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Everything posted by archermatt

  1. archermatt

    Diamond Edge

    Right-handed obo
  2. archermatt


    Where are you located?
  3. archermatt

    Vortex Viper 15x50HD- Sold

    Great deal!! Love mine!
  4. archermatt

    Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 FFP MRAD EBR-1 Retical 800.00

    Bump for a great scope!!
  5. archermatt

    2014 prime alloy for sale

    Where are you located?
  6. archermatt


    Phoenix ill take the stabilizer.
  7. archermatt


    where are you located?
  8. archermatt

    Hoyt Alpha Elite PRICE DROP

  9. archermatt

    Hoyt Alpha Elite PRICE DROP

    Anyone interested?
  10. archermatt

    Hoyt Alpha Elite PRICE DROP

    Price drop from 800.00 - 700.00
  11. archermatt

    Hoyt Alpha Elite PRICE DROP

  12. archermatt

    Cater Evolution

    make an offer !!!!!!!!!!
  13. archermatt

    Cater Evolution

    This is a Carter Evolution trigger release. It's a resistant activated release. 125.00 obo no pay pal Located off 7th ave and 101 freeway Phoenix Call or text Matt @ 623--261--1678
  14. archermatt

    Cater Evolution

  15. archermatt

    Cater Evolution

    Yup I like it alot. Just shoot some of my others better.
  16. archermatt

    Cater Evolution

  17. archermatt

    Thread closed.

    Pm sent on release.
  18. archermatt

    Bow hunting

    Easton FMJ w/ Ulmer Edge.
  19. archermatt

    Carter Releases

    Still available
  20. archermatt

    Carter Releases

    I have a cater honey and evolution for sale 150.00 each both are new . just not for me. call or text Matt at 623-261-1678
  21. archermatt

    Stan Shootoff Trio Blackout

    Interested in a trade? Carter evolution ?
  22. archermatt

    Vortex Ranger Rangefinder $315

    Good deal ! Wish I could draw a tag.
  23. archermatt

    Boat for sale $1,500 OBO

    Reminds me of Brad Paisley – “I’m Gonna Miss Her”
  24. archermatt

    Boat for sale $1,500 OBO

    If I didn't have a wedding to pay for I would buy it!!
  25. archermatt

    WTB fishing bow

    Around 28" draw low poundage Not looking to spend alot. call or text 623-261-1678 matt