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Everything posted by MT_Sourdough

  1. MT_Sourdough

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    I got back handed on this forum because, as I was told, auction tags are off the table and because this Commision is not agenda driven. Hmmmm Yea, and I was born yesterday.
  2. MT_Sourdough

    Late Hunt

    Well, I got my riddle answered. Mid Morning, I get to looking through my binos at a old silver back tree laying on the ground about 300 yards out in front of me. "What the funk?" It's a friggin camper trailer. Somebody set up camp right on top of the tank and right where the birds are at. Man, I am so fit to be tied right now. Three out of my last 4 hunts have been screwed because some jack wagon decides to camp right on or within 1/4 mile of a tank. What's game and fish doing trying to make more laws when they can't enforce the ones on the books. I wouldn't plan a hunt in a way if I thought a person would plop right down, illegally, in the middle of my setup. I set this blind up a while back in preparation. On Thursday night I go up there and set up decoys and sundown and make final preparations. I get just a couple hours of sleep between getting home Thursday night and turn around and head back up there to be in my blind before sun comes up. I did the same this morning just to find out that I have been making a fool of myself serenading some happy campers. Man, I can just spit right now.
  3. MT_Sourdough


    Wow, that's an impressive animal. Congratulations.
  4. MT_Sourdough

    Late Hunt

    It seems that the drought might have pushed birds from my area. In fact the last birds I saw, heard, and caught on cam was all on 4:20. I did hear a distant shotgun blast at first light. Perhaps somebody was waiting for the birds under the roost. Had a couple of cow elk come within 15' from me. That was the highlight of my morning.
  5. MT_Sourdough

    noisy in the woods today

    I don't know what it means, but I was up in 8 today and the gobblers were going off. I am no expert, but if I were to guess, I'd say these warm temps are getting things fired up early. Man, they sound loud when the trees don't have leaves.
  6. MT_Sourdough

    noisy in the woods today

    It's raining here right now and that'll turn to snow in 8 tonight. Last time it snowed in 8, the birds were more vocal than they were before.
  7. MT_Sourdough

    noisy in the woods today

    I'll be up there on Friday before the crack of dawn. Actually, I have plans to be up there thursday night to set up decoys.
  8. MT_Sourdough

    A Wing It Operation

    Well Done!
  9. MT_Sourdough

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    Even if auction tags are no longer on the table, raffle tags from the general allotment of tags is not much better. It still ia an act that takes from one process where all is equal and turn it over to a process that still favors the rich. Second, This is a discussion about the commision circumventing the spirit of the law. The commision is supposed to remain an a-political organization. This is an effort of the commision to blur those lines. As a political independent as I am, I have been repeatedly alarmed by the commision broadly abusing their authority to interject into political issues. The commision has outright lied and has been deceptive in a way that prevents me from having any trust or faith in their agenda. Among my highest concern with the commision lately is their expressed "interest" in what Utah is doing. The right wing agenda to sale off public lands is every bit or greater threat to my future hunting heritage than any HSUS ballot initiative.
  10. MT_Sourdough

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    WEAK SAUCE! It seems through these threads. it is blatantly obvious that most of us refuse the notion of taking tags, especially the high value tags, from the draw and auction them to the privileged rich. Despite the empirical evidence screaming "NO!", the same ol' lame'o salesmen keep trying to re-interpret what they are hearing from us to push their predetermined agenda.
  11. MT_Sourdough

    NFL Draft

    Josh Rosen! Big time.
  12. MT_Sourdough

    Fire restrictions start 4-18-2018

    It's so bad out there right now. High temps and no serious moisture for at least two months is NO BUENO! I'm a little scared, I wont lie.
  13. MT_Sourdough

    Cades youth turkey!

    That's a good looking bird. congratulations
  14. MT_Sourdough

    Conserve and Protect AZ SURVEY/

    did we get the final numbers on the survey?
  15. MT_Sourdough

    Youth Turkey 2018

    Were your decoys motionless?
  16. MT_Sourdough

    Youth Turkey 2018

    My season isn't for a couple more weeks, but I went out this morning to watch, listen and scout. The weather made me want to play it safe at first light, so I went to my blind. I had gobbles in the first 1/2 hour or so of light, then it went quiet. Closest bird gobbling was about 300 yards from my blind. I was thinking, if I saw a parent and kid looking like they could use some help. I would offer the use of my blind, but there weren't many hunters around this morning. Good luck to you all. I look forward to more pics of the turkey season.
  17. MT_Sourdough

    Hunting over water

    I have run cams on water specifically watching for lions. Previous posts have hit the nail on the head. About 90% of lion pics on water came at night. Of those daytime pics of lions, at least 1/2 are within 5 to 10 minutes after a heard of deer left.
  18. MT_Sourdough

    Dorky question

    Do any of y'all paint your decoys to imitate a Merriam Turkey?
  19. MT_Sourdough

    Dorky question

    First, I would like to apologize for the double post. My mouse double clicks and I need to replace it. I know Bob is right, but I am still green when it comes to turkey hunting. I guess, what I was aiming for was the question of, does it make much of a difference to paint them to look like Merriams or do the birds even notice the difference?
  20. MT_Sourdough

    Dorky question

  21. MT_Sourdough

    Dorky question

    Do any of y'all paint your decoys to imitate a Merriam Turkey?
  22. MT_Sourdough

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    My fart i just had was more significant than that weak arse pin prick.
  23. MT_Sourdough

    Youth turkey 6a

    The only recent information is that the birds I am watching have seperated. Toms are not running with the hens. A month ago they were together, but it seems they split about two weeks ago. This is in the 6,000' to 6,500' elevation range. The Toms seem to be scattered all over the place.
  24. I've listened to sales jobs my whole life. This is weak sauce. It seems many people are just so easy to round up and herd. There are so many ways to accomplish the goal, but some folk want to tell us this is the only way. That is usually a clue. I'm not buying it.
  25. Just want to add one point of clarification for any reading that may not be familiar with the issue. There are two very different Humane Society organizations. The local state ones do great work and had nothing to do with the latest hunting nonsense. The problem is with the other, the HSUS (Humane Society of the United States). This one has no affiliation with the local groups and their primary goal is to ban all hunting everywhere. Don't be afraid to support your local Humane Society. Just want to add one point of clarification for any reading that may not be familiar with the issue. There are two very different Humane Society organizations. The local state ones do great work and had nothing to do with the latest hunting nonsense. The problem is with the other, the HSUS (Humane Society of the United States). This one has no affiliation with the local groups and their primary goal is to ban all hunting everywhere. Don't be afraid to support your local Humane Society. That is useful information.