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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Duwane Adams ?

    That reminds me, I need to put salt out.
  2. Edge

    Big Buddy Heater

    I'ma take it
  3. Edge

    Big Buddy Heater

    Come with the large line?
  4. Edge

    Parking Outside

    Where you live, cross streets? Used to be you needed a permit for any shade structure over 64sq'. But recently it's been changed to 200' in Maricopa county. A friend recently put up a 32'x12', R paneling and 8" perlins, 11ga 4x4s. Materials from LP ran about $2300.
  5. Edge

    The moisture creeps in.

    Valley forecasters caught with their pants down... again. Now with it raining, they've upped the chance of rain to 1% 62984.mp4
  6. Edge

    The moisture creeps in.

    Thunderstorms forming over Yavapai County.
  7. Edge

    Court has the anti gunners worried

    Whoa, this changes everything lol. How far we've digressed.
  8. Edge

    Court has the anti gunners worried

    Heaven forbid the 2a protect all Americans right of self defense.... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
  9. Edge


    Have had the G29 for a few years now and no plans to part with it. Fits my hand a little better with the pinky extender. Have plinked close to a thousand rounds of .40 through it with out a single issue. It's amazing to me how the 10mm round got a second wind in the'80s when issued to the FBI, but the sissies couldn't handle the recoil. You're a big boy, Greg you will have no problem with the recoil.
  10. Edge

    Wanted- 6x12 flatbed trailer

    When folks price the proper wood to metal screws for that floor they're going to think they're getting screwed. A buddy rebuild one, used self tapping screws in the floor like you'd use in metal fabrication. Within weeks the screws were breaking.
  11. Edge

    Wanted- 6x12 flatbed trailer

    I have one a RzR would fit on. My Ranger barely fits width wise. it needs a floor but I don't want an arm and a leg for it.
  12. Edge

    Assault weapons ban? Really Joe.

    So after networks asked the Whitehouse if they were going to comment on D-Day, they released a statement...hours before 7 June Eastern standard time, 7 June in Normandy. Biden refused to mention D-Day at all in 2021. Embarrassing.
  13. Edge

    Assault weapons ban? Really Joe.

    It's D-Day. Will Joe even comment or is he upset our boys actually used assault rifles 78 years ago to defeat evil?
  14. Edge


  15. Edge

    Why do they keep doing this?

    The Democrats don't fear more mass shootings, they fear you. An armed populace is all that stands between their socialist agenda and your freedom. The libs have done nothing to protect school from violence because these shootings work in their favor. Now wake up, understand and stop conceding your most important rights.
  16. Edge

    View from my office window

    More views out my office window..
  17. Edge

    Well, well...

    Something special about finding a waterhole in the unforgiving desert....man made and natural alike.
  18. Edge

    Well, well...

    Found another 2 wells today. Couldn't see the bottom of this hand dug well. It had a gold arrastra beside it. Looks like some pretty good ore out here. Anxious to crush and pan my samples.
  19. Edge

    Outdoor Writer

    Bought some horse tack off Tony during the big germ wave. He wouldn't come to the door even though I masked up at his request. I wanted to meet him but had to deal with his wife whom was an absolutely delightful lady. Gave the saddlebags which had been beautifully tooled with the name Tony on them to MulePackHunter. I now call Mike, Tony out on the trail. The chaps I bought off Tony went to member ducksNgeese. Enjoy their provenance, boys. Wish the tack could talk, keeping Tony's leather horn bags to enjoy in the great outdoors.
  20. Edge

    Assault weapons ban? Really Joe.

    Here's how libs define assault weapons: Black? Assault weapon. Brown? Assault weapon Green? Assault weapon. Camo? Assault weapon Magazine? Assault weapon Skeery looking? Assault weapon. Goes "pew pew'? Assault weapon
  21. Edge

    Found a stray - Chandler

    It's a male African Spurred, owned several. Proof? Look at the spurs. Males have a typically rounder shell on top, concave on bottom to aid in mounting. They'll wreck your yard, landscaping, irrigation, foundation..
  22. Edge


  23. Edge

    Why do they keep doing this?

    How about... bad guys don't care about age restrictions, mag capacities, background checks, etc, etc, etc. How about we protect our kids with good guys with guns? Shooters/Haters will look for even softer targets and then here we go again...