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Everything posted by lovinthehunt

  1. lovinthehunt

    Unit 23N Cow Elk Hunt

    Very cool!
  2. lovinthehunt

    First rifle kill

  3. lovinthehunt

    24A bound

    What a great tag to have ! Lots of bucks not saying the back side of pinals is a bad spot its a great spot lots of country to glass also lots of people ! The whole unit holds whitetail
  4. lovinthehunt

    Unit 33 Mule Deer

    Stay in low desert you should find mule deer
  5. lovinthehunt

    243 wssm ammo

    Would like to buy your ammo.
  6. lovinthehunt

    Trophy Cow down

    Good eatin!!!!
  7. lovinthehunt

    My solo archery hunt

    Doing real good Chris! Still remember that bear you shot in 23s at 719 yards knew you were the real deal then! Keep up the good work my hunt.starts the 27th hopefully the good lord blesses me with a.bull down !!
  8. lovinthehunt

    4A Jr. elk advice

    You cant hunt to close to lake its closed area to hunting so be careful
  9. lovinthehunt

    4A Jr. elk advice

    You cant hunt to close to lake its closed area to hunting so be careful
  10. lovinthehunt

    lions without a dog...can it be done?

    I agree with getting into good lion country find the sign narrow down where the cat is glass all area and.if youre lucky you might catch the cat moving ive glassed up only two but have caught more with hounds good luck
  11. lovinthehunt

    How heavy do you think...

    200 or alittle more
  12. lovinthehunt

    GOOD LUCK to all should be a great rut

    Bulls are starting to open up in most units yes but will only get better as the weeks start passing
  13. lovinthehunt

    24a question

    Saw a 115 buck in 24a late this evening driving home off main highway I was traveling! All coues counrty in 24a is prime just get out in glass !
  14. lovinthehunt

    Tommy Hogg and Summit Stand

    If stand is still available . I would like to buy it pm me thanks
  15. lovinthehunt

    A few Elk calls

    Must be rich rich little creek was intrested in youre calls but never got response .....
  16. lovinthehunt

    A few Elk calls

    Are calls still available if so post contact info please
  17. lovinthehunt

    5A Late Nov. Hunt

    Hunt canyons if possible cover ground thats how I found em !!
  18. lovinthehunt

    Ghost of a Lion?

    Dont see it ...: )
  19. lovinthehunt

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    Great find ive only seen a few in my life !!
  20. lovinthehunt

    Unit 22 Muley tag

  21. lovinthehunt

    11m archery bull sept27\oct10

    Not suprised at all with it being a metro unit haha well thats the game plan just to find secluded areas that are holding elk n wack the first nice bull that i can get a arrow in! Thanks again for input
  22. lovinthehunt

    11m archery bull sept27\oct10

    Have this bull tag this year. Have hunted most units around 11m . Ive been scouting a few places the past month going up scouting with a buddy in 6a also . I guess im getting at what are youre thoughts on this bull hunt ? Im just very happy to get to chase elk this.year either way !
  23. lovinthehunt

    11m archery bull sept27\oct10

    Keep input coming thanks.
  24. lovinthehunt

    11m archery bull sept27\oct10

    Nice bull was looking at some of that country on.maps good looking stuff thanks for sharing got me pumped !! Haha