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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Horse Carriage Harness

    Thanks, thought I'd give a fellow horseman a bump. Amazing how that tack piles up.
  2. Edge

    Horse Carriage Harness

    I spend much less money maintaining some horses than I do a Chevy truck. Notice I specified CHEVY. If you're willing/able to do shoes, shots to sutures yourself, they're affordable.
  3. Edge

    Horse Carriage Harness

    You're right on the gas vs hay comparison, was just doing the math yesterday. They're opening a Fry's a few miles away and we'll use horsepower to get there. Been practicing driving a friend's team and picked up a cart and biothane harness over the summer. GLWS
  4. Edge

    Good Guy Seller List

    Where's the Bad Buyer, Bad Seller list? Some individuals on here with dubious character and not counting the scammers.
  5. Edge

    Where am I

    Found it last night online but no history on it
  6. Edge


    22000 applicants which means there could have been several times the 22000 in applications. Let's see their system crash, lol.
  7. Edge

    Matt Rinella - Hunting and Social Media

    Now I remember...
  8. Edge

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Brevity is wit. Thank you.
  9. Edge

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Mandatory reporting, no problem. But before azgfd can penalize one hunter for not reporting, they need to get their act together. I got an email days ago urging me to return the harvest report I never received. If some hunters are going to take it in the shorts from azgfd, why always on the back of AZ residents? Fewer NR tags and make them pay more. This last special draw is a perfect example. NRs entering the draw paid $2 more more for an application fee than residents. Gimme a break. If restructuring hunts, I'd like to see some primitive weapons hunts for bows and muzzleloaders.
  10. Edge

    New Draw

    22,000 "applicants" (hunters and maybe some weeping tree huggers) applied. Multiply that times the average number of hunts offered.... Good luck, all.
  11. Edge

    Where am I

    Gmu 22
  12. Edge

    Matt Rinella - Hunting and Social Media

    Never occurred to me hunters look like drunken rednecks that kill for horns. I was raised by ethical hunters that put wild meat on the table regardless of horn size. That's what I teach my kids as well. But hey, who doesn't admire a nice rack?
  13. Edge

    Matt Rinella - Hunting and Social Media

    Never heard of him or his bro
  14. Edge

    Spot-and-Stalk or Sitting Water?

    Throw in a good nap and ponder what you missed seeing. 😴
  15. Edge

    New Draw

    No but I seen Sharknado. About as plausible as being drawn for this. But good luck to those applied. Love to see someone from CWT get a tag.
  16. Edge

    New Draw

    I beeched because of the short notice and unavailable cell service. I moved locations, decent cell but won't play. Better odds being hit by an asteroid.
  17. Edge

    Seek Outside 4 man Tipi

    Pm me a price
  18. Edge

    Happy thanksgiving

    Hang tough, Dan. Thanks for the reminder and God Bless.
  19. Edge

    Happy thanksgiving

  20. Edge

    Happy thanksgiving

    It's a wonderful family holiday. 2nd or 3rd only to Christmas and Easter. Everyone enjoy! Daughter and I heading out this morning try and fill a couple Coues tags, good Lord permitting.
  21. Edge

    Daughters sheep hunt

    Two questions I may have missed... What's our young huntresses age? And how will we mount this beautiful ram?
  22. Edge

    Snow in 35B late 80's

    Hunted the unit '87 'or '88 no snow
  23. Edge

    New Draw

    I belong to Wickenburg's Sportsman Club. Normally have the entire range to myself.
  24. Edge

    Leftover fun

    Very nice buck. Congrats.