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creek hunter

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About creek hunter

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    Advanced Member

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  1. creek hunter

    WTB a Kayak to hunt Couse Deer in

    I have a two person sit on top - I'll PM you
  2. creek hunter

    Reloading Items - Bullets, Powder

    3 items remain - 1-lb unopened bottle of Hodgdon H4831SC - $50 - - - or trade for a bottle of Unique Hornady A-TIP Match Bullets - $70 6.5mm 135g New Box of 100 Berger VLD Hunting - $30 30 cal 168g Partial Box 70 bullets
  3. creek hunter

    Reloading Items - Bullets, Powder

    yes - available - they are yours let me know when you can stop by.
  4. creek hunter

    Reloading Items - Bullets, Powder

    Mesa near Red Mountain 202 and Gilbert road - IM me with your phone number and we can get together.
  5. creek hunter

    Swarovski ATS 65mm Spotting Scope

    SOLD - Thanks yorick1
  6. creek hunter

    Reloading Items - Bullets, Powder

    Hornady SST bullets sold
  7. creek hunter

    Swarovski ATS 65mm Spotting Scope

    Be ready for your elk or antelope hunt with this excellent glass at a fraction the cost of a new spotter.
  8. creek hunter

    Reloading Items - Bullets, Powder

    44 Bullets Sold - Thanks Nitemann
  9. creek hunter

    Swarovski ATS 65mm Spotting Scope

    Swarovski Spotting Scope - $1100 ATS 65mm 20-60 In New Condition - thanks to Swarovski Recently back from Swarovski Service Center: Internal Lens replaced New Eye Cup Internal Cleaning External Cleaning Looks and Functions like factory New. Includes Hard Case as well as a Custom lightweight padded Soft Case my wife made me.
  10. creek hunter

    Reloading Items - Bullets, Powder

    1-lb unopened bottle of Hodgdon H4831SC - $50 - - - or trade for a bottle of Unique Hornady A-TIP Match Bullets - $70 6.5mm 135g New Box of 100 Berger VLD Hunting - $30 30 cal 168g Partial Box 70 bullets
  11. creek hunter

    Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 Backpack

    sold pending funds
  12. creek hunter

    Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 Backpack

    Time to think about your upcoming rifle hunts - works great to carry your rifle securely
  13. creek hunter

    Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 Backpack

    Another look for new years eve
  14. creek hunter

    Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 Backpack

    Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 backpack in multi-cam $185 Gently used.