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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Please correct me I'm often wrong relying on memory....but your hunting license grants you access hunting on state land but not camping. So if you want to spend the night, now you'll need the state permit?
  2. Edge

    WTB AR-7

    Most interested in Henry's but lemme know whatcha got.
  3. Edge

    Fires fires fires

    Not to mention the Gold Fire north of Lk Pleasant. Just too many careless morons out there.
  4. Edge

    WTB AR-7

    I want two.
  5. Edge

    WTB AR-7

    Most interested in Henry's but lemme know whatcha got.
  6. Edge

    New federal holiday

    I saw this trend coming years ago when our local news would no longer say when suspects were illegal aliens. Austin newspaper refuses to publish identity of mass shooting suspect, not wanting to “perpetuate stereotypes” https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/woke-austin-paper-wont-give-suspect-description-citing-stereotypes/ But yet the woke claim they want to have an open dialogue?
  7. Edge

    New federal holiday

    I think he heard ya bro. This is the west valley shooter being apprehended yesterday. Was he celebrating Juneteenth a little early? Either way, this racial division has to stop NOW.
  8. Edge


    Where are you located?
  9. Edge

    Hoping to buy...

    I can't seem to find any #10 percussion caps. If anyone comes across any or has some for sale, please lemme know.
  10. Edge


    PM sent
  11. Edge

    New federal holiday

    Considering what our BP and LEOs are being subjected to, you richly deserve that and so much more.
  12. Edge

    New federal holiday

    June 19th been around a long time Will the Republican president that made it so or the hundreds of thousands that died to make it happen be credited? Doubtful. Just more pandering from a race baiting Biden.
  13. Edge

    Another fire near Superior

    Lightning caused fire started in the Winchesters yesterday....
  14. Edge


    It's free but there's probably upgrades you can pay for. I've been using this app for about 10 years and the forecasts are very accurate. You can zoom in on the map to the point you can pinpoint cells and precipitation over forest roads.
  15. Edge

    127 Years AGO Today

    Sorry, thought you were in an impregnable safe space. Lol
  16. Edge


    Scud clouds, cumulus fractus in the valley. Batten down the hatches boyz!
  17. Edge

    Flag Day not flying because of Biden?

    You're too kind. It's easy to make a flag error. Years ago my son pointed out that the flag patches on our karate associations uniforms worn on the right shoulder were facing the wrong direction. He said as worn we were in retreat and not advancing. He was right.
  18. Edge

    Flag Day not flying because of Biden?

    I like seeing it too my friend. But it irks me to see it flying tattered, or wrapped around a bush. Dont like seeing hippies wear it like a poncho. I've never been to a demonstration where it was burned or stepped on but if I were I'd totally lose my shoot.
  19. Edge

    Flag Day not flying because of Biden?

    Totally wrong. There are numerous flag protocols in place so people are discouraged from hanging it "anyway you like."
  20. Edge

    Flag Day not flying because of Biden?

    Pretty sure the Union goes on the observers left when hanging the flag.
  21. Edge

    Flag Day not flying because of Biden?

    I honestly didn't know it was flag day, my bad. Biden can kiss my azz I started building a 40' flagpole at sunrise this morning. My US, Gadsen and Trump flags will look good. My hood has lighted Adobe columns in the road we put flags in on holidays, don't know why my USAF neighbor hasn't put them out today.
  22. Edge

    127 Years AGO Today

    Matt Fill a tag yet or too busy making jokes? 😆
  23. Edge


    I used to like going to MulePackHunter Mikes house, never know what surprises you'll find. Cleaning up brush, this guy never made a sound or motion. Actually spotted him while taking a water break.