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About GWHunter

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  1. GWHunter

    2014 35A Season Complete.

    You are correct. Ft Huachuca host a Mule Deer Hunt. Not a big one, but it does.
  2. GWHunter

    New PSE Bow Decision Help

    This Hammer is $450 with 70lb limbs (New)
  3. Fellow archery hunters, I need your expertise. So.... I went to the PSE Proshop in Tucson and shot three of their bows that fall in the $400-$700 range... 2015 PSE Premonition HD 70lb limbs (Smooth Draw, good valley, smooth release) I lived the idea of the short ATA for stand and blind mobility. 2015 PSE Source HD 70 lb limbs (Smoother draw, also good valley, same smooth release.) The longer Brace Height and longer ATA is a major plus. 2013 PSE Hammer 60 lb limbs. (Super smooth draw, but that may be because it was just set to 60 lbs, Same good valley and release) - basically same spec and performance as the source. Was a $750 bow in 2013, second fastest bow that year produced by PSE. I sort of ruled out the Premonition, the other two bows have longer ATA which equates to easier draw cycle and less chance of CAM jumping and, longer Brace Height equating to more forgiving shoot cycle. The other two bows are great bows with almost identical specs, the main difference is the EVO CAM on the Hammer and the HD CAM on the Source and about a $110 difference in price. What a hard decision... Any recommendations (WHY?) ?
  4. So.... I went to the PSE Proshop in Tucson and shot three different bows... 2015 PSE Premonition HD 70lb limbs (Smooth Draw, good valley, smooth release) I lived the idea of the short ATA for stand and blind mobility. 2015 PSE Source HD 70 lb limbs (Smoother draw, also good valley, same smooth release.) The longer Brace Height and longer ATA is a major plus. 2013 PSE Hammer 60 lb limbs. (Super smooth draw, but that may be because it was just set to 60 lbs, Same good valley and release) - basically same spec and performance as the source. Was a $750 bow in 2013, second fastest bow that year produced by PSE. I sort of ruled out the Premonition, the other two bows have longer ATA which equates to easier draw cycle and less chance of CAM jumping and, longer Brace Height equating to more forgiving shoot cycle. The other two bows are great bows with almost identical specs, the main difference is the EVO CAM on the Hammer and the HD CAM on the Source and about a $110 difference in price. What a hard decision... Any recommendations (WHY?) ?
  5. GWHunter


    SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two hits on the CC...... How long does it take before they post results now?
  6. GWHunter

    Which One to Mount

    W.O.T.... good advice. The left deer was taken at 650 yds. Was an awesome experience.
  7. Comrades, The cape and horns of the buck on the right has been delivered to the taxidermist. I asked him to wait until after this year in case I get a larger coues. This year I got the Coues on the left. It green scored 87+... the one on the right scored 85. Both are really pretty symmetrical racks... The left deer with about 2" deductions, the one on the right, less than 1" deductions. Any recommendations of which rack to use?
  8. GWHunter

    2014 35A Season Complete.

    Yep.. all of these were taken in 35A.
  9. GWHunter

    2014 35A Season Complete.

    I hear ya Lance... This was the first year my son really focused and hunted. Finally developed some patience, passed on a couple of smaller bucks and settled on this guys. Really proud of him. Wife couldn't contain her excitement and decided to shoot one of the first mule deer she saw, but it's ok. She is proud that she has taken a deep both years she has ever hunted. A little coues last year and a little muley this year. She says next year she will be more picky... we shall see.
  10. My 2014 buck taken at 650yds. My wife took her first Muley @ 165 yds with her .243 My daughter took her first muley @ 289 yards with my son's 25-06 My son took his first mature coues at 352 yards with his 25-06. Great year of hunting. 2014 Coues Buck.MOV
  11. GWHunter

    Duck Recipes --- who has a good one?

    I have tried Duck several ways. The key is not to over cook it. If you do, it gets dry. Easy ways are to marinade your duck in some kind of citric marinade and pan fry it. Season it with salt / pepper or creole seasoning and slowly seer it on both sides. Do not cook it until completely cooked. It is best and more tender if you let it rest after you cook it. Another option is the same way i cook dove. Take the breast meat and cook it for 5-10 minutes in a very seasoned stock. It should not be completely cooked, just firm enough to handle. Slice the breast into strips. Take a slice of bacon, add a sliver of jalapeno, and pepper jack cheese and season with creole seasoning. Role the seasoned sliced duck breast, sliver of jalapeno and pepper jack cheese up in the bacon. Insert toothpick to hold together. grill until bacon is crisp. ENJOY!!!!!
  12. GWHunter

    When does the rut end?

    I think the warm weather the past couple of weeks have slowed the rut down. With cooler weather expected the next few days, the rutting could turn into a 3 day frenzy. I did see a big muley today on one side of a 6 ft chain link fence with a hot doe on the other side of the chainlink fence. Poor dude was freaking out to get to her.
  13. GWHunter

    Where can I find .22 lr ammunition?

    Arizona Ammo Trader on Facebook sells 22 LR all the time.
  14. GWHunter

    Who's the oldest hunter you know?

    Mr Charles Cunningham (84 y/o) of Sierra Vista. Yesterday I watched this man climb a ridge to put a shot on a nice buck chasing some does. This ole man climbed that hill better than many half his age....me included. He was not able to take that crafty ole buck, but the rut is on and it's just a matter of time. My hats of to Mr. Chuck. Hope i can hump it up a hill like he did when I am 84 years old.
  15. Thanks DUG for the feedback. I might just go that route...