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About backwoodsjeeper

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  • Birthday 10/13/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Avondale az
  • Interests
    Bow hunting, shooting, 4wheelin, anything outdoors, helping set up water holes, archery comps, scouting glassing, fishing bass, trout pretty much just staying active

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  1. backwoodsjeeper

    22N Day After Thanksgiving Bull Hunt

    Need help? I'm up here chasing the Bulls
  2. backwoodsjeeper

    Monster unit 8 buck!

  3. backwoodsjeeper

    Got my first lion on camera

    Sweet picture, time to start calling!
  4. backwoodsjeeper

    oracle camera stolen

    First off let me start by saying that if you left your camera....... 😂🍻 Watch out for the cwt police
  5. backwoodsjeeper

    Trail cam success

    No prob! I'll upload some more tomorrow
  6. backwoodsjeeper

    Trail cam success

    Thanks man, it took me hundreds of hours and multiple camping trips to finally find a spot like this can't wait for November to come around.
  7. backwoodsjeeper

    Trail cam success

    Went up north this weekend to check on my 3 cameras and sure enough I got the same group of bulls on all 3 different cams... Even have a couple of bears showing up too. Here's a few pictures. Luckily they've been showing up everyday sometimes 3 times a day I have over 3500 pictures between the three cameras. Two of the locations are their daytime bedding areas.
  8. backwoodsjeeper

    Bulls Are Frisky

    (I blame this on CAITLYN!!!) You just made me spit my drink out while driving!!! Hahaha 😂😁
  9. backwoodsjeeper

    Hopefully not your cam!

    I screwed a tree. I just got out of jail... Did 83 years...
  10. backwoodsjeeper

    Fraud on my account...

    Ha just a little.. We were sitting there and all of a sudden I got a fraud Alert from BofA so of course I log in and sure enough it was AZ g&f
  11. backwoodsjeeper

    Fraud on my account...

    While out in mexico my father and I where discussing the elk hunt well sure enough I check my account and boom!!!! Best fraud ever 🍻🍺
  12. backwoodsjeeper

    Wolverine in California

    It's ok guys, I called Liam neeson. He'll fight them off bare handed just like in "the grey"
  13. backwoodsjeeper


    Can you call me please, I'm interested in your quad 602 809 2507
  14. backwoodsjeeper

    truck train horn

    Still got the horn?
  15. backwoodsjeeper

    The trembling giant

    Lets bring it to phx! http://movies.eventful.com/the-trembling-giant-/M0-001-000053054-6#movie-details