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Everything posted by Vossy
confirmed. I just called them... They were able to tell me if I was selected, when I gave them my department ID. I was not.
I think, there are no results posted.. They just mail you a tag if you were one of the lucky 126, or they just mail you back your unopened envelope, if you were not drawn from the pile of Mail they start opening on Monday morning.. They say 10-15 days, is the standard, to have it returned.. Does anyone know if it normally takes that long for them to send the tags for the left over list?
As an aside.. I think I figured out their application numbering schema.. By my estimation, the 'IN' that is coming before some of the application numbers, stands for Individual.. When you applied alone.. If you have an application number that doesn't have 'IN' out front it's when you were part of a group application. It alligns perfectly for me for all of my applications group/individual across all species... Might help some of you do some 'cipherin' on what you're looking at your personal applications/tags page.
Me too.. The elk entry that I thought was my not drawn this time, that was the controversy in that other results are available thread is gone from my personal profile, too..
I also tried to correlate that application number to any receipt sent to me... I even geeked out and dug into the cookies on my browser to see if it stored an app ID. But I can't find any distinct correlation. But I'm fairly sure there are a lot (not all) results posted for not drawns on that personal page. Thanks the for actually reading and comprehending, flatlander. Must be down here in the valley, there's a little more Oxygen for brain matter.. I'm kidding of course on the oxygen, before another war breaks out.
Of course it's possible that it's incorrect.. that's why it's called a hypothesis...... Not that any of this mattters at this point... But, I would ask you this: Are you showing more or less bonus points than you think you should have, if this draw result was 'not drawn' (2014 BPs +1)... In other words on Feb 1, how many bonus points did you have? I'm showing the same now as I had Feb 1st. What I mean is, I don't think the BP's have been added yet. HOWEVER, I do believe (for me anyway), it's showing the 'not drawn' result for the draw lottery that has just occured, but not yet showing the BP's.. Which is why I show three Elk 'not drawns' but only two BPs.. and have never been drawn for elk in AZ... The good news is we won't have to guess for long.. Because we'll know soon, if I get an additional 4th Elk: 'not drawn' posted to my tags page, I was wrong. If it stays the same, and just adds a 3rd BP, I was right...
Billy-Madison-May-God-Have-Mercy-On-Your-Soul-Meme.jpeg If you need me to walk you through it.. Give me a call. I'll help you understand, because what I've said is very clear for anyone with a brain to undstand.. PM'ed you my phone number...
I ran into the same thing.. So, I just used the saved page in my browser cache to update my department ID... and was able to get it update.. You can probably do the same, by clicking back a few times...
adding value.....?
Like I said.. My hypothesis is that this applies to people who have been officially 'not drawn', this year... we would need someone with no credit card hit, and a high confidence that their card was not declined to help confirm.. But I have only ever put in for 2 elk draws in AZ, ever, and this year would be my third... And I have three 'not drawns..'
Then, explain why I don't have 3 elk bonus points. With three elk not drawns. You're looking at the official draw results page.. not the personal profile page, that the original poster was talking about. You're wrong. I'm not implying all of the results are up.. but I believe/hypothesize that if you are 'not drawn' for this latest draw, you can find that out by creating an account and associating it with your department ID. Learn things. Read, the thread or at least the gist of it before you post... Here's the same view of my details on the public results page that you're referencing...: http://imgur.com/lUhRDUl Like yours it doesn't show my results for this latest draw.. But that's not what anyone here is talking about.. Again, reading the thread helps.. However, the personal profile page in the *NEW* website does.. http://imgur.com/uBFgwrC
Never been drawn for elk in AZ.. count up my BPs and my not drawns... Jus' sayin'... http://imgur.com/uBFgwrC
Are you guys sure? I think it does show the results of the latest draw, well, I geuss if you're not drawn... For me anyway, it shows the most recent result as ELK - Not Drawn.. and when I count up the 'not drawns' for elk it adds up to one more bonus point than I have.. So, I think for not-drawn's this time it is showing the results.. I hope it's not right, and I still have hope, but that's looking pretty official, to me... http://imgur.com/uBFgwrC
And you do or do not have a charge, that has hit?
Well as promised I would update this thread with details on my refund for errant fees.... Well, I just got a call from the infamous 602 942 3000.. Unfortunately it wasn't the call I was hoping for 'we lost your card and need your number for tag fees'. It was about the overcharge for fees related to the draw and licenses, and processing the reversal.. As they were ending the call I asked about the state of the draw and if the charges were done for all successful draws, the person on the phone confirmed that all cards have been charged for the draw, for whatever that's worth...
Anyone have a CC hit that couldn't buy a license during the draw process?
Vossy posted a topic in Elk Hunting
Two of the three persons in our group application did not have a valid hunt license at the time of the draw deadline.. So, I was only able to buy 2 hunt licenses in the actual draw transaction.. I then immediately went and bought a license separate to the draw transaction with my department ID. It seemed to find my old license and allowed me to purchase a new license and everything looked ok. So, I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this during the draw process,and if so, have you seen a CC hit for your draw? I'm wondering if they have to do manual process to trace those to valid hunting permits, and that may be causing delay.... Just a thought, since we put in for a late cow tag (3057) with 3 BPs, and I was pretty confident we were going to get hit. -
Anyone have a CC hit that couldn't buy a license during the draw process?
Vossy replied to Vossy's topic in Elk Hunting
Just got a call from the infamous 602 942 3000.. Unfortunately it wasn't the call I was hoping for 'we lost your card and need your number for tag fees'. It was about the overcharge for fees related to the draw and licenses, and processing the reversal.. As they were ending the call I asked about the state of the draw and if the charges were done, the person on the phone confirmed that all cards have been charged for the draw, for whatever that's worth... -
Anyone have a CC hit that couldn't buy a license during the draw process?
Vossy replied to Vossy's topic in Elk Hunting
I have a subscription to hunters trailhead and plugged in your hunt. According to last years draw odds you made the bonus pass with your 3pts but only had a 47% chance of getting drawn in the bonus pass. You still should have had a good chance in the random draw as well, but there is a decent chance you may not have gotten drawn. Hope I'm wrong but it definitely wasn't a guaranteed tag. Thanks for the details.. I thought it was slightly higher chances than that, when I just casually looked at the 2014 numbers... but you're probably right.. I was probably just not drawn.. no conspiracy.. -
Anyone have a CC hit that couldn't buy a license during the draw process?
Vossy replied to Vossy's topic in Elk Hunting
Isn't it odd that that two weeks ago the above online statement also included " A valid license must have been purchased before the deadline date of the application period" This statement has now been removed and added towards the bottom of the same page as if it always existed. I guess it's the departments web page and they can amend it as they choose, but I have lost all faith in this years draw. I started filling out online apps 3 weeks before the deadline and it took 4 evenings to get 14 apps to go through. One would fly through without hiccup and the next would error out stating "invalid hunter I.D. number". These apps were for members of my family, all of who have been applying for hunts for numerous years. After several attempts of entering the same app the website would hose up. The next night same problem, couple apps. would go through and then errors. My son in law and grandson's apps had the "last years license" issue. When I tried to purchase new licenses I would get a pop up window stating "valid license already on file" . Finally was able to purchase 2015 licenses after the app deadline, so I think they will be rejected per the above statement. This isn't my first go round with online apps. We apply for everything and I am very computer competent with a high speed connected MAC. I have never been a AZGFD basher, but I think this draw was a complete fiasco to which the general public will never be made aware. I feel like I bought 14 raffle tickets for a prize that never existed. Well 13, we did get charged for 1 bull tag. Agreed... Congrats on the tag.. Now to see if I can get through to 'Debbie Rittenback' who I keep getting routed to by a Customer Service rep, who apparently never answers her phone, and is purported to be the 'only one in the department' who can charge or reverse the charges on credit cards... Regarding the triplicate license and app fee charges that were posted to my CC on the day of the application deadline... Ahhh, azgfd.. gotta love e'm... -
Hey! I just called AZGFD, they said they have 19,000 credit cards to still manually enter... So, there's still hope!!! Ha, just kidding.. I'm trying to make the best of my own pity party, too..
As I said in a previous thread.. I had to call them, and leave a message and talk to someone about a wrong charge on my cc for the original draw fees.. I have a feeling, I won't see those incorrect charges corrected until all of the draw fees are completed, personally. I will post here when they correct my over charges whether I get drawn or not, and that will probably be an indicator that they have processed all the call backs..
23 Bull or Cow? Late or Early?
Anyone have a CC hit that couldn't buy a license during the draw process?
Vossy replied to Vossy's topic in Elk Hunting
For what it's worth. I meant the two people who didn't have licenses already registered to their department ID had to have them purchased at the time of the draw ( in the same transcaction) It did not allow the purchase of a third license, at that time, because the third person, had a valid license that would expire in a few weeks. So I was only able to buy two (aforementioned) licenses during the actual draw transaction, and had to buy a third license in a separate transaction after the actual draw submission... Making all three hunters valid if drawn. Many have noted the verbiage on the draw page to this effect: Hunters applying online for the Spring 2015 Elk and Antelope seasons may encounter an issue when attempting to input their hunting license information, but there’s no need to worry. If you purchased a new license since the 2015 elk/antelope draw opened, your application form may auto-populate with your old license number, but it will be okay. Your new or renewed license number will be attached to your records and to your application, and your application will be accepted." My question was merely if anyone had a cc hit and also experienced this error condition for one or more of their parties in the group during the actual draw transaction. -
Anyone have a CC hit that couldn't buy a license during the draw process?
Vossy replied to Vossy's topic in Elk Hunting
Today? -
Some of that probably has to do with the volume of applications.. Arizona's population is something like 7 million.. I would geuss new mexico is south of 2 million people.. I don't really know, but just a guess.. They may have issues, but are not visible when your talking about order of magnitude lower total numbers..