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Everything posted by SilentButDeadly

  1. SilentButDeadly

    KFC vs. peta

    My 300lb college roommate once saw a PETA ad of bacon, sausage, eggs, ham steak, beef steak all piled up on a plate - the ad read something like 'Isn't this disgusting?" He came home and cooked everything in our fridge - we sat and ate it all while he told me how the ad had made him so hungry he'd run home thinking about bacon... In defense of a (1) PETA member - I worked with a great guy, a vegetarian, I'd eat meat right in front of him and talk about how he could possibly rationalize being in PETA - he never pushed his views on me. However anyone who actually works for PETA is bat $%!# insane, and only one crime away from becoming a domestic terrorist IMO.
  2. I was going to buy it, make a new screen name on here, and bill myself as 'the greatest Coue's hunter of all time!" and sit back and wait for the adoration of the masses, but now you've ruined it... Thanks alot!
  3. SilentButDeadly

    Saturday Morning Dog

    bow wow wow yippeo yippeeaaaaahhhh!!!!
  4. SilentButDeadly

    January Pictures

  5. SilentButDeadly

    400 fps

    Cool article about the problems facing bow-engineers on crossing the magical 400 fps mark. http://www.huntersfriend.com/bow-review-40...ompound-bow.htm I'm going back to practicing with my longbow now....
  6. SilentButDeadly

    Which Spotting Scope ?

    I really like the zeiss 85m diascope with vario lense - you could try givin'it a go.
  7. http://www.wickedlasers.com/lasers/wicked_lights-74-0.htm This thing has to heat up in your hand, run out of battery power faster than anything else, but at least you can start a fire with it!
  8. SilentButDeadly

    2007 Desert Sheep Super Raffle

    so those are scars on his face? Pretty swollen looking... sweet ram.
  9. SilentButDeadly

    When do........

    Sorry bout that, didn't mean to come off as being rude, I think I've got PTSD from missing a shot at a monster buck four weeks ago... I have to agree with you about the folks on MM, I can't figure out what their deal is - I love the folks on this website - wouldn't have it any other way.
  10. SilentButDeadly

    When do........

    Trying to find desert mule deer sheds (from a particular buck) is dang near impossible IMO. I've spent equal amounts of time looking for Coue's and Desert Mules, I've found nearly 30 Coues sheds and <5 Mule sheds in the last two years. Additionally, I've covered substantially more ground looking for mule sheds. The odds are against you, 1st: Mule deer home ranges are huge, something like an order of magnitude larger (10x) than Coue's; 2nd: IMO Coue's like to drop their antlers near or around their bedding areas, muleys on the other hand have no preferred area, and are likely to drop their sheds wherever they happen to be standing at that moment; 3rd: This is a whitetail website, go to www.monstermuleys.com if you really want a professional to answer this. To answer your question though, March to April is when I've seen them redheaded. If I were you I would go glassing, if you can glass a deer with one antler, you will probably have a better chance of finding a shed than by just walking around Oregon-trail style. Tyson PS I found these in September after I got home from my elk hunt, I was so depressed about not killing an elk that I didn't think finding a 190 (est. 24in spread) gross desert muley set was worth while...
  11. SilentButDeadly

    Sitka Blacktail from 11/07

  12. SilentButDeadly

    Hey Homer - Alaska that is

    darn lazy eagles waiting for handouts!
  13. SilentButDeadly

    The tale of the Big G2 buck

    As those who have read this post know, I've been following this buck for two 1/2 years now. I've found 3 years of sheds, a single from 2005, set from 2006, and a single in 2007. http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/vFC6kjeUeARWFQJbQVyhgg I'd been waiting all year to get a crack at him, and on New Year's morning I spotted him in a likely spot at 7am (first bit of footage). I filmed him a little then called my father-in-law Ernie to help me put a stalk on him. The buck moved over a mountain and I lost sight of him. Ernie showed up an hour later and we moved around two drainages to look back at the mountain I last saw him on. We spooked him up on accident (footage of him walking away) - he'd come all the way across the second valley - and he walked right back (1/2 mile) to where I'd seen him first that morning. After climbing the next mountain Ernie relocated him and I got the last film you see of him. I went and attempted a stalk after he bedded (at 12 noon!), but he busted me (my mistake for not memorizing the area he was bedded in, I got within 50 yards and was looking for him 90 degrees from where he was actually bedded). He ran around another mountain (which I then had to climb). We lost him for 4 hours, Ernie finally relocated him at 4:45pm that afternoon. I dove off the mountain and got out above him on the ridge he was feeding on. Again, I got within 35 yards before he saw me. He was staring right at me through a palo verde and staghorn cholla. I drew down and stepped out from behind the palo verde, but the staghorn was still in the way. I could see his face and neck, he was standing straight on to me. I decided to take the shot. My arrow went 6 inches to the right of his face, I don't know if it deflected through the staghorn or if it was me (I think it was me forgetting to use my back tension). He flew out of there like a whiff of smoke and that was the last opportunity I had to be close to this amazing buck. I spent the next two weeks looking for him, and never saw him again. I finally threw in the towel on whitetails and went carp hunting the last two weeks - and yes I feel terrible still for not spending the last two weeks looking for him - although I did get to hunt some monster muleys. If you compare the photos of the sheds with his rack in the video you can see that he is going downhill. I suspected this when I found his shed from this year. You can also hear us talking about the tumor on the side of his face. I don't know if it is a tumor or an injury, maybe some of our biologists can chime in. My fear is that it is cancer, and that this is likely the last I will ever see of this buck. Perhaps he was killed by a hunter, but selfishly I hope that he is still out on those hills disappearing like smoke from those that hunt him. Sadly, I know that eternity is not far behind this old boy and that the reaper will take him sooner than I can. I try to cheer myself up thinking that maybe Briggs-dog and I will find his bones one day this summer while shed hunting, whatever happens, he will be a legend in my mind for the rest of my life. Tyson
  14. SilentButDeadly

    good sheds 57" , 52"

    yikes! too bad you didn't find that monster 1-3 years ago when it was a fresh drop - seeing it walking around wouldn't have been bad either I guess....
  15. SilentButDeadly

    el pepÉ scores again

    you are a bad mamma jamma
  16. All the talk about GRONG's trail cam has me thinking.... You find a trail camera in the woods, what do you do? An anonymous multi-choice poll.
  17. SilentButDeadly

    Muley shed

    that thing is awesome!
  18. SilentButDeadly

    Now what?

    Speak for yourselves! I plan on beating-up myself in those hills until sundown on the 31st, then I'm going to go buy some beer and mutter excuses for my failure until I finally cry myself to sleep. I'll post again in February.
  19. This p@#$es me off. "The Bush administration's new management plan for the Tongass National Forest will raise no revenue for the U.S. government, as the U.S. taxpayers will have to pay to build the roads the timber companies need to access the forest." http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/jan2008/2008-01-25-095.asp I've never been to AK, so does that mean I shouldn't be upset they are going to build roads up there? I also don't want to be a hypocrite, I walked every old logging road I could on my New Mexico elk hunt last year.
  20. SilentButDeadly

    Logging the Tongass NF

    I'd prefer if you didn't call me ignorant. I put this issue out for people to comment on, not for them to comment on me. I have a graduate degree in forest ecology. I absolutely understand the value of forest products, I disagree with tax payers building new roads for private company profit. This measure has already been shot down in Congress three times. As the article states: "Tongass logging fell dramatically in the 1990s, and for years now has existed at levels that do not require slicing roads and clearcuts into virgin old-growth forests, as the Forest Service itself has acknowledged." Here is a tax snippet: http://www.taxpayer.net/forest/tongass/ Tyson
  21. SilentButDeadly

    About time

  22. SilentButDeadly

    real monster deer

    my first thought as well, but hey, maybe they're Hobbits?
  23. SilentButDeadly


    Monsterous! 4 miles apart? I think there might still be someplace that the sheds are hiding... How many other horns did you find looking for those pairs?? It took me months to find the other side of a Coue's rack that was only 1/8 of a mile apart. I still can't find a set from a buck I've been hunting and I'm pretty sure I've got his whole range pegged....
  24. SilentButDeadly


    In regard to your question, ARE WE NUTS? Yes, we are.