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Everything posted by CoJack

  1. CoJack

    Fishing Float Tube Kit PRICE DROP

    Price Drop!!!
  2. CoJack

    Found in 23S ...

    Thought I would share the story behind these Binos. A good friend of mine happened to draw the 23 South early archery tag last year. He has Parkinson disease and can be a bit forgetful sometimes. A bunch of us decided to give him a helping hand, and one of us loaned him a pair of binos and case. He killed a great bull and in the midst of all the excitement, laid them down. It's a dream of all of ours to find a pair of Binos or something like that in the brush. Dale found these, and showing his true character, found the owner. Anybody else could have walked away with a pair of binoculars. Dale is a talented artist and honest guy. He has my recomendation for any taxidermy work!
  3. Friend of mine shot this buck today, spot and stalk! Great deer with sweet eye guards! Put 30+ stalks on various bucks, and The Lord finally blessed him with this dandy. Great job Mike!
  4. I am considering investing in a .264 Win Mag, and am wondering a few things about the caliber and the rifle... Is this a fairly popular caliber for Coues? Do high quality rifles of this caliber retain their value, asuming that the rifle is in sound condition (doesn't need a new barrel, etc.) ? The rifle I'm considering: High Tech Custom Rifle 'Shadow' .264 Win Mag Remington 700 Action with a Helical fluted Bolt, 3 postion Safety Lilja 1 in 9 26" Barrel with Muzzle brake installed by H.T.C.R. Pacific Research Compostie Stock Here is the link to the Custom Rifle's page: http://htcustoms.com/rifles/shadow.php What do you think this gun is worth? or What should I pay for it? (assuming the gun is in sound condition and doesn't need work) Any suggestions on more research I can do before I lay my money down? Feel free to leave any comments about the Gun or Caliber! Trying to get some different opinions on it!
  5. What is the twist rate?
  6. The owner is looking for a $ number... He said "it didn't sell for $1200, so I would sell it to you for cheaper than that." Any thoughts?
  7. Yes it is used, still needing to take it to a gunsmith and have it checked out. They are expensive to shoot, so i'm also kinda curious about trading for a different gun/caliber... Any thoughts on that?
  8. Outdoor Writer, seems like you have got a heck of a gun there! Those are the ones you gotta hold on to. STOMP442, you seem to have quite a bit of expeiriance when it comes to .264's, from what I can see from your previous posts. Do you have any idea on the value of the rifle I described originally?
  9. Out of curiosity, how many barrels have you been through? Do you have an estimated round count for each barrel? Thanks for the Info!