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Everything posted by MT_Sourdough

  1. MT_Sourdough

    The Afro Buck

  2. MT_Sourdough

    Elk Pics??

  3. MT_Sourdough

    Elk hunting in Grizzly country, which pistol?

    ha, ha, ha. Some funny stuff here. Aw'heck, just bring your lucky rabbits foot.
  4. MT_Sourdough

    Looking for opinions on where to live in AZ

    When you consider Arizona's geography, consider that the top 1/4 of the State is dissected from the rest of the State by the Grande Canyon and the BIg Res. That means Phoenix is dab smack in the middle of the lower 3/4 of the state which makes it about two hours from anywhere. I am from Montana and I moved here several years ago. Spent almost 2 years in New River (20 minutes north of Phoenix) and the heat made me miserable. I like the Prescott area, but found that Chino Valley 20 minutes north of Prescott to be a better value and even further from mobs of people and closer to elk. One problem - nowhere to swim. Lakes around Prescott do not allow swimming or they would fill up with Phoenix people in the summer. Take a drive along Cottonwood creek out of Sedona in the month of July and you will see what I mean. Further north has swimmable lakes, but temps get much cooler up there.
  5. MT_Sourdough

    Lots of bullets for sale.

    pm sent
  6. MT_Sourdough


    Driving around Chino Valley this afternoon and I witnessed some obvious rut activity. Thought people might be interested in knowing that.
  7. MT_Sourdough

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Arizona over New England 98-0
  8. MT_Sourdough

    Pollitical Correctness and Thin Skin

    Did ya get some beaver tail?As I could screw up a two car parade, I let it freeze and then when it thawed it got funky before I skinned it. Darn thang stunk to high heaven and I couldn't stomach it. I was 13 and had a lot to learn.
  9. MT_Sourdough

    Pollitical Correctness and Thin Skin

    After a full day of chasing elk up and down the mountains around my family's ranch, I was walking home extremely worn out and dragging butt. On my way home as the sun started to dip behind the mountains, I passed by a section of our property where beavers had moved in and started damming up some of our most productive hayfield. As I walked by, I could see a big V moving through the water. I raised my rifle and at about 100 yards with open irons, I set the front sight just in front of the V and squeezed off a shot. The beaver just rolled over. I went down there and there was a hole right behind it's ear. Huge beaver and maybe the best/luckiest shot in my life.
  10. MT_Sourdough

    Cherry Creek Road FR 203 Permanent Closure

    Close the roads. I support making lazy SOBs get off their lazy butts. Close the roads fast as possible while I will take joy in listening to lazy pukes crying. I will especially take joy in the less number of people and irritating noise of ATVS. I luv how people act and talk so tough until they are asked to actually be tough. Then they cry like babies. Good Riddance.
  11. MT_Sourdough

    ferocious little predator

    I've seen pine squirrels give weasels a run for their money. I agree that weasels are little bad azzes, but a squirrel to weasle battle is no sure bet. Oh'yea, common seeing them at cattle crossings for some reason.
  12. MT_Sourdough

    Phoenix people are rude

    Come here from Montana. My first impression of Arizona is "what is wrong with all these bitter people?". Self serving and just plain rude. Not the smile and wave world I came from. I guess I'll leave it that. Love the landscape. I'd go back in a heartbeat if that was an option. I will some day. Edit: Let me adjust a little, once people accept you around here they become as friendly as folk anywhere.
  13. MT_Sourdough

    Tombstone Tactical

    I live close to them, but after bad attitudes, I stay away.
  14. MT_Sourdough

    Bachelor Groups

    i was twisted-up in some mountains in Montana when I dropped into a hidden valley with a small park. About 3 acres of marshy grass. In the middle of park there was about a dozen cow elk with calves. At three different points close to the perimeter of the park, there were cow moose with calves. It was like a quiet happy nursery until I showed up. Before that day, I never saw moose and elk hanging out like that.
  15. MT_Sourdough

    AZ feral pigs

    A couple of years ago, I saw some undeniable evidence of pigs at a particular area along the upper Verde. I have returned to that area a few times since and I have not seen any evidence of them since. I suspect that they migrate along the river.
  16. MT_Sourdough

    Portal Results Available

    Another elk tag with zero points. Antlerless, but it's elk hunting.
  17. MT_Sourdough

    Check out what AES (Arizona Elk Society) is doing!!!!

    After reading that, I WILL NOT volunteer with them again. There are some seriously slimy politics in play. The Azg&f have already expressed interests in Utahs effort to privatize the federal lands. Now they are opposed the preservation of elk habitat and AES is in agreement. WOW! I'm done with AES. Thanks
  18. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

  19. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Is that the G&F new IT guy?
  20. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    It'd be gittin close to gopher season back home on the ranch. I miss me some gopher huntin.
  21. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I love how people come here and actually take the time to bittsh about all the bittshing. How moronic!!! I think we should complain about the weather.
  22. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I like me some whiskeys sours when I am feeling sociable. It's been a while now, I reckon. I suspect G&F is waiting till it rains. Dang dry out there.
  23. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Are the Cardinals Super Bowl bound?
  24. MT_Sourdough

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Going fishing huh? What lake? Pleasant has been on fire lately. Little spot off 27th avenue. They're very eager there Reminds me of one of my grandpa stories. His fly rod was sticking out of his passenger window of his fishing truck. Without him knowing, the hook/fly came dislodged from the rod and the fly started to float in the wind. When he went around a bend the fly stretched out over the Big Hole River. At that moment, he stopped the truck when he realized what was happening and just then a fish hit the fly. That's how my Gramps caught a 27" Bow without getting out of his truck. He told that story often. He also walked around with an imaginary Bull Sheet grinder that worked like an old hand cranked coffee grinder too, so.................
  25. MT_Sourdough

    Wolf news hits close to home

    Well boys, I hate to say it, but if you have points built up, it might be wise to cash them in now. They won't be worth as much in the future. Anymore in western Montana, often the biggest bulls die first. After rut, they do not have the strength left to fight off wolves.