery" nature these have to too...
  21. wyguy

    Rattle Snake ID

    OHHH NOOO...The race card again??? Dammit guys why you gotta play the race card?! Guess we get to start rioting XD But in all honesty I think Mojave or Prairie Rattlesnake... Didnt think AZ had a huge population of Prairie... Thought it was mainly Mojave, Diamondback (And I dont mean baseball) and mountain rattlesnakes...
  22. wyguy

    Better off dead

    Thank you... Now i will be waking up screaming in the middle of the night due to snakes in my dreams... I hate snakes... Almost worse than I hate Obama... Really funny though I took a Vertebrate Zoology class (as part of my Forestry major) and I did the best in the unit about snakes... the only animals I can say I hate)
  23. wyguy

    state farm commercial

    Wrong thread.... Thats the NAACP president XD