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Everything posted by Rackhunter

  1. Rackhunter

    Cold Weather Base Layer

    I like the under armour base layer.I thank they give you a 1.0-5.0 so you got some options based on how cold and how much moving around your gonna do
  2. Rackhunter

    Biting the bullet

    Swaro are hard to beat,but for the price I've been impressed with the vortex I've looked thru.cheaper but not cheap
  3. Rackhunter

    2015 Elk SHow

    Awesome pics,bulls are looking good.can't wait for September
  4. Rackhunter

    WTB- 7STW Brass

    I'm pretty low on brass but sent my buddy a message to see if he's got any he can give up.let you know
  5. Rackhunter

    unit mix-up

    That's a good mistake
  6. Rackhunter

    2015 Elk SHow

    Awesome,bulls are looking good
  7. Rackhunter

    New Country Music - Jed Morrison

    I have heard jed play in a few bars and weddings and the guy can sing,best of luck and make it big
  8. Rackhunter


    A nice little storm today for sure,no flash flood but it sure felt nice
  9. Rackhunter

    2015 Elk SHow

    Those are awesome pics,keep them coming.
  10. Rackhunter

    6A late muzzy hunt and snow

    Never seen it snow bad enough to get around,but have definitely had it snow on us before.bring quads it can get messy and 6a roads can be a little rough haha
  11. Rackhunter

    L.E. utah elk tag - Manti central mountains

    Congrats,got 10 or 11 non res points and thought about putting in for that hunt next year.let us know how it goes,good luck
  12. Rackhunter

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    Sweet buck, keep them coming
  13. Rackhunter

    Best shed day ever

    That's awesome
  14. Rackhunter

    350 class

    If 350 is average then I hope I kill an average bull this year.I know what you mean thou,that number gets thrown around like there all over the place.maybe I'm not in the right place very often
  15. Rackhunter

    Do rage broadheads suck?

    They suck, seen it first hand.they will never be on the end of my arrow
  16. Rackhunter

    8 deer points?

    16 would have gotten you in for 13B rifle last year. 11 for Archery.
  17. Rackhunter

    Tom here is exciting the wrong crowd

    That's awesome
  18. Rackhunter

    Opening Day Goulds

    That's awesome
  19. Rackhunter

    Sweet Antelope buck

    That's way cool
  20. Rackhunter

    You tell me, how timely is this rain?

    Bonecollector nailed it, it was just starting to get dried up and if we can get more in may or so then that will get us by till monsoon season.might be a banner year.I'm happy to have a elk tag in my pocket
  21. Rackhunter

    Heaviest brown ever!!

    tell me where you found it and I will help you find the other side haha,that's a stud.good luck
  22. Rackhunter

    Broadheads for elk

    As long as it's a fix blade. I like muzzys and shuttle t lock
  23. Rackhunter

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    I will have 4 points,gonna try and burn them in 2016
  24. Rackhunter

    Introduce myself

    Welcome.pm sent