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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Point guard plus

    Judging by your home, your pretty good at that dang day job.
  2. Edge

    Spring Draw

    I hope you never draw another tag. When you hit an animal that's your animal though you haven't tagged it yet. That is your bull, you spend the rest of your hunt looking for it not going on to wound three more.
  3. Edge

    Dirt bike questions

    I've been looking at the larger enduros, been wanting to make certain what I end up would have both low end torque for the rough spots and enough top end to keep from being a traffic impediment on the few hiway miles I need to traverse. Hate to date myself but my last enduro was a Yamahammer DT400. It served me well but backbreaking rear suspension.
  4. Edge

    DIY Gong Stands

    I'm working on some right now
  5. Edge

    Looks like someone broke into Judge Dredd's locker....

    We're looking at actual space cadets? Shoot me now.
  6. Edge

    Game Cams Are Helpful?

    Well, well looks like a person of interest out on a 'hike'. https://nypost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/nypost.com/2021/09/21/brian-laundrie-possibly-spotted-on-deer-cam-cops-say/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16322709362678&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2021%2F09%2F21%2Fbrian-laundrie-possibly-spotted-on-deer-cam-cops-say%2F
  7. Edge

    Spring Draw

    Expansion? I've been shooting Powerbelts awhile at the range due to their ease of loading. But all the actual reviews I've read are they fragment too easily on big game. Maybe that was due to closer shots and more energy? I.did dig a couple SSTs out of a bull shot at 220yds, perfect expansion and after weighing them, found they retained 99% of their weight.
  8. Edge

    Game Cams Are Helpful?

    Saw a lot of road hunting in that preserve. Hoping a gator intervenes.
  9. Edge

    Synthetic grass sales/install

    Will the dog on artificial turf, pleasure you?
  10. Edge

    Send him to Washington D C

    When I was around 12, I asked dad why he preferred to backhand me. He said because if he punched me he'd kill me. In the scores of Gunsmoke back hand scenes filmed, practiced, rehearsed or cut, did any accidentally connect?
  11. Edge

    2021 Rut Activity

    We're you in Prescott Natl Forest or able to hunt private lands?
  12. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    Was not surprised at all to find Ivermectin works on Covid. People with livestock have been using it on a large array of animal applications for decades. The human version of Ivermectin is used for Malaria infection and on the parasite that causes River Blindness in people. Works so well it's founder won the Nobel Prize for science. Don't believe all the negative hype surrounding the drug. The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals https://reason-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/reason.com/2021/09/06/ivermectin-overdoses-oklahoma-hospitals-rolling-stone-hoax/?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&amp&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16319757553962&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Freason.com%2F2021%2F09%2F06%2Fivermectin-overdoses-oklahoma-hospitals-rolling-stone-hoax%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR30lSv8Chzkz_1EJb2zWy3Dn4c2U6HW5gTIrNe4bnPi0EZ5qpCZMLSeK-k
  13. Edge

    Desert Tortoise

    Cool, always a treat. I called a tortoise and a fox in same time once predator hunting near Tonopah. No, really.
  14. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    I recommend the Apple flavor
  15. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    DeSantis Team: More than Half of Those Seeking Lifesaving Coronavirus Treatment ‘Fully Vaccinated https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/17/desantis-team-coronavirus-treatment-vaccinated/
  16. Edge

    22N Late Rifle

    I've had success and utter failure in 22N. Drew the late archery bull tag a few years ago and it was wicked cold. By the time the late hunts roll around, the animals have had about all the pressure they can take. And why would bulls hang around 22N where there's roads and open terrain when there's a couple inhospitable wilderness areas just across the east fork? Good luck, be in shape and shoot straight.
  17. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    Thanks to Fauci's funded Gain of Function research, there won't be any herd immunity because the virus can jump from mammal to mammal and has therefore an endless reservoir of hosts.
  18. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    If we had real leadership in this country, the government would be more interested in protecting my rights than forcing me to take an experimental drug. How about free testing for antibodies with the oral swab instead of shoving a Chinese made, cancer causing skewer up my brain? What happened to My body My choice?
  19. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    A viralogist on the news yesterday said a new study showed those with the Covid antibodies who subsequently got a vaccine were 300-400% more likely to have a severe reaction to the vax. Another problem with a vax mandate is its not taking into account those Covid survivors (99.97% of everyone infected) with antibodies or those with natural immunity.
  20. Edge

    Non Covid bug going around

    Where did you get figures, off the Build Back Better website? "Come on, man!"
  21. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Thought a mystery antique gun thread would help pass the time heading into hunting season. Rules: 1) limit your Googling. Everybody has internet, so no cheating. You either know the gun or you don't. 2) One gun at a time. Don't post your gun until the current gun in question has been correctly identified. 3) If you're going to post an antique firearm on this thread, check in frequently and see if your gun has been identified so the next gun can be posted. 4) Firearms must be pre 1964 to qualify. Correct identity will include make and model, not caliber. If your firearm is a pre'64 replica, correct answers would be awarded to either replica or the firearm it's meant to represent. Here's my first entry: Name that Gun!🎸 Don't let the painted frame fool ya, this pistol came in blued or nickle finish frames.
  22. Edge

    Name that gun!

    You are correct, sir.
  23. Edge

    Unit 8 early archery bull

    JD looks great. Was just a weedy pond this time a year ago
  24. Edge

    Name that gun!

    Yes, the Colt New Service Revolving Rifle. Bull carries one in the film So Dorado.