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Everything posted by 4xmike

  1. A buddy of mine is having trouble getting his rifle due to the Tards in government and I have a 308 to lend him. I wanted to get the specifics on the current magazine capacities. It is a L1A1 with ten round mags. If anybody can answer this or point me to the azgfd rule I would appreciate it. Mike
  2. 4xmike

    Time To Go

    So after months of discussion and struggles adding up, my wife and I have decided to look into moving out of state. We both have lived here all our lives,35 years, but it just doesn't feel like home anymore. I spent the last four years in school and successfully completed with a degree in mechanical engineering. We sacrificed everything and gave up much of our lives for me to do the school thing. I have been out of school for six months now and the crap just keeps piling up. We have set a goal to be out of Arizona in 6-8 months. We have looked around and decided we are going to head to Minnesota. We have some friends that recently moved back there. They are originally from there and have offered to help us out to make the move easier. I am looking forward to a change of scenery and new outdoor recreations. We know that there will be hard times in life where ever we are, but it just feels like we need a major change. It will be hard to leave, but we feel this will be good for us and our family. I will keep an eye on this forum to read the great stories of Arizona hunting. I also plan to come back once in a while to archery hunt with my friends here. Wish us luck. Mike
  3. 4xmike

    Magazine Capacity

    I know you know this... but for the benefit of our less knowledgeable readers- be careful lending a firearm to someone who may or may not be prohibited by the Tards in Government from posessing, transporting, or handling a firearm. That being said and done there are no magazine restrictions for hunting big game. The only magazine restrictions in AZ are for Federally regulated species- Migratory birds like doves and ducks. Yay FREEDOM!!! He is ok to own and carry, it is the hit and miss issue with the government shut down. his gun was ordered, but the retailer said they cant do the transfer paper work right now. I told him to try a place like sportsmans or bass pro shops, but he has already paid for it. He is not happy. I appreciate the response and comments of things to consider. Neither of us want to take the 308, but it makes for a back up if something happens to my 270.
  4. So last January a buddy and I were javi hunting in 21 and saw nothing but deer the whole time. We arrived in the unit for the hunt opening day and were in the field with our 6 year old kids with in an hour. We had a few hours of light left so we found an area we could stay high and glass from. While we were walking to our set up point when a very nice 8 point whitetail crossed in front of us about 50 yards out. The darn thing stopped and stood broad side for about 1 minute. We didn't have archery tags for deer thinking that with two 6 year olds we would never get a shot at a deer. The rest of the weekend and the following trips out all we saw were deer. We decided to put in for 21 as the first choice and drew Whitetail tags for end of October. I have can not get the hunt of my mind. We are going to take the first two days of the hunt alone then the wife will bring my son out to spend the rest of the hunt with us. He is completely excited and says he will be quite and help us glass. Being that he will be there I am practicing to be able to comfortably take up to a 500 yard shot. I remember hunting with my dad when I was young and those where the best times for our family. I am hoping to fill the tag, but I am happy to be able to do this with my kids.