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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Where Am I?

    Vulture is a good guess but many miles even as the crow flies
  2. Edge

    Where Am I?

    No sir, Jerome way too far north.
  3. Edge

    Where Am I?

    WINNER WINNER now go shoot dinner. Thanks for straightening my pic
  4. Edge

    Lk Tahoe Anyone?

    I'll have to see Tahoe another time, we're going to Shasta.
  5. Edge

    Where Am I?

    No, no and...not just yet.
  6. Just returned from out shooting the 45 70 Rolling Block with the 12gr Red Dot loads. What a hoot! Will head out with the 13gr charge soon. Anyone on the west side with a chrono like to go to the range I belong to? Lunch is on me, burger or chili at the Wildhorse.
  7. Edge

    WTB Blackhorn 209 Powder

    I can spare half a bottle.
  8. Edge

    Lk Shasta Anyone?

    What, you can hunt Turkey anywhere in CA?
  9. Edge

    Wtb metal detector

    You want the Minelab Equinox 800. A friend of mine is a Minelab dealer, he's loaned an Equinox to me, great machine.
  10. Edge

    Lk Tahoe Anyone?

    The ol lady has blonde moments, a lot of them. Pressing her for details on the boating she utters the words..."Lk Shasta." I correct her, it's Lk Tahoe. No, they've rented the boat on Shasta. She can't understand why I'm a little bummed. My contempt for CA could fill volumes.
  11. Edge

    Lk Tahoe Anyone?

    What, you were so hungry you couldn't take a 'before' picture? Tomorrow you'll post a pic of a happy turd?
  12. Edge

    Lk Tahoe Anyone?

    Yesterday in Gardner Canyon...
  13. Edge

    pack equipment for mules

    I have Deckers and Sawbucks. They each have their advantage and drawbacks. Board fit is essential. I came by my last mule due to someone fitting the beast poorly and causing enough discomfort the mule exploded and ducked off into the wilderness.
  14. Edge

    Bear Wallow Cafe closed?

    Any luck on the lakes closer to your home-20?
  15. Edge

    Lk Tahoe Anyone?

    Yeah I've gambled there. The BFF I mentioned is a resident on the NV side. I'm sure portions of the lake near docks will be a zoo. I'll be as far as possible from the clusters.
  16. Edge

    pack equipment for mules

    Online it's: https://www.outfitterssupply.com/
  17. Edge

    Thieves still suck!

    Headless hens are lousy layers.
  18. Edge

    Wtb metal detector

    Nugget or coin shooting?
  19. Edge


    Which barrel length on the 101?
  20. Edge

    Financial Advisor

    Smart man. Anyone able to find it for under 2k$ per ounce? My partner just got full 99.999 spot price locally for 22kt placer. Physical gold must be in short supply.
  21. Edge

    Bye Bye Bennu

    Watch the Osiris- Rex rocket engines blast the craft off from its material gathering mission on the surface of Asteroid Bennu today @1PM LST https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive
  22. Edge

    Bye Bye Bennu

    Lol I was hoping for video of the engine burn, didn't get it.
  23. As we inch closer to retirement, the home will go up for rent with a property management co. we're heading north, probably Yavapai or Coconino counties. It's hopefully our last summer at 1000' elev. Looking at buying land at approximately 5500'-7000'. To those of you whom live or frequent this elevation range, what would you list as your areas pros and cons; ie, water, wind, illegal activity, property tax, building restrictions, etc, etc? Any realtor recommendations?
  24. Edge

    Your Counties Pros & Cons

    Dopers, trashers and transients are to blame for most of the public gold panning sites around Prescott to be shutdown. You'd be panning out some nice color only to have some hooded zombie come over to stare at your findings while mumbling for cigs.
  25. Edge

    Account hacked

    It's good to be able to post firearms and ammo for sale here. It's one of our fundamental freedoms that the left is obsessed with ending. Enjoy it while you can. But there are some, perhaps myself included that have abused the classified section? Some have turned it into their weekend yard sale or EBay store.