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Everything posted by MT_Sourdough

  1. MT_Sourdough

    New Cardinal's QB

    Short term fill. Invest in fixing line with highend picks invested on o-line, then get big money qb next year when you can protect him.
  2. MT_Sourdough

    Yamaha Kodiak ATV | $2,200

    If I didn't just break the bank putting a new engine in my truck, I'd be all over this deal. Dang it! Good luck with sale
  3. MT_Sourdough

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    If I was a gun hating leftist, I'd be filled with optimism after reading this thread. DO YOu GUYS REALLY THINK YOU SOUND INTELLIGENT? Crawling back under my rock now.
  4. MT_Sourdough

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    When I turned 21, I was already working as a correctional officer. Another note, I never obeyed drinking age, but that was not uncommon across rural Montana, back then. I started drinking in bars at age 13. But then again, I was working 7 days a week from sun up to sun down on a big ranch over 100 miles from our ranch. I'd work from mid-June to right before the start of the new school year. When we finished supper, we'd hop in the back of the truck and ride into the big metro of Jackson Montana to drink at the bar. Heck, sometimes Hank Williams Jr would be sitting over agianst the wall at his little table. I guess these are different times.
  5. MT_Sourdough

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Man,I was in the Army one month after my 17th birthday. Plus, if a kid does something illegal with a firearm, somebody else will be held responsible. This can really snowball, for example, next they will say parents are legally liable to prevent un-supervised access.
  6. MT_Sourdough

    noisy in the woods today

    It was middle of the afternoon About the middle elevation in 8.
  7. MT_Sourdough

    .243 for elk?

    I had a friend back in Montana who got his 243 as a young man when the cartridge first appeared on the market. He lived on his family ranch down by Lima and he worked for his family guide/outfitting business. He filled his elk tag every year for 30 years until he quit hunting (He hates ATVs and some of the lousy hunting practices/hunters that he saw manifest after sorry lazy pukes now can get into back country on an ATV, but I digress.) Anyways. the point is, he said a good hunter can get close enough to make a 243 effective. He claims every elk killed was killed with the exact same neck shot and every shot was under 70 yards. Alot of folk question the ethics of neck shots, but he never wounded one, never lost one and never failed to fill his tag. By the way, all those elk were larger than average bulls.
  8. You can still put cams out around waterholes. The only power G&F has is to regulate them as to hunting. That means they can say you can't use the image off a game cam, or use it to aid you in patterning game for hunting purposes. Otherwise they have no authority to regulate them. It is up to the land use agency on how the land is used. That means each individual forest service district can set regulations on game cameras. The only national policy I know of from the FS is illegal in a wilderness area. I don't think BLM has a policy on them but you need to check with each land management agency. Thanks, that's helpful.
  9. MT_Sourdough

    Results up!

    thought I was justy buying a point. Never checked bank. Checked portal and I drew unit 8 rifle bull. OH, it's on. 400gr Huckleberry from my 444 should do the trick. Hats off to AZG&F on a perfect draws process.
  10. So, reading through this, I do not think it has been clarified that the new rule means absolutely no cams within 1/4 of a tank? Or is it specific to taking of game? I'm still trying to understand what the law is.
  11. MT_Sourdough

    1 Day!!!

    If'n they get it posted this week, my hats off to AZG&F.
  12. MT_Sourdough

    1 Day!!!

    How long before they post results in the portal?
  13. MT_Sourdough

    Everybody is Successful

    Any hunt is a successful hunt. Depends on what the definition of "is", is.
  14. How do they determine what camera is used in the taking of game and what cams are not?
  15. MT_Sourdough

    Higher elevation

    I got pics of big bucks chasing does and other bucks on the prowl at 6200'. Not so much on the flats. Just my observations.
  16. MT_Sourdough

    AZ bill to change public land ownership HB2210

    As a political independent I'll point out the obvious cuz you'all won't. Whether it is this situation or Utah or Nevada and everywhere else in the West this is happenning. IT IS YOUR BELOVED REPUBLICANS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE!!!
  17. MT_Sourdough

    Mule Deer Rut

    New pics on cams shows big guys coming out of the woodwork and putting the chase on the does on the night after snow (jan 11)
  18. MT_Sourdough

    Mule Deer Rut

    Rut behavior was nearly non-existent in unit 8. Herds of does, both coues and muleys, were without any bucks. Bucks were alone or in small bachelor groups. I did have two nice muley bucks do a waltz and grunt at each other. That was the closest thing to rut activity that I witnessed in the first 10 days of the year.
  19. MT_Sourdough

    Late season tactics

    I drew the late season tag fr 8 & 10. This is my 2nd year hunting turkey, but my 1st time trying to hunt them after they have gone quiet. I imagine sitting water holes is probably the best bet for the later season, but I don't know that for sure. What tactics work well in the later season?
  20. MT_Sourdough

    Late season tactics

    For 2018 the late season runs May 4 - May 24 The past year, the early season was at the back end of the gobbling. Coach, that's a good way to look at it I reckon.
  21. Gee willikers, I was just looking at the extended forecast and it looks like we might not see any moisture in the month of December. Why wont anybody do anything?
  22. Gee willikers, I was just looking at the extended forecast and it looks like we might not see any moisture in the month of December. Why wont anybody do anything?
  23. MT_Sourdough

    Wont anybody do anything about the lack of rain?

    Trickle down environmentalism? Buy beer from a place that's getting lots of rain and then pee in your yard. hmmm...? Need to drink more beer I suppose.
  24. MT_Sourdough

    Marlin X7 rifle $375

    Your XL7 looks good. I use a similar cheek rest. X7s are good and reliable rifles. Good luck with sale.
  25. MT_Sourdough

    ISO bow for teenager

    I am learning to shoot a bow using a Mission (by Mathews). I think the bow has made getting tight groups sooooooo easy. Earlier attempts with other folks bows led to lost arrows. Funny thing, people seem to not like losing arrows and called the lesson off quickly. My first shot with the mission went right to the bullseye.