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About matthewdee

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  1. matthewdee

    Elk 22S Muzzleloader

    Hey All.. My card got hit yesterday morning for the cost of an elk tag! I put in for 3A/3C rifle rut first and 22S muzzleloader rut second. Given that I only had 6 pts Im assuming its the muzzleloader hunt. I live in Mesa and hunt 22 a lot for quail, pig and deer, but Im not terribly familiar with elk south of the 260. If anybody has any recommendations on camp grounds and places to consider I would appreciate it.
  2. matthewdee

    23 Turkey

    I hunted opening wknd first season and all day yesterday. Heard a couple gobbles two mornings, including yesterday. Set up with decoy and tried to coax em in but no luck. Did get a hen to come into 15yds but her boyfriend wasn't interested. Didn't hear squat after 7am any day in the woods..
  3. matthewdee

    Good luck 2nd season turkey hunters

    Hey everyone. I'm up in 23 near Christophet Mtn for second opening for first season tag holders. Came up yesterday after work. No luck puttin birds to bed last night so went prospecting this morning. Got one Tom to respond to me at about 6:15A. Set up the decoy and tried to coax him in but he never made another peep. Stayed put for about 30 thinking he may be coming quiet but no luck. Just walked back to the truck calling every hundred yds or so but didn't hear anything. Grabbed a bite and gonna roll out again but Im bumming at the lack of turkey noise.. Anybody else hearing action in 23?
  4. matthewdee

    Bowhunting the rut

    Hey everyone.. Im a new member. Im an AZ native and longtime bowhunter. I have bow hunted for 10 years and taken 5 pigs but only one coues buck. I am decent with glass.. lot of trial and error.. and I can usually can find game.. but many seasons I don't get to loose an arrow at a deer cuz I can't get within bow range. The only buck I've killed with a bow was during the rut from a hand constructed ground blind on a ridge I found that does were using when traveling from bedding area to water. I know the rut is the time to see bucks cuz they are up on their feet, but I am never able to catch up to them for a decent stalk. So my question for ya'll is when bowhunting the rut for coues deer what tactic do you use? Spot and stalk, ground blind, tree stand, ambush...? Look fwd to your replies!