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Everything posted by AZGameHunter

  1. AZGameHunter

    Bluetooth GPS Review: Dual XGPS150

    rcdinaz, I just purchased this Bluetooth device. I would like to call you with how to set up this device to my iPhone. I am mainly wanting to use this device for looking/tracking myself while looking at satellite imagery. I am unclear how to save screen shots and use them out in the field. I used to have a Bushnell onix that allowed this feature but the program online no longer exists. I need assistance. Thanks
  2. Loved reading the story!!!! Congrats to you both!!! Way to go
  3. Very cool story. I am so motivated to hopefully have the same luck and memories of my own for my upcoming hunt!!! Thank you for sharing!
  4. Hunters, Unexpectedly, I finally got drawn for my first deer hunt here in Arizona. I will start off by stating I am a total newbie to deer hunting tactics and strategies for Arizona. I grew up in Michigan with a total different perspective of what deer hunting there is like. I have a couple of great resources (friends) here in AZ that I have been seeking advise from while listening and learning from there experience in hunting AZ whitetail. I ran into a really nice lady behind the optics counter at Cabelas who told me about this website. With the 6A hunt unit being as large as it is, I am looking for a general direction in where and when to start my pre-hunting scouting adventures. I am not looking for the honey holes or secret spots. I am ready and willing to do the foot work, but I just need to be pointed in a narrowed down direction. Thanks in advance for thoughts and suggestions.
  5. AZGameHunter

    Tags mailed yet?

    I was getting a little worried myself! Came home today and the Tag was in the mail!!! 8-)
  6. AZGameHunter

    6A December Rifle Tag

    Thanks joeinaz0. I will keep that in mind!
  7. AZGameHunter

    6A December Rifle Tag

    Thanks for the continued suggestions from everyone. I have been looking steadily at a lot of the hunt areas mentioned above on google maps as well as trying to locate a current 6A Forest service planning map. Where would be a good place to pick one of these maps up at? Are there better choices of maps that I should be looking for? I did purchase the current 1:24,000 Hunting GPS map for my Garmin. It does show a lot of map detail and several several watering holes. Thanks again fellas!
  8. AZGameHunter

    6A December Rifle Tag

    What a great website! Thanks for the rapid responses! I really appreciate the insight and help offered. 6A nut and SWDesertRat I will take you up on the more details to come with a PM. I will follow up with more tomorrow.