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Everything posted by SilentButDeadly

  1. SilentButDeadly

    Game and Fish population surveys

    I don't know alot about how G&F do their large mammal surveys, but it seems to me that doing a straight line overflight of an area could lead to some inaccuracies as to estimating true populations of game species. For example, a fishermen that always fishes around submerged reefs might think that there are thousands of fish in the sea, as his reefs are always teeming with fish, however if he were to fish in the open ocean he would find it to be nearly empty of fish. The same goes for game, which favor certain habitats over others, if the G&F helicopter or field crew goes to one of these areas and does a crude extrapolation of total area than they would be wildly wrong. Perhaps one or more of the other readers could point us toward the published literature on how G&F does their sampling? I'd like to learn more about how they come up with their totals. Wildlife biologists do tend to be pretty spectacular statisticians (I mean that seriously - they know how to get the best results from the meager data that they can collect). It would be interesting to see if they incorporate vegetation maps or habitat models to help develop population numbers.
  2. SilentButDeadly

    More success

    atta boy!
  3. SilentButDeadly

    5x4 non typical

  4. SilentButDeadly

    09 achery bull

  5. SilentButDeadly

    Trouble on camera

    Where do you live? I thought it was hot in Tucson.
  6. SilentButDeadly

    AZ muzz elk

    Atta Boy!
  7. SilentButDeadly

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    117 6/8
  8. SilentButDeadly

    What do you think of this terrain...?

    I think at least 10 quads/trucks will drive up and down that road on opening morning. Get away from the road!
  9. SilentButDeadly

    New Mexico Elk 16E

    Excellent! Killing a cow elk with a bow is x5 harder than killing a bull! congratulations!
  10. SilentButDeadly


    Just an update -- my father-in-law Ernie Allen shot his bull on the last morning! Looks like luck runs in the family! He hunted all 14 days plus 5 scout days before the hunt!
  11. SilentButDeadly

    left handed right eye

    IMO, get him a right handed bow. In the heat of the moment both eyes will be open, he will want to leave his dominant eye slightly open, and that will be enough to cause double vision. One of my archery mentors is right handed, left eye dominant; he would consistently screw up high pressure shots for years until he finally switched to a left handed bow. He is good friends with Randy Ulmer (the Chosen One), Randy is the one who helped convince him to switch over. I might think that he would be a somewhat better shooter using his stronger, more coordinated left arm on the riser to stabilize the bow, while using back tension to release the string with his right.
  12. SilentButDeadly


    this is the only Trail-cam photo I've got of him, from September 08
  13. SilentButDeadly

    Angie gets it done!!!

    What posers for the camera! You all look awesome in those shirts!
  14. SilentButDeadly

    Bears and birds!

    Amanda, I've got to ask, but did you intentionally set the camera with the root there so that you could catch birds on it?
  15. SilentButDeadly

    No buck, but a lion instead

    You just entered the elite hall of men who have killed a mountain lion minus dogs, with a bow. I salute you.
  16. Here is a list of things compiled a few years ago by the Brookings Institute: http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2000/11governance_light.aspx I'd also like to add: The National Forests, National Parks, and pretty much all other Public lands, as well as the State run Fish and Game programs, i.e. Public Hunting. I'm not going to quibble about how successful you all think the National Forests are managed, or how you think Game and Fish should be managed -- the reality is that if GOVERNMENT didn't do these things for you this website would not exist. Move to Texas and hunt private ground if you think government is worthless - Texans will be the first ones to secede from the Union if the federal government implodes anyway. But you better hope that you've got the cash to use somebodyelse's land to enjoy the great outdoors, because there is no 'socialized' place for you to haul your camper! I think Jimmer already gave a link that shows you why universal health coverage could be different. Even in those European countries that you claim have poor public coverage and have to pay for private insurance on the side it still costs them 1/2 what we pay now. For all the fear universal coverage will crash our health care system: Doesn't that leave room for a new market? Privately run hospitals and doctors that exist outside to the public option would then pick up the slack and you could pay for your premium care there instead -- isn't that what has happened in all these European countries? Answer: NO! Because their Government run programs actually work there, just like the ones that the Brookings institute highlighted above. As for Our Congressman Mike Rogers of Michigan: is it any surprise where his #1 and #2 congressional funding sources come from? http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/ind...type=I&mem= This guy is a paid mouthpiece of the Insurance, Pharma, and Health Services industries (whose profits would suffer the most under a public option).
  17. SilentButDeadly

    unique color coues

    Ever seen one with white sides?
  18. SilentButDeadly

    2009 archery success

    Killing anything with a Vizsla along is a true success!
  19. SilentButDeadly

    whitetail or mullie

    1 for Flop-ear
  20. SilentButDeadly

    Photo Link to Video of 128 4/8

  21. SilentButDeadly

    Yeti or Skinwalker?

    Skinwalker for sure, Yeti's live in Asia (in the snowy Himalaya).
  22. SilentButDeadly

    Weekend Scouting trip to Mexico!

    Beautiful! Those Mexican deer definitely have more 'swagger' than the sketched out Coues I see in Arizona. The deer up here are tentative just taking single steps, those guys look like rompin-stompin bad-asses. Also, you can really see how much more moisture they've been getting down there this year. I've watched the GOES-10 satellite imagery every week, Mexico boils with thunderstorms almost every day while we've been wilting up here!