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Everything posted by mmtx10

  1. Thanks Matt I'll post a picture if the gun when I'm done. It's all in pieces at the moment.
  2. I have a 20 moa base already so that should work out great.
  3. Great feedback. Thanks guys Guess in going with the Ziess.
  4. Ok thanks for y'all's opinions. The only thing that keeps me hung up on the bushnell is that I can get it for 60 percent off. So the $1200 elite would be $485. Kinda hard to pass that up if the scope is at all decent.
  5. I'm in Tucson and I will show you how to skin and flesh it. You need to research a little bit and decide what you want to first. If you want a long term wall hanger you are going to want to have it tanned. If you want something to hang in the garage for a while you can just stretch and dry it. If you have it tanned you need to decide what style you want. Do you want it tube skinned or rug skinned. Either way just let me know when you get one and we will get it taken care of
  6. mmtx10

    Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI

  7. I have to same setup in 22-250 and love that gun. Good deal on a great gun
  8. mmtx10

    Badlands superday max-1 camo

    Where are you located?
  9. I have the same gun. Great shooter! Good price
  10. mmtx10

    Varmint hunters question

    If you or anyone else for that matter is ever in Tucson you can bring them to me.
  11. mmtx10

    WTB bow in Tucson

    Looking for a bow for a friend here in Tucson or fairly close. He would rather have one that is ready to hunt if you have one. 28-30" draw 60-70 pounds thanks
  12. mmtx10

    Bad Day of Calling..only 1

    That's impressive numbers you put up every trip. I know guys that do it for a living and don't average near those numbers. You should start filming your hunts and sell a video or teach classes.
  13. mmtx10

    SOLD SOLD SOLD Vortex 10 X 42 Binos

    WTT = want to trade TTT = to the top So do you want to trade for something? If so, what?
  14. mmtx10

    Hunting Essentials

    dont forget the first aid kit and tape alot can be fixed/repaired with some redneck welding (duck tape)
  15. mmtx10

    Lock N Ride cargo box

    I bought this lock n ride cargo box last year for my '11 sportsman 850 but decided to go with a drop down metal rack in stead. Not a thing wrong with it, in great shape. $150 obo always up for a trade too
  16. mmtx10

    Lock N Ride cargo box

    Still available for now. 125$
  17. mmtx10

    wtt .22 ammo

    I'm interested. Pm me with what you are lookin to trade
  18. mmtx10

    Lock N Ride cargo box

    L-38" H-13" W-16" 36" center to center for the lock n ride bolts.
  19. mmtx10

    Lock N Ride cargo box

    Out of town this weekend. Be back and take some measurements on Tuesday.
  20. mmtx10

    Lock N Ride cargo box

    I tried looking it up but cant figure out if it will fit or not. I think it will but im not sure. Next time you get a chance measure the didstance between your two outer most wholes on the rear rack. (center to center) or we could meet up and see if it fits.
  21. mmtx10


    I will trade you both guns for a Jet Boil and a Promos trail cam!
  22. mmtx10


    nice shooting
  23. mmtx10


    been in that unit for a week now. seen a few but nothing to great. alot of people driving around and alot of shots being fired.