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Everything posted by SilentButDeadly

  1. SilentButDeadly


    Dude, 1.) 3 bull elephants has got to put you in an elite group. 2.) did you get too keep (and import) all of the tusks n tails as trophies? or just the one you had the tag for? (I'd suggest doing the pedestal stands on either side of an entryway, those are sick!) 3.) did you at least try to beg and barter with the game ranger to buy that Kudu skull? Next time you're gonna have to do it with a bow - 30 yards broadside at an elephant would be a dream for me
  2. SilentButDeadly

    Jaguar Collared in SO AZ

    If the cat was as old as they said it was, than its condition had to be exacerbated by capture (they tree'd it with dogs to get it in the first place right? that had to have exhausted the old guy). Additionally, I wonder if the reason it came to AZ in the first place was to die? It probably wanted some good hunting grounds where it knew it wouldn't be pressured. Better hope the Anti's don't use this as an excuse to push legislation against houndsmen from going after old lions!
  3. SilentButDeadly

    Another use for trail cams

    I've heard you can buy electrified mats that go on your counter top, paws touch counter = dog gets a shock.
  4. SilentButDeadly

    Leica Binoculars *Relist*

    I've got some vintage Leitz 8x40 trinovids; they are awesome. this glass is awesome, the price is way under market (I wouldn't be saying that if I had the $$, I'd have already scooped um up).
  5. SilentButDeadly

    I need some good radios

    The Federal Government is unloading a ton of old analog Bendix King UHF and VHF radios.... You can find them on Ebay or internet sellers. I'm not totally sure about the legality of using them since you've got to have a FCC approved frequency. However with a full 'clamshell' of 9 AA batteries you can talk to people up to 15 miles away on a line of sight... Only other problem is they weigh like 2lbs a piece... Personally I'd go with the cheapies, nothing like listening to the airwaves on a Motorola during elk season.... T
  6. SilentButDeadly

    I cannot believe what I've gone and done!!!!

    Zimbabwe! Yikes! Be careful! And bring me back a 1,000,000,000,000.00 (ya, a trillion) dollar bill, I think its worth 1 buck and falling...
  7. A couple things: 1.) Gotta have a propane distribution tree: lantern, stove, and a heater all off one 5 gallon tank... Set it up next to a small folding table. Can't beat it. 2.) Use ratchet tie down straps as guy lines for overhead tarps (you can put the hooks through the grommets, and loop them on trees or whatever and get them so tight the tarp thumps like a drum. Never tie another knot. 3.) Tyson's Green Chile Stew: One quart can green enchilada sauce 1/2 bag frozen hashbrowns (can be thawed) 1 onion 1 large can green chile 1/2 lb Queso 1 lb ground meat (beef or what not -- I use boca-soy crumbles -- its cooked, keeps for longer in a cooler and don't taste half bad with everything else mixed in). 1 dozen Tortillas Feeds 3-4. Besides cutting up the onion everything else is just open and pour into a big pot and let it get hot, quick, simple, tasty.
  8. SilentButDeadly


    Are you guys talking deer tags?? Did you forget about September and December?
  9. Looks like they are coming back out of hiding... I didn't see a single buck over 85 all season
  10. SilentButDeadly

    Stories of Your First Coues Hunts

    thanks all, I too re-read it yesterday... I lost 30 minutes of work throwing it back into Word and editing it down to make it smoother... (I'm never happy with my own writing!) t
  11. SilentButDeadly

    When do ya or do ya?

    If Doyle did it, leave it be, that thing is a piece of art.
  12. SilentButDeadly

    Mounted Sheds

  13. SilentButDeadly

    Need a new boot

    www.whitesboots.com I've worn my Smoke Jumper boots for 3 full summer fire seasons, and 3 additional part-seasons for field work... They don't break down, but they are VERY heavy. Also very expensive, but thats what you get for American quality.
  14. SilentButDeadly

    1st coues shed for me

    how bout a picture of the two reunited??!!
  15. SilentButDeadly

    Jay's Mexico Hunt

    Toad! and your buck from last year was a SUPER TOAD! Can't wait to see pictures of the two of them mounted side by side!
  16. SilentButDeadly

    Oryx Article from 2001

    I'm out of the loop. Are the Oryx doing badly now? Not so many as 5,000?
  17. SilentButDeadly

    Being patient after the shot....

    If you're talking shot placement, a broken leg will not stop an animal from clearing out of the area, with a broken front leg an animal can still push hard on their hind legs and move as quickly uphill as a healthy one. A gut shot animal will keep walking until it feels safe enough to lay down, eventually it will go to water but probably not until it gets really thirsty (+ you've gotta know ALL of the water sources in an area). A meat shot (loin, hindquarter, neck) animal will likely do the same thing as a gut shot animal, although they are even less likely to die quickly (infections take a long time, days, weeks, months) and are more mobile and likely to leave the area they were wounded. If you're hunting in open country, and you know your shot was bad, back off and climb the closest peak or hillside that will give you a view of where you suspect the animal has gone. No need to follow the blood trail right away; your #1 priority should be to relocate the animal and keep tabs until it beds down. If the shot is at dusk, you've got little chance of finding him by chasing that evening, you're best hope will be to glass the next morning anyway (hopefully after a cell phone call and more sets of eyes and feet to help push and locate the animal out of bed if you can't find him by glassing). Once its bedded begin a second stalk, same tactics as any other stalk. Another rule of thumb is to get another arrow knocked ASAP, get that second shot off if you can, then a third, and even a fourth, even after they've laid down the last time (to make sure its the last!). You never know if that first shot was good enough, look at all the guys who come on here and say 'I thought the shot was a good one'. I diced my first Coue's @ 15 yards through a lung, liver, stomach, and cut his femoral with one quartering toward shot, it still took him over 20 minutes to pass (and that was after I shot him twice more laying down). If you're hunting in the forest or there is no way to glass them, you've gotta give them time, I don't hunt the shut-in country so I won't comment on this. Over the years we've hunted several animals that had been wounded (either by us or other hunters), with only a couple exceptions we were unable to finish them off. Broken leg or 'meat' shot animals have escaped us most often, gut shot ones we've gone 100% on.
  18. SilentButDeadly

    Color Variations

    I've seen coue's whose coats are brown; they really look different standing next to another deer that is obviously gray...
  19. SilentButDeadly

    my biggest buck to date

  20. SilentButDeadly

    Time is running out....

    So I read the Darimont et al. PNAS article. These are the things that struck me: They choose to use the word "Human Predator" to describe the method of commercially harvesting wildlife; When they show the measurements, they say: "length/horn size" are the two measurements used in the study; of the 29 species, only 2 were ungulates (both bighorn sheep, from the same published study), the rest were either arthopods, fish, or plants; mostly fish. The authors do state in the results "commercial harvests showed greater change than recreational/scientific harvest" -- basically, big net fishing operations that take huge numbers of a population indiscriminately have a greater effect (by selecting from the Mode -- most common #) than hunting. I also downloaded the supplemental data in an excel spreadsheet; Of the two measurements taken from sheep, weight, and horn size, the magnitude of change for weight = 0.232, and horn = 0.029; the average of all species for the study was ~0.210 -- so sheep are above average change for weight, and far below (one of the smallest) for horn length. The thing that gets me is that this study, without the bighorns this would have been just as significant (maybe more) at pointing out what we've already known for decades -- WE ARE OVERFISHING OUR OCEANS! But by putting a single ungulate species, from a single study location on the list they can now attack ALL of the world of ungulate hunting, suggesting that it is causing a decline in animal quality!
  21. SilentButDeadly

    A Picture worth a 1000 words!

    atta boy!
  22. SilentButDeadly

    I Guess this might be "Other Big Game"

    I'd shoot a Llama (with my bow). I can't wait till they put feral goats out in the Catalina's to eat all the buffel grass!
  23. SilentButDeadly

    08 Coues sheds

    Didn't spend as much time looking for bone as I'd of liked this year (what is the saying? 1/2 as much as I wanted, 2x as much as I could afford?) Alot of my honey holes were picked dry too, so that was not so good. Here's the pile from this year, sunny side up: brown down: biggest shed is around 49; the rack goes in the 90s
  24. SilentButDeadly

    stealth cam flash bust

    I've got a 3.1 mega pixel Stealth Cam; bought it off Ebay from a licensed vendor; so its probably a refurb. Its taken about 3000 photos, mostly daytime shots. The flash has stopped functioning, I took it apart and looked at all the wires, still intact, managed to touch the capacitor with my finger -- that was fun. Anywho, what could be screwing up? The tube looks okay, the sensor maybe?? I know a few of you are builders, I can see how you can get into it, easy enough parts. Any help and I'd be grateful. Also, anyone that can point me in a direction on how to build my own would be cool. T