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Everything posted by MT_Sourdough

  1. MT_Sourdough

    My first pic with a trail cam

    I have a second one up now. Their are elk, Muleys, bear ans cat that are active in the area, so I am excited to see what I get.
  2. MT_Sourdough

    Big Danner sale!

    70 bucks for a pair of boots that usually cost $160. Deal!!!
  3. MT_Sourdough

    does anybody use blinds?

    I have never used them, but I think a simple blind may actually be a good scouting tool. I've sat water holes or travel routes, but these critters are so sensitive to movement. It is hard to remain motionless for hours. A blind allows a person more freedom of movement without detection, or at least that's my thoughts right now. So what do you all think about blinds?
  4. MT_Sourdough


    "Tell me, does this Primos camera make my butt look big?" "Yep"
  5. MT_Sourdough

    Danner Pronghorns Good or Bad?!

    I have bought 3 pairs of the Pronghorn over last few years and for the money, they are hard to beat. The sole and and uppers are sewn as opposed to welded (glued). In my experience, other boots that are bonded with just glue don't last. The hot rocks and ground here in AZ makes the glue soft and fail. I've returned about three different pairs of "welded" boots after just one or two outings because of they just come apart at the glued seems. The Danner Pronghorns do need a loop on the back.
  6. MT_Sourdough

    Setting Up the Camera

    Do any of you put cameras out for short durations. like one or two days or do you have to leave it around for a couple of weeks?
  7. MT_Sourdough

    New To The Forum

    Great pic
  8. MT_Sourdough

    Results are up

    18b Nov.7-13. I don't know much of anything about the unit, but I like my chances. I'm still glad to take any helpful info if a person was so inclined to help a guy out.
  9. MT_Sourdough

    Draw results

    1029 - 18b 11/07-11/13 Overlaps with my cow elk tag for the same area. This state is not easy to get the opportunity so I am feeling very lucky.
  10. MT_Sourdough

    Draw results

    Dad, tell Bobby to stop bothering me. He's bothering me and won't leave me alone. How much longer? Ok. Here is a solution. Everybody sing along. One thousand bottles of a beer on a wall, one thousand bottles of beer. Take one down pass it around, nine hundred and ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall..........
  11. MT_Sourdough

    Internet service

    Yea, your speed may not be as fast as advertized with Century Link, but it's fast enough and no hassles.
  12. MT_Sourdough

    Draw results

    Are we almost there, yet? Suzy is bugging me. How much longer is it going to be? I think I need to use the bathroom. Why is it taking so long?
  13. MT_Sourdough

    Grizzlies in az, anybody see this?

    Maybe I am missing something, but where are the vast ranges of roadless areas in AZ. AZ is not like Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. In those states, the grizz hang out in the high mountain ranges where very few people go. The roadless mountains are a boundary. Here in AZ, I do not see those kind of places.
  14. MT_Sourdough

    Grizzlies in az, anybody see this?

    Heck, why stop with Grizzlies. How about Mastodons and Smilodons? T-Rex, Maybe? How About reintroducing them in the Bay area and the Pugent Sound? These folk are out of control;.
  15. MT_Sourdough

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    Look anything like this?
  16. MT_Sourdough

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    You'all hear about Pine Martens? I don't know if they live this far south, but they turn a sort of orange-gold color.
  17. MT_Sourdough

    AZGFD In The Fast Lane

    Should slow the heck down, I'd say.
  18. MT_Sourdough

    cards are being hit

    Muley for me in the one of the same units my cow elk tag is in. Woohoo!!!
  19. MT_Sourdough

    Remington recall

    For those of you that have not been following the going-ons at Remington, they are not the company they used to be and neither are their products. Remington is now owned and operated by an investment group (Cerebus) under the name Freedom Group. Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, DPMS and other companies have been sucked into the black hole that is Freedom Group. A whole new bunch of bean counters have taken over operations after they fired everybody who knew how to make a friggin rifle. Remington is, now, a company where low wage employees debate whether to work for Remington or McDonalds. Seriously. There is a blog out there of Remington Employees and the revelations do not make me want to buy another rifle from anybody under the Freedom Groups banner. Off center sights, drooping barrels, mis-fitted parts are all common complaints these days. There are some good rifles and some real lemons being made, so if you are shopping, inspect very closely before you lay down your cash. After Sandy Hook, Cerebus took a lot of heat for their Freedom Group holdings, especially since the rifle used was one of theirs. The board of shareholders have asked the CEOs of Cerebus to dump their Freedom Group holdings, but the company has become so large and so burdened with liabilities including a mountain of warrantee work. The company has now moved to another level of consolidation to try and make the Freedom Group easier to sell. The future there is very uncertain to say the least. The old iconic Remington and Marlin are now been reduced to just brands with no soul. The soul left with all the rifle builders and craftsman they dumped on. It's all very sad to me.
  20. MT_Sourdough

    Game and fish website is horrible

    For each their own, buy I am anxiously awaiting the moment the online process starts. Before then, I have already made my choices and have them written down, The online process takes me just a couple of minutes for each tag I apply for. I have my entire online applications done within hours of them being started. The only problem for me, is it makes the wait for results longer.
  21. MT_Sourdough

    Flower eating bull!

    Would this be considered baiting?
  22. MT_Sourdough

    Huge Antelope

    I have a thought that I know that buck, but my mouth is shut. I do not have an antelope tag, so it matters not to me, just wont post it here.
  23. MT_Sourdough

    eastern hunting

    Ah, heck. I am guilty of it all including having opinions of how others hunt. Lotsa opinions out there. I remember sitting in a bar up along the Big Hole in Montana, (one of the best hunting locations in the world - Moose, Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Antelope, sheep, goats, bears, cats, wolves, did I forget something) and I was talking with my friends from the area and said to them "I like to make elk hunting sporting". They all exploded with thunderous laughter. Among a dozen or so of us in the bar, I was alone with that sentiment. Their general attitude is wait till the snow drives the elk down to where a person could shoot the elk and then drive right up to it. Otherwise, they wont wast their time. Arizona forces people to be a certain kind of hunter. Some of it is the terrain, but the biggest obstacle is the number of hunters to the number of game. Here, your lucky when you get a tag. Arizona, is an amazing place to hunt, though. The number of amazing views a guy sees in a day, discovering Indian ruins and remote homesteads, and vast wide open spaciousness is very special her in AZ for me..
  24. MT_Sourdough

    need some help

    It appears that nobody has answered your question so I'll speak up. I do not know how much handloading experience you have so I gotta give the generic response. If you are a seasoned loader, then you may not need to keep reading. If you are a nu-b, read on. It sounds like you have the components lined up, but when it comes to "What is an MOA load", well it doesn't quite work that way. You might get an answer from somebody else that may work just as well in your rifle, but you may, get a load that patterns instead of grouping. Generally, you look for a starting/finishing load and look for your rifle's sweet spot in that range. according to Hodgdons 2014 manual - m Oops, I reread your post and saw you have 139 and 154 bullets, I thought I read 162 for some reason. I'd replace what I originally said here with a link to Hodgdons site. http://www.hodgdonreloading.com/ If it were me, I'd work in 1/2 gr increments through that range. I'd load 3 rounds of each and test shoot those rounds looking for a sweet spot. If I find one load that is clearly the best, then I'd load rounds .3 up and .3 down from that load in .1gr increments. It's a lot of loading and shooting, but when you are done, you'll know what works in your rifle. Good luck and have fun
  25. MT_Sourdough

    17B & 19B ML Antelope

    I saw one of the biggest antelope I have ever seen last week in 17B. In an area you wouldn't expect. Crazy the places a guy finds antelope around these hills.