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Everything posted by cannonball

  1. cannonball

    Can you enter draw at 9?

    I was able to get her an AGFD customer number and purchase a license as well as enter her for elk and antelope. Interestingly when I tried to select bonus point only I got an error saying she wasnt old enough, but I was able to enter specific hunt numbers....thanks all
  2. Anyone dealt with a pinched nerve in their neck? I woke up Dec 8 with my trap muscle tight and sore and unable to lift my left arm above waist level. Been doing chiro/PT since and its getting a little better but Im still weak in my left arm. Also have a neuro appointment 1/23 (earliest I could get in) As of today I have most of my range of motion back but my left arm is still very weak. I can now lift my bow but cant draw it. There isnt anything wrong with my arm/shoulder structurally (muscles, tendons, ligaments etc.) its just the brachial nerve isnt controlling it right. Sucks since Im missing OTC. I was thinking of trying to find a bow like the Diamond Prism that adjust way down to like 5-10lbs but also has 28" draw just so I can work on form and build back strength.
  3. cannonball

    Pinched nerve - Cant draw bow

    I took a quick look at the CHAMP application but I thought I read it was for permanent vs short term disability, which Im not even considering
  4. cannonball

    Bear quota question

    but there is another tab for annual that says open and the totals for spring + fall don't equal the annual? I just dont understand the math for the annual limits. The math for the animals harvested does. Likely the open column on the annual just calculates harvested/annual limit and doesnt factor in season limits or dates. Still confusing though. https://harvest-tracking.azgfd.gov/harvest-tracking-2-3/
  5. cannonball

    Bear quota question

    Is it closed for sow and open for boar?
  6. cannonball

    Meopta 15x56 B1 HD for sale $1000

    Id like to grab these please let me know if you get up to the north valley
  7. Butters is right next to C2 Tactical Breakfast Kitchen at Desert Ridge is good, casual atmosphere but food is a little fancier Pinnacle Peak General Store isnt too far
  8. cannonball

    Would you spend this much on a Benchmade knife?

    I’m not opposed to spending that on a knife but it’s going to be a mcnees, Curtiss, or Chris reeves, not a BM
  9. cannonball

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    https://cameralandny.com/shop/sirui-t-024sk-compact-tripod-with-va-5-fluid-head/1d046d00-4a86-0137-4014-00163ecd2826?variation=1947226&query=sirui This one has been recommended a bunch
  10. cannonball

    Burris MTAC 6.5-20x50 - SOLD

    Burris MTAC 6.5-30x50 with sunshade. $250 in north phoenix / cave creek
  11. cannonball


    still available
  12. cannonball


    Tikka T3x lite Veil Wideland .270 win
  13. cannonball


  14. cannonball


  15. cannonball


    Bell and Carlson Sporter stock for long action Winchester model 70. It has an Aluminum bedding block and I did not bed in the action on mine so its clean. Includes the 1 piece floor plate from Midwest gun works I needed for my Supergrade. $200 im in north phoenix
  16. cannonball

    .308 ammo

    Sold pending meetup
  17. cannonball

    .308 ammo

    176 rounds of .308. One of the boxes of UMC only has 16. Asking $165. im in north Phx
  18. cannonball

    WTB - 10x42EL

    not mine but: https://rokslide.com/forums/threads/swarovski-els-1809.325287/
  19. cannonball


  20. cannonball


  21. Ive got Leupold BX-5's in 10x50 and 15x56. The 10's feel a little bulky on the chest and got me thinking if I should sell both of these and put the money into a single pair of higher quality 10x42's? Or possibly just selling just the 10x50's to get a set of 8x42 to reduce weight and bulk and keeping the 15's. What do yall think?
  22. cannonball

    Eberlestock RMEF pack - SOLD

    Used for one unsuccessful hunt a couple years ago. No stains tears etc. All zippers work great. $175 I’m in north Phx/cave creek SOLD PENDING MEETUP
  23. cannonball

    Eberlestock RMEF pack - SOLD

    I bought it in summer of 2021 I believe. Used it for 3 days in Fall 2021 and its sat in the garage since Website says 2600 ci - but bigger with expandable shelf. More info on it here: https://www.rmef.org/elk-network/team-elk-pack-by-eberlestock/
  24. cannonball

    Arrow weight

    I’m new to archery and shooting a bow 65lbs with a 28” dl. I currently have gold tip hunter XTs 340 spine at 27-13/16” nock center to the end of the carbon. These are weighing in at 400g with 100g field tips. Don’t have a chrono so I’m not sure what these are going but bow is rated at 342 fps. I’ve been reading and this seems to be on the light side. Thoughts? Also seems like the easiest way to increase weight if warranted is to go to a 125g tip. Or should I shut up and just send it 😄
  25. cannonball


    I thought you were posting about me for a second based on the ad title and I was like WTF?