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Everything posted by rph

  1. rph

    My Brothers 1st Archery Bull Elk Unit 27

    Sweet bull! Nice to hear that the hard work and all the scouting paid off.
  2. rph

    Prayers Answered

    Thats a great bull! Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm hoping I can take my first bull later this year during the late rifle hunt.
  3. rph

    The first pile of blood

    It's crazy how tough these animals are. Last year in 4A on the late rifle hunt we found a nice 6x6 that appeared to have been killed during the archery season and not recovered. We found the bull just a little south of Chevlon Butte in some thick brush only about 300 yards from a well traveled road.
  4. rph

    A few from this week

    That's a great set!!!
  5. rph

    The good ol days

    There are some nice bulls in there. Looks like you are on the right track!
  6. rph

    Walkie talkie

    Shedhunteraz - I'm glad to hear you have had good luck using your Rino. That gives me hope that I just need to spend more time trying to dial in the right channel and subchannel (we do use the 5w setting). I've only had mine for a year and I used it on my last elk hunt with so so results. I probably just need more time using it to get it all figured out. Hopefully I can get it working great before my elk hunt this year! Thanks for the info.
  7. rph

    Walkie talkie

    I have been using a Garmin Rino 650. I have not been very impressed with its radio capabilities though. There are times that it works perfect but then there are times that I can't seem to make a connection with the other people I'm communicating with. I know distance and the type of terrain your in plays a part in the reception, but there have been times where I can see my hunting partner and can't communicate with him because the radio won't work. I don't know if I just haven't figured out the right settings/channels to use or what, but it has been inconsistent at best. When it is working, it is awesome to be able to see where your hunting party is on the GPS screen. I'd love to hear other peoples experience with their Rhino's and if they are working like they should. Maybe mine is just a lemon.
  8. rph

    Good meat processor

    Last year Miller's had a trailer up in Forest Lakes right on the highway... couldn't miss it. Here is a link to their website that includes their prices as well as dates and places where they will be accepting game during the fall hunting season. http://www.southwesternprocessing.com/wildgame.html
  9. rph

    Nice pair and first fresh rub of the year

    That is awesome to find both sides so close together. I've never found a matching set. Good job
  10. rph

    Bear, Bobcats, Bugling Elk and a Rio....

    They all look really good, but that turkey is awesome!
  11. rph

    2013 Elk sheds

    There are some great sheds in there! Good luck on your hunt.
  12. If the AZG&F needs to increase revenues, I'd much rather see modest price increases on tags and licenses than see more tags and additional hunts being offered which I feel reduce the quality of the hunts.
  13. rph

    Did some hiking

    Finding sheds always makes it a little more exciting to be out and about scouting in the woods.
  14. rph

    4A bulls

    I typically will use binoculars, but on this last trip I didn't use them while spot lighting. This scouting trip was more recreation than scouting... I just needed an excuse to get out of the heat. I had my 6 year old son with me so I was trying to make sure he had a good time so I wasn't able to scout as seriously as I might otherwise have done.
  15. rph

    4A archery bull

    That's a nice looking bull ZBAR.
  16. rph

    Trail Cam Pics and Bass Fishing!!!

    Nice video... you have a nice spot for the trail cam, all kinds of animals.
  17. rph

    4A bulls

    The trip was a quick one, shortened by lots of rain and a problem with my quad. But, I did see several groups of elk on the drive in Friday night... hard to bull/cow as they were off the road a ways and the spotlight didn't get to them very well. On Saturday I did some hiking and bumped a few elk but it was thick and again never really could tell if the elk were bulls or cows. I did come across two 5 point sheds, so that was fun for my son to see, he thought it was great even though they are not very big! There is water everywhere up there right now, there is standing water in every little depression. What are other 4A tag holders seeing up there?
  18. rph

    4A bulls

    How was the that tag last year? Did you fill the tag? I wasn't able to fill my tag last year. Found lots of nice bulls on almost every scouting trip but during the hunt I only saw two bulls bedded down together on opening morning. Looking back I should have taken the shot but I was only two hours into the hunt and the bulls were not what I was looking for on opening morning... but they were the only bulls I saw the entire hunt. I spent most of the hunt in the western half of the unit. Haven't yet decided where I'll hunt this year. Hopefully I can find a few decent new spots to try.
  19. rph

    4A bulls

    I have a late rifle bull tag in 4A for the second year in a row. Headed up this weekend to do a little scouting.
  20. Nice catch! Seeing those pictures makes me want to dust off the fishing poles and get out and go fishing. Thanks for sharing.