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Everything posted by Vossy

  1. Vossy

    Still hope cc issues

    That's with one person calling.. I'm sure they've got more than one person, hanging around there, with a heartbeat who can make phone calls, and write down a CC#..
  2. Vossy

    Card Hit

    Any hope left? Any cards still getting hit?
  3. Vossy

    Card Hit

    I think the process is going to take a while..... I have three in my party that very highly likely should be drawing cow tags... haven't had those hit yet. This is how I feel about our group. 3 guys, 2 BP's. First choice was the late cow tag, in 23 (3057) .. I was figuring we were pretty good odds with that, and we tossed 3027 The bull hunt for that same season as a second choice, just cuz... Well, I'll continue to refresh the CC page.. and if not , Oh well, there's always the res lottery around the corner...
  4. Vossy

    Card Hit

    Heavy depression is starting to set in over here, as I keep refreshing my cc screen and getting blanked. C'mon baby...
  5. Vossy

    Card Hit

    For those that are getting hit, does already go an in clear out your bonus points or does that come later?
  6. Vossy


    Bedevere: What also floats in water? Peasant 1: Bread. Peasant 2: Apples. Peasant 3: Very small rocks. Peasant 1: Cider. Peasant 2: Grape gravy. Peasant 1: Cherries. Peasant 2: Mum Peasant 3: Churches, churches. Peasant 2: Lead, lead. Arthur: A duck. It's a good ol' fashion' witch hunt.. Yeehaw.. Git 'im Cletus!!!
  7. Vossy


  8. Vossy

    So here we go again waiting

    All this talk about credit cards being hit, made me go back and look at my Feb statement and realized they hit me 3x on 2/11 for the total application and license fees for our group entry. I saw the charges and thought Wow! we did get hit already.. Then looked a little closer at the date and totals, and realized something didn't add up.. I just called them and they are refunding me for two of the three charges. So this thread accomplished something, other than making us all anxious.... Put a few hundred dollars back in my pocket.. Well, that, and taught me I should look at the charges a little closer before paying the cc bill...
  9. Vossy

    So here we go again waiting

    They did turn off the credit card update.. You can't select a big game animal in the drop down and continue the process.. So that's a good sign...
  10. Vossy

    When do we find out?

    Don't they normally send an e-mail reminding everyone to update/make sure payment information is accurate, before any cards are hit? I haven't seen anything hit my e-mail inbox yet, reminding to confirm payment information. Edit: I just looked up e-mail from last year, they sent out the reminder on 3/7/14, which was the first Friday in March. I'm surprised we haven't seen an email yet, probably sometime this week. Which means I would imagine we would see cards getting hit a little bit later, than normal, since the payment reminder e-mail has been delayed for whatever reason...
  11. Vossy

    WMAT Elk Hunts

    Results are posted for these non-member hunts: http://outdoor8.wix.com/new-hunting-page Links are on the right side of the page.