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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Savage Model 24 combo gun in 22mag/20 gauge

    Next in line, I have 500 primers to trade.
  2. I'm trying to buy srp's from an old timer who's no longer reloading. He's not budging on his price. I only want 1k but it's a package deal he's selling 5k. Would anyone be on board at 12.5¢ ea? PM me otherwise I'll have to pass.
  3. Edge

    Federal Small Rifle Primers

    It's been a month. I think he sees what they're going for on Gunbroker but they can't be mailed.
  4. Edge


    I stopped reading at 'ABC.'
  5. Edge

    Plant identification

    Dandy buck
  6. Edge

    Need help identifying

    Last pic highlights the grey foxes dorsal stripe
  7. Edge

    Any Crypto traders out there?

    There's a lot of counterfeit coins and bullion out there if you're not buying from a trusted dealer. Know the exact weight and dimensions ahead of time of any coin or brand of bullion you're looking at purchasing from a private party. I preset a micrometer when looking at trade coins. The weight of a fake gold coin or bar may be correct, but the dimensions have to be increased when substitute metals are forged. If the metal item is something you can acid test, find an inconspicuous place on the metal to do a streak test. Acid kits are very inexpensive and only take a little practice to be good at. Some bullion like the PAMP bars can be checked for authenticity using an app available for tablets and iPhones.
  8. Edge

    WTB generator 3000 or bigger

    I like the Hondas but the Champions are a close second and if on a budget, you might be better off. I have a Champion 3500 for the trailer I leave in the pickup bed. I have a Champion 1200 for small tools and blowers I leave in the desert sticks. I can't tell you how many times I've had to reclaim it from the pack rats. But like my Honda equipment, both Champions always starts first pull.
  9. Edge

    Any Crypto traders out there?

    https://americanfederal.com/ This company offered me 97% of spot price for my placer gold. That's 12% better than anyone else so I would certainly do business with them buying bullion or coins as well.
  10. Edge

    Stuck out by flag

    Red bull (gives you wings)
  11. Some of you may know derbiv from this sight, he's not able to post these so I'm helping out. Don't PM me but rather, text Derek only @ 1 623-910-2616 AZ Armory build.. DPMS 20 inch BARREL .308 Troy battle rail. I need to swap out the flash hider before i sell it. $1000 scope not included but for sale as well Same thing as above but with a adjustable stock and 18 inch barrel. No scope $1200.
  12. Edge

    A couple AR-10s 4 sale 7.62

    The seller is. Pretty sure they're now SPF
  13. Edge

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    Ironic dichotomy there, going primitive in the future.... I'm wanting to reload 45-70 with Blackhorn powder.
  14. Edge

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    4317.6 grains in a 10oz bottle of Blackhorn. Sounds like a lot but that only works out to about 72 charges of 60grain loads in a bottle.
  15. Edge

    Hunter Safety

    Me too. I took the hunter safety class in '72 and now AZGFD says they won't accept my certificate because it's carved on a stone tablet. That's BS I want my hunter safety point.
  16. Edge

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    They also own Goex. That blackhorn is expensive stuff. Pretty sure the 10oz countainer I bought over the summer was $53 at Cabela's? Are you reloading with it or musket?
  17. Edge

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    Buy out? Where you located?
  18. Savage, in 308, .300 with 20" barrel Marlin 336 30-30, older but not beat up.
  19. Edge

    WTB Older 336 and Savage 99

    To save time, can I get the cemetery, section and plot #? Thanks in advance.
  20. Edge

    Anyone else get a message from Campbell20?

    His buddy in TX has a M99 and a 336 for me if I hurry.
  21. Yes but our state legislature can shield us from federal crap like this by getting ahead of the feds with preemptive law. Where's our jack azz governor on this, nowhere to be found.
  22. Edge

    Shotgun ammo

    I believe .50¢ a round is average these days