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creek hunter

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Everything posted by creek hunter

  1. creek hunter

    Four youth/ladies bows

    I will take the Parker camo bow. I will send a pm.
  2. I have two partial boxes of 7mm Berger VLD Target bullets (Yellow Boxes) I would like to sell. These were used for load development I have remaining: 7MM 168g: 86 bullets remain out of 100 (asking $35) 7MM 180g: 44 bullets remain out of 100 (asking $15) Buy both for $45
  3. creek hunter

    Wtb 168g vld's 7mm

    I have a partial box (86 count) of 7mm 168g VLD target and a partial box (96 count) of 7mm 168 Classic Hunter I could part with. Let me know if you are interested.
  4. creek hunter

    Kidso's bear calling seminar was awesome!

    I was the lucky one to win the Savage .308 rifle. A big thanks to PVCI for not only giving me a nice bear gun but for also hosting an incredible seminar by Keith. Im ready now to try my luck at a bear. PVCI from my first visit is a bunch of good folks. Thanks!
  5. creek hunter

    Guns for sale

    Do you have pics of other guns?
  6. creek hunter

    Shooting with glasses

    There is a product that is basically a piece of opaque plastic with a small hole in the middle that you can stick on your glasses like a oil change sticker on your windshield. The peep hole allows you to once again focus. Sort of like a pin hole camera.
  7. creek hunter

    My sleeping bag sucks/// Which one to get

    Like already stated buy a good quality down bag rated for zero. Wear a knit cap for your head and you could also use a fleece blanket inside your bag if you need the extra warmth
  8. creek hunter

    Online Draw Problems

    Good luck. After two years of having my credit card number stolen just around the time G&F has you verify your credit cards, I now turn mine in by hand. Hope they have their system fixed now, but I wouldn't risk convenience for a tag. This first happened to me 3 years ago. I heard a couple others having same issue.
  9. creek hunter


    Nice gun, how much are you asking?
  10. creek hunter

    Want to buy new shotgun for wife

    Food for thought . . . My dad taught me years ago that a lighter round (less recoil) that could be shot with better precision was much more effective than heavy mag loads. I have shot many a duck and a a few geese with a 25 year old 870 loaded with 2 3/4" shells. The key was the accuracy. My son shoots an 20g 870 using 2 3/4 load of number 2 and has amazingly taken a number of ducks . . . Again the lighter recoil is the key . . . The 20g has also take him a turkey two years ago.
  11. creek hunter

    Freezer Help

    +1 on your freezer possibly getting opened too oftened. In the summer my kids open the freezer often for Popsicles which results in heavy frost in my 20 yr old upright freezer. I just make sure I defrost it a couple times a year, with one time being just before I leave for a hunt.