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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    first time calling

    HAha, ol Mike is a good guy but why the trepidation? He's got good insurance and I'll keep him covered with my 12ga. Oh and there's always a roll of vet wrap and bag balm in my saddle bags. No guts no glory. Or is it, Lots of Guts, Lots of Gory?
  2. Edge

    Who has the best steak in town?

    never heard of El Corral. Growing up in Tucson, always went to OK Corral or Pinnacle Petes when we wanted to embarrass someone.
  3. Edge

    first time calling

    Now we just need you to put your big boy pants on and use the caller at night. So you might get mauled a little, but the pay offs could be big, too.
  4. Edge

    first time calling

    most likely the horse, mules atract wild game wild and gamey for sure
  5. Edge

    first time calling

    Should be titled 'First Time E Calling' We did some calling a while ago with a hand held blower and though I poured my heart and soul into the caller and had to wipe away tears to look thru my rifle scope, nothing came in but a couple scared hikers. Got to wonder if having horse and mule tied up below our stand made a difference.
  6. Edge

    stolen trailer and rangers please help!!!!!

    problem is, if they're headed to Mexico, they don't need to use the port of entry. Traffickers own land on both sides of the border. Had a friend from Mexico want to buy some horses from me and told him the vet fees and paperwork would be a nightmare. Not so, he said. Got a brother with a ranch on both sides of the border and they would just walk them across. They didn't need no stinking papers.
  7. Edge

    Who has the best steak in town?

    I know who has the best steaks in town, me. Below is Moorak Obrahma, and I can't wait to smell his ribeyes grilling over a mesquite fire. He and his buddies will be served up next winter as we host outback trail rides and cook gourmet meals. It's like having steaks in the sticks. https://www.facebook.com/DinnerandaRide Far as brick and mortar goes, Monti's steaks are corn and grass fed beef flown in from Nebraska. Just don't get caught taking any silverware. Michael Monti is a third degree blackbelt in the American Kenpo Karate Assoc. Last time he and I squared off on the mat, his warrior face alone was rather unsettling
  8. Edge

    Nearly Got a Lion Last Night

    It was a big, big bobcat and he's still out there. When I first saw him coming in, I thought I was looking at a young lion. His stubby tail must have been 8-10" long. That partial daytime pic and the night time pics of the cat at the water tank were taken in the same spot, but they are 2 different kitties.
  9. Edge

    Table Mesa Rd

    Anyone been out to the Agua Fria since the rain let up? I'm looking to get some horses across it if there aint too much flow or mud.
  10. Edge

    Table Mesa Rd

    In case anyone cares, me and Mike the MulePackHuntere guy are good buds, but I wish he'd stop smiling whenever my horse goes to buckin' Was reminded of a cool resource in the event your plans include any river crossings... http://waterdata.usgs.gov/az/nwis
  11. Edge

    Question for you weather guys

    I earned my stripes as a USAF Meteorologist but in my private time, I did climatology studies for private companies including what is now Morton's Salt, searching for practical brine evaporation locales in the southwest like we have here in Glendale. We have such little empirical data to go by, the suggestion of Man Made Global Warming evidence makes me throw up in my mouth. We have been keeping weather data for only a couple hundred years. We can look at tree rings and take polar ice core samples, but it will only produce a smidgen of data from this planets long, long history and it only serves to prove the earth's climate cycles with or without us. This being said, we need to conserve what water we have here in the DESERT, and keep finding new ways to reserve water for the future. Look at your water bill sometime and ask yourself why you need tens of thousands of gallons per month?
  12. They were about to try this protected area thing in western WA with the lynx. Then the wildlife biologist was caught planting lynx hair where there were no lynx.
  13. Edge

    Table Mesa Rd

    After seeing all that, did ya wake up with your pants down around your boots and have an overwhelming sense of certain foreboding? Besides I want to get horses across the river safely, wouldn't even attempt it on a muuuule.
  14. Edge

    Need a quick trigger job on an AR

    So how did the trigger job turn out, shoot the AR yet?
  15. Edge

    Cool lion pic

    Well done.
  16. Edge

    #11 and counting ...

    Correct me if I'm wrong, you CAN lion hunt in the area, just can't pursue with hounds.
  17. Edge

    Nearly Got a Lion Last Night

    Ha, they were so common in UT where I lived, I saw 5 in one day, two of which were kittens in my yard.. Had tons of red fox, too. On a blacktail hunt in north central WA in 1997, watched a lynx go after shrews in the snow. Don't recall if they were protected at the time. Passed on them all.
  18. Edge

    100 Books every man should read

    I'm not a prolific reader at all, so was very surprised to find I had read over half the books on the list, and most of the books chimed in by our members. Although many of the contemporary classics I was forced to digest at the point of a public school principal's paddle. I ask you Lennie, George, Curley, what list of great 'man book's doesn't include Steinbeck's, 'Of Mice and Men'? It even has MEN in the title! And if you thought you had problems packing for your next hunt, read about Napoleon's logistical nightmares invading Russia in William Seymour's, ' Decisive Factors In Twenty Great Battles of the World' Feeding Napoleon's war machine ponies alone meant hauling and feeding 3,000,000 pounds of fodder per day along the route. Hey, now that's a lot of hay! Now try to feed 3/4 of a million men.....? One of the best books I have ever read was 'Marine Sniper, 93 Confirmed Kills' by Charles Henderson. It's the story of the legendary SSgt Carlos Hathcock's exploits in Viet Nam. Every person I've ever loaned the book to (including my dear ol' mum), has read it non-stop, unable to put it down.
  19. Edge

    Javelina eating a deer skull!?

    Scavenging bones and sheds is how a lot of critters get their sodium and potassium.
  20. Edge

    Winchester M88 .243

    I have one of the first M88's built. $500 is cheap, seen them go for $1500 in very good condition.
  21. MULEPACKHUNTER, you are so going to regret mentioning that you won a Ladmo Bag... LOL
  22. Lucky buggers. Growin up in Tucson, we had The Uncle Bob Show on a Nogales station, afternoons. My sister was on it, looked funny in black and white.
  23. Edge

    Trail Cam Pic Contest

    Thanks to everyone whom entered photos or videos. They were really great and I enjoyed them a lot. Though the entry deadline is over, keep them coming. They are the next best thing to being out there in person.
  24. Edge

    Life Changed At 9:02 Last Night!

    Most excellent, a change for the better........