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About kingbeer

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  • Birthday 11/29/1983

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    surprise arizona

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  1. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    43F nothing that you said was helpful! it was condicending. people are on this site to find information and also help people if you can! there is nothing wrong with asking a question. and i am sure that when you first got out of diapers and starting your hunting you had alot of questions. and maybe you didnt put them on a website but i am sure that you talked with someone. i am also sure that the person that talked to you about it didnt say "hey lazy a@@ why dont you take your fat feet and start walking the hills and maybe if you just look you will find something!" so really just chill out on peoples posts, we are all just trying to find a coin in the units (starting point) and then we will go out and find the pot of gold! so sit back have a coke and smile and just chill!
  2. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    oh trust me once i get the golden moment big or small i will be putting pics all over here
  3. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    i will agree with you 100% on that one. but with having two young kids it is hard to get out as much as i want to. i will check out that thread. thank you
  4. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    ok sorry didnt mean for that to come across rude just take the advise that was given with each of the units and then toss a dart a coin or something to pick where i should go first! as far as unit 22 i was up near tonto village. i talked with a few of the locals and they were getting ready for the fire season and had alot of heavy equipment running two wks before i got there so i think that it ran everything out of there for a bit. but that is another place that i am looking to hit again and see if there is any luck up there
  5. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    yeah i have been reading this over and over again. i will have to just throw a dart to the map and just go with it! and like most have said just have to get the boots on the ground! so we shall see what happens. i dont really care if i bag an animal i just want to get out there find one and try the spot and stalk. i know that i will enjoy that alot
  6. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    i was able to get out for my bear tag only once cause my truck is dead! didnt have any luck calling for bear! the only luck that i had was when i was giving out the fawn distress calls (guilty of downloading them on my phone) and i pist off a bull elk and my father in law was able to see it but the only thing that i saw was a fat squirel! so now i know that unit 22 was not a producer of bear or at least near the water hole that i found.
  7. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    hey thank you all for everything that you have given to me. and by no means and i asked for "hey what spot do you have your luck in" i really just wanted to find out a few units that i might have some luck in. i have a friend that went to a few units and spent many hrs glassing and hiking and never saw anything. so just being that i am new to this i figured that i would seek some advise from some people that know what they are doing! and again might i say thank you to all that helped and to the one bag of the day (43F) may your day of hunting be filled with disapointment and your boots be filled with nails!
  8. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    my laziness?!?!?! really, just cause i am new to hunting totally and have never been out doing it. all that i am looking at is to find some help from fellow hunters that could point me in the right direction. and yes of course i would be able to see what is close to the valley. and if you read this correct it stated that i WOULD LIKE to stay as close as i can. not really knowing the system of how everything works or even where to go it is always best to ask for advise from people that have done this before! as i am sure that the first time your car broke down you didnt just open the hood and see what i can learn and hope that someone that knows something comes by! so rather then being a total bag to someone that is new to this, just read this and if you dont want to help out in anyway other then stating what you were like in the begining then just leave, say nothing! and what makes you think that i am constructing gillie suits?!? and for you to say and i QUOTE " more time doing online research and getting out in the units" what the heck do you thinkthat i am doing? i am doing online research. i didnt come knock on your door and ask you for advise! so get a life and let someone get the help that they are looking for
  9. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    by looking at this regs book it shows under the archery non-perm tag the following units the december time frame 10, 15, 17, 18, 19b, 20b, 20c, 21, 24a, 24b, 28, 30a, 30b, 31, 32, 33, 34b, 35a, 35b, 36a, 36b, 36c, 37b, 38m, 39/40a/40b, 41, 43a/43b/44a/44b now the question is what is a good area?
  10. kingbeer

    first time mule deer hunt

    hey all, looking to get an OTC archery tag for some mules. wanted to find out if anyone would be able to help me out by knowing what units are the best? i would like to stay somewhat close to the valley. i know that up on the strip is good (so i have heard) but dont want to travel that far as i was to be able to go more often. any and all help would be great! thanks
  11. kingbeer

    handgun javi!

    is the OTC deer rifle/handgun or archery only? or both
  12. kingbeer

    handgun javi!

    i hear you on that one. i am new to hunting and i feel that it will be good for me to go just to get out and give it a shot! also might be able to find me some rabbits! i really have to say that i hate the draw system here! just wish that it was a little easier to get drawn!
  13. kingbeer

    handgun javi!

    ArCHerY-onlY nonpermit tAG requireD JAvelinA Open Areas do not include areas within municipal parks, municipal preserves, county parks, county preserves, airports, golf courses, or posted water treatment facilities (except as specifically opened in this Commission Order) or areas closed to hunting under A.R.S. Sections 17-303 and 17-304 or Commission Rules R12-4-321, R12-4-801, R12-4-802 and R12-4-803. Season Dates notes open Areas legal Wildlife am i reading this wrong? right from the regs book!
  14. kingbeer

    handgun javi!

    well that would sum it up right there! looks like my hunting is going to be done for the yr! or i will just have to go all for rabbits!
  15. kingbeer

    handgun javi!

    ok so there are no OTC tags for javelina at all? i will have to go and re-read then regs cause i thought that they were OTC tags for the fall.