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Everything posted by SilentButDeadly

  1. SilentButDeadly

    Shoot him or not

    go ahead, let him walk.
  2. SilentButDeadly

    Life Span of the USA

    Where are all the government-owned tenements in Pima and Coconino counties? Maybe economists, history professors, and politicians haven't learned anything in 231 years since Alexander Tyler made this statement. I'm going to call bull sh%# though, and say that they have; with the caveat that they are still capable of serious and fatal oversight. It should be noted that there were plenty of voices screaming at the top of their lungs that there was a housing bubble, that our politicians are corrupt, and that we are dependent upon foreign oil from dangerous actors, but no one with power listened to them (or they did listen and chose not to act because it was not in their best interest). As for the high murder rate populations leaning toward democratic voting -- is this insinuating that people who live in high crime rate counties are criminals and that is why they vote Democrat? Or might it be that they are more openly exposed to the failure of the system and are seeking out the candidate who they believe will focus on solving their problems? This letter is a gross oversimplification of the problems facing society today. How long does the USA have? As long as Americans believe in it and are willing to keep it going! A better question is: how much long can the USA go under its current unsustainable, live beyond-its-means, debt-ridden lifestyle? The answer is unfolding daily on the news and in the stock market! Tyson
  3. The news lately concerning wild mustang adoption/slaughter/euthanasia has me wondering if they are worth taking in to use as riding/pack animals??? know anyone whose tried? owns one? They seem small for a larger rider; but they are supposed to be tough and strong. I'm not weighing in on the leave um vs git rid of um debate; just wondering if they worth using for anything other than dog/french food.
  4. SilentButDeadly

    I'M OFF!!!

    Josh Epperson + Jim Reynolds = more bone finding experience (on or off the hoof) than 99.9% of the rest of the Coue's hunters in the world. I'm going to (conservatively) estimate the unfortunate recipient of Bullet ala Grong at 110 B&C. T ps, at least I can take comfort hunting Coues for the first week of archery season knowing that those two daemons are frightening the deer south of the border instead of my backyard...
  5. SilentButDeadly

    My Late November Coues'

    atta boy Bill! I'd guess between 102-108 net + 5 1/2 nontyp points.
  6. SilentButDeadly

    Nother New Guy...

    no, you're not that good (ha!) I don't know actually, but I've never lined up mine.
  7. SilentButDeadly

    Friend Closes the Deal!!!

    mom's, dad's, wive's, friend's, your's!! I can't take it anymore!
  8. SilentButDeadly

    2x4 down!

    atta boy, way to keep at it and git'er done. T
  9. SilentButDeadly

    Nother New Guy...

    100g 3blade muzzy, 300grain carbon arrows, get a range finder with angle compensation.
  10. SilentButDeadly

    Dec Archery Hunts

    to be direct, NO, I do not 'mix' with rifle hunters. T
  11. SilentButDeadly

    Father Joins the Club

    I hope you don't have any more brothers or sisters... There can't be that many 100 inch bucks left on the landscape...
  12. SilentButDeadly

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Mr. Day, Thanks for your input. I have to agree with Tim M. on the question of whether or not G&F has conducted any significance testing to show that baiting has caused the increase in archery take in 22. Is there a place where this data is available to the public? I'd be more than willing to explore the stats that you have. There have been many advancements in archery over the last 10 years (digital range finders being one of them). In my opinion, as an ecological scientist and statistical analyst, the devil is in the details. Unless the harvest data show that hunters sitting over bait are taking a statistically significant number of bucks over spot-n-stalk and other stand/blind hunters it is invalid for G&F to do away with baiting/salt. Additionally, I do not believe that this law is enforceable and any attempt to enforce it would be a burden on already overworked field men. Again, thanks for your input -- I believe it is critical for our public servants to have a voice on this forum, as it is a pinnacle of the hunting community in our state. Tyson Swetnam
  13. SilentButDeadly

    Need a pistol

    (you said you don't want a revolver, so you can stop reading here if you like). I just got a Ruger SP101 .357... Its a little thing, 5 rounds, fits nicely on the hip, shoots straight. My thoughts are: if I can't hit him with the first 5 I'll probably be dead by then, .357 is big enough to drop a man, and revolvers are simple = less to break/jam/etc. I'd like another gun for fun, but this is the one I want for running around chasing deer with my bow and sitting on the ground rubbing the nose in the dirt while I'm glassing, my 'just in case' gun. T
  14. SilentButDeadly

    A great hunt

  15. SilentButDeadly

    Interesting Coues Rack

    frickin crazy... I don't know if i'd qualify those droppers as being on the main beam though... the right side does have that little tip coming out in the more anatomically correct place.
  16. SilentButDeadly

    Remington Model 700 BDL 30-06 For Sale

    pm sent
  17. SilentButDeadly

    Oh, Glorious November 28th

    Shouldn't you be out training for your marathon? (I'll be looking for you during the race). Mearn's are some cool quail.. congratulations. T
  18. SilentButDeadly

    bucks with does already?

    WHO CARES WHO THEY'RE WITH!!! SHOOT THAT BUCK!!! okay, seriously though, I saw 2 bucks get killed this morning, both were with does. Tyson
  19. SilentButDeadly


  20. SilentButDeadly

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    How do you enforce 10-12 2-4 hunt hours law? It is impossible. How do you prove 'hunting' vs 'glassing', use of radios, team hunting'? HOW DO YOU PROVE SALTING OR FEEDING THE GAME?! I call BS on all of this. Unless a G&F ranger catches you pouring salt on the ground how the heck are they going to prosecute? What kind of fine? $500? $5000? You could salt the land for 20 years and get caught once and it would still have been cost effective for the number of bucks you'd filmed off it. I do believe they can change the seasons, that is totally possible and probable. I agree (with the others) that Sportsmen need a voice; independent of the NRA and the other groups that go beyond hunting and conservation of land and game. How many hunters have gone beyond the law, breaking a law they felt was unfair (even overturned eventually)? More than a few of you have skeletons in your closet. Have you never picked up a lion kill without calling G&F? Aldo Leopold was right. "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." "We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. " T
  21. SilentButDeadly

    Rosemont Mine

    Follow the link to a .kml that opens in Google Earth from Save the Santa Ritas website. http://www.scenicsantaritas.org/ You can look at it to see what areas will be affected by the proposed mine development. click on 'New SkyTruth images of the Rosemont Mine (requires GoogleEarth)' Tyson
  22. SilentButDeadly

    Huntin' For "Sticks"!

    looks like I slept in compared to some of these other posters! I knew you had it in you Jimbo; way to go get a true Kaibab buck. Tyson
  23. SilentButDeadly

    North of the River Muley's

    don't feel bad other guys, I haven't seen the pictures yet either... But think of it this way, that deer lived its whole life not knowing Jim's bullet was going to find it, I can wait one more day, knowing a guy that works hard helped himself to a nice buck. T