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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Beware - https://www.raniersec.com/

    Link ain't working
  2. Edge

    For sale hot wheels garage

    Lot going on at that garage...lol
  3. Edge

    Anyone know this guy?

    Me too. Not spending money on the latest camo.
  4. Edge

    Some prepper troll chit

    I hear banjos...
  5. Edge

    Some prepper troll chit

    I don't believe so
  6. Edge

    Anyone know this guy?

  7. Edge

    Unit 9 Late Season Help for Son

    You can be a dick, It's your birthday. šŸ˜†
  8. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Ground zero. I feel ya. 3 years ago we got hit here with a microburst that delivered 3/4" hail (right thru the stuccoed shop wall) and 100mph wind that took off roofs and toppled saguaros for miles.
  9. Edge

    Ban on Russian guns and ammo

    Pretty sure we designed a govt that worked for the people. It's been turned all around by fanatics and gun grabbers. In 1775 the British proposed a ban on importing French muskets, so we shot them.
  10. Edge

    Ban on Russian guns and ammo

    Not sure what possessed my daughter to purchase a Vepr years ago but we finally took it to the range. Her ex bo bought a couple cans of Russky military ball for it. Ever try and open one of those cans without the proper opener? Should have got the industrial can opener for it. I about had a stroke freeing those little commie bastardo missles from the tank they come in. I can imagine dead comrades all over the battlefield cuz some hungover pinko private forgot the can opener. I'm seeing her exact weapon, right down to the scopes rubber eye extension that looks like some terrorists sex toy, being hoisted around by the Taliban. Pissed me off. Then this week I'm seeing M4s held by the same goat rapers. This is some serious bullshitz now. That's my Russian ammo rant. Carry on.
  11. Edge

    electric winch drag weight vs rating.

    I've dragged horses, cattle, elk; usually dead and a lotta vehicles with manual come alongs. I use two come alongs in tandem and I've had the same two come alongs since I bought them 35 years ago to stretch miles of fence in a commercial business. Ignore the cheap ones. I purchased Maasdam's and they're still on the job. I have one holding up a 300lb gate I'm installing now. They're rated at 2 tons each but I once used one to crank an S-10 Blazer out of a canal.
  12. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    A meteorologist I'd proudly get behind....
  13. Edge

    Bonus Points and Nonres Do they go with you?

    Charlie, your request for transfer has been denied, carry on.
  14. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    That's why NOAA is giving a 55% chance of a La Nina season? That's really sticking their necks out. As things stand with the El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), neutral conditions are currently present in the tropical Pacific and favored to last through the North American summer and into the fall. But forecasters at NOAAā€™s Climate Prediction Center have issued a La NiƱa Watch, which means they see La NiƱa likely emerging (~55%) during the September-November period and lasting through winter. unless you have this guy on your weather team, best keep those forecasts under 72hrs.
  15. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Warmer. The Jet Stream stays north.
  16. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    wx forecasters are professional liars, I went back and Googled the NOAAs monsoon prediction for us this current season...this is from just 10 weeks ago lol. ā€œA drier than normal Southwest monsoon season is slightly favored for 2021,ā€ Scott Handel, lead meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Climate Prediction
  17. Edge

    Whereā€™s nobull?

    Great Now she thinks Rudolph is an elk.
  18. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Absolutely correct. I believe our regional snow pack has only been 30% of typical years.
  19. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    The drought has been a decades old cycle. Hopefully the cycle had reached its apex.
  20. Edge

    Handyman Sierra Vista

    Savour faire?
  21. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    At least gas is cheap there
  22. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

  23. Edge

    Handyman Sierra Vista

    He said "Good" not fabulicious
  24. Edge

    Whereā€™s nobull?

    Yup, deffinetly a deer....
  25. Edge

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    This has turned into a moderate rain with some intermittent hail. Lost satellite connection. Guess I'll have to stream The View.