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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Starline 45/70 brass

    I'll take these. I've sent you a few PMs
  2. Edge

    Best Daypack Opinions

    Been using this pack for years. Bought it from the classifieds here, cheap.
  3. Probably a couple hundred pounds. All made into ingots.
  4. So guys, gals, how does it feel to be 34?
  5. Edge

    4x4 With a Purpose

    Imagine getting a phone call from a police department thousands of miles away that your son or daughter has gone missing. .. Help bring the family some closure in this case. Search teams will be assembling off Cactus and Sun Valley Pkwy 630am 16 Oct. https://searchfordaniel.org/
  6. Edge

    4x4 With a Purpose

    Here's a link to the Buckeyes PD report. Scroll down, it's 54 pages. https://www.newsnationnow.com/missing/missing-24-year-old-was-rebuffed-by-woman-shortly-before-his-disappearance/ After reading the report, I believe the PD is doing all they can. I've met Mr Robinson, he's a disabled vet and a heartbroken dad. He seemed genuinely grateful to have everyone volunteering to look for his son.
  7. Edge

    4x4 With a Purpose

    Have you read the police report? It sheds a lot of light on the situation.
  8. Edge

    2023 Guideline Recommendations

    Only 'boomers' I know with crossbows exemptions are injured vets...so entitled (sarcasm).
  9. Edge

    Lost Your Rifle?

    This "Lost Long Range Rifle" was found in its case so maybe bounced out of the back of a UTV. 50 some years ago, dad and I left a .22 rifle leaning against the jeep after lunch and some plinking. I was probably 9 years old but got the blame. Remington replaced the rifle. A couple years ago I took my pistol off my belt during a nature call. I set it on a limb and it fell out of sight. Due to fatigue, I left the camp thinking it was already in my bags. Went back a week later and found it. Yeah, chit happens.
  10. Edge

    Lost Your Rifle?

    Your long term memory trumps your short
  11. Edge

    The Amazing Wolf 🙄

    The wolves will next turn their attention on solving world peace, famine and climate change, all while finding a new hairstyle for Kim Jong-Un.
  12. Edge

    The Amazing Wolf 🙄

  13. Edge

    Definition of Wildlife

    Caption this...
  14. Edge

    Definition of Wildlife

    Totally concur, sir. But it's how you identify that matters today.
  15. Edge

    Definition of Wildlife

    Excuse me, are you assuming their gender?
  16. Edge

    Definition of Wildlife

    I was just two folks short of a 3some last nite....
  17. Glad you mentioned wheels, Chef. The older I get the more I appreciate wheeled things.
  18. Edge

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    I've been wanting to upgrade coolers. Nobody but a methhead would take the ones I got....oh, wait.
  19. Edge

    Mag needed

    Out Back had the mag, got it to me in less than 72 hours, great service. If you need gun parts, give them a call.