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Everything posted by MT_Sourdough

  1. MT_Sourdough

    Pic of the elusive unit 10 goat

    That reminds me, one of the most karmic events I have witnessed in my lifetime. When I was a teen and working my summers on the big ranches, one of my fellow ranchhands was a poacher. He justified it by saying the money he was making on the ranch was not enough to feed him and his common law wife. Truth is, he didn't make enough money to feed themselves and still be able to drink every night. That's another story but one night they went out to get meat for the freezer with a couple bottles of whiskey and a couple rifles. They got drunk fast and decided they'd be smart and run down some antelope in their '78 4x4 Chevy Blazer. Story goes, they were doing about 55mph and the antelope were in full stride right in front of the Blazer's bumper. The antelope made a sudden right turn and the drunk arse, without thinking, turned his wheel to the right trying to follow them. HA,HA, HA. Total yardsale. The fiberglass top flew away after the first roll and then all three people in the vehicle were thrown clear and survived. Both rifles were destroyed and the common law wife had all her front teeth knocked out of her mouth by the gear shifter knob. Both bottles of whiskey were smashed as well. I do not know how many times the Blazer rolled, but it was obvious that it would never roll again.
  2. MT_Sourdough

    Fight for the flag

    I am a veteran and from a military family. I am very fond of the American Flag and I love my country. I also think their are all kinds of tyrants in the world and some of them drape themselves in the American flag. I also think a lot of the absolutely ridiculous protocol in regards to the flag that contradicts the idea of FREEDOM. So I'll do what I do and if you do not like it try to stop me or sue me. Give me a break. Remember the "Rockets red glare gave proof through the night that our flag was still there."
  3. MT_Sourdough

    Elk research project

    Now, I do not know a great deal about the different Arizona elk herds and their seasonal movement. Nor do I have an issue with what AZG&F is doing in this situation I do know, up in Montana, it is real easy to tell how many elk are out there. That is because by the first of February, about 3/4 of all elk have joined the large wintering herds and have dropped down out of the mountains. They join up on open south facing slopes at the same place every year. You can go out there, year after year, and find them At that time you can count the herd and add 25% and that will come as close as anybody will get trying to count elk populations. I do not know if Arizona elk form wintering herds like they do in the areas from where they were originally transported. I want to add, I think the AZG&F are to be commended for an obvious effort to inform and dialogue with the hunting community. I don't think it helps the hunting community if we kick them in the teeth every time they reach out to our community.
  4. MT_Sourdough


    God's honest truth right there. Plus, the 308 Win is possibly the most accurate 30 cal spitting cartridge.
  5. MT_Sourdough

    Stolen camera

    The application of the law is the BS. I've been a LEO and I know that laws are what lawyers say they are and all are open to interpretation. Prime example- Forest Service wanted to stop people leaving camping trailers vacated at camping sites for more than three days and they got shut down by people with enough power than the Forest Service. Otherwise if some jerks were right, I'd be able to pull my truck up to somebodies trailer and take it if it has sat vacated for three days. My camera on a tree isn't hurting anybody, but somebody selfishly laying claim to a camping site by parking their trailer there a week or so in advance is stopping other people from using that campsite. I am not saying this to start an argument with people who leave trailers to hold a camping site, but rather just to demonstrate how laws get bent and twisted. Anybody who expresses the law as being black and white is truly the most naive.
  6. MT_Sourdough

    Bulls Are Frisky

    I think the bull in front is grateful for his high ground clearance.
  7. MT_Sourdough

    Video Archery Bull a Little Smarter

    You can smell those gears grinding. I'm betting he'll be considerably bigger this year, if'n he is still out there.
  8. MT_Sourdough

    anybody have exper. w/colored night time photos

    Good point. I think it is safe where it is at, but I will definitely consider that fact when I am putting the white flash cameras out. I actually just received a Stealth G42C in the mail. So I will be able to compare the two white flash cameras. From what I can tell so far, the biggest deterent to white flash cameras is the possible detection by other hunters.
  9. I am curious about the Cuddeback that offers a cam with a white incandescent flash that takes a fully colored night time photo. I am curious if any of you all have had any experience with these types of cams. Do they scare game? How is the quality of the pics?
  10. MT_Sourdough

    anybody have exper. w/colored night time photos

    Here is a little follow up. I like the night time color photo and so far, it seems to not bother the critters as much as one might guess. Here is a rag horn bull, but the cuddeback is color photos are impressive.
  11. MT_Sourdough

    Drinkable Water?

    That little bugger needs an umbrella and a drink in a coconut shell. I bet that bear is a Jimmy Buffet fan.
  12. MT_Sourdough

    WTS Specialized Rock Hopper Mountain Bike

    Good price. Bikes can be fine hunting tools.
  13. MT_Sourdough

    Wild Mustangs

    I don't know. but I think the Cards could possibly edge out the Seahawks for the western division
  14. MT_Sourdough

    Pointing in the sun methods

    I think east and western facing cams have more problems in the summer cuz the noon sun is directly overhead. I think southern facing cameras become more of an issue in the winter months when the sun is low on the horizon.
  15. MT_Sourdough

    Wild Mustangs

    So are the Arizona Cardinals going to the playoffs this year?
  16. Hey Nature Bob, you hear about the North Dakotan coyote that got it's foot caught in a trap? Darn thing chewed off three of it;s legs and was still caught in the trap. I'm from Montana and we don't know what to think about them North Dakotan folk.
  17. That's the good stuff right there. Sure to get anybody hooked. Knowing where that bull is at, might make it hard for you to sleep at night, Like the thought occurs, it's 5 am, do you know where your bull is at? I feel for you bro, you got it bad.
  18. MT_Sourdough

    One week's growth

    I don't think width will get much more at this point. I think you will see an increase in tine length. It appears to me to be a younger deer. That's sorta what I was figuring. Young deer, Other deer I have seen this year grew very wide before the beam arched upward, so I guess the width is determined fairly early in the growth cycle. Makes sense. I don't have a deer tag this year, but if he survives till next year, might get interesting.
  19. MT_Sourdough

    One week's growth

    here's another view
  20. MT_Sourdough

    One week's growth

    Will it add any more width from this point?
  21. MT_Sourdough

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Ha, ha... So I am a dope smoking flag burner? Wow, you guys are clever. I mean, you got me figured out. But you left a few things out. You forgot to mention ISIS sympathizer, Satan worshiper, leading contributor to the Re-Elect Nancy Pelosi Fund and vice president of MBLA. though now I am bragging. Actually I am a Veteran. My two brothers are Veterans. My pa is a Military Retiree. My Grandpa fought two tours in the Philippines. My great grandpa fought in the European Theater of WWI. Seeing as how my paternal lineage dates to some of the first Anglicans to step foot on this continent, I suspect my family has fought in just about every war this country has ever fought. So go on and keep judging because you are so good at it. Oh'yea, as a former correctional officer, I have met my fair share of "Holier than Thou" folk. Nothing like being told by a child rapist that I am going to heck, So heck, this is nothing new.
  22. MT_Sourdough

    Favorite unit

    Whatever unit my tag is for.
  23. MT_Sourdough

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Just a good ol'boys Never meaning no harm been running from the law since the day they was born Just a good ol'boys Some day the Mountain may get them but the law never will. Not that anybody should ever broke the law or anything, but just think, there was a time when it was illegal to drink a beer