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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Remembering the fallen

    Dad was drafted into the navy in 1944 and served as a gunner aboard destroyers in the Pacific. He gave himself numerous tattoos on his hands and limbs to make identifying his body easier. It was just the reality of the war. I learned at an early age not to ask questions about the war, he would only confide in a Marine vet living next door. Mom had lost an uncle in Bataan, Philippines 1942.
  2. Edge

    Transmission help

    Call Big Mike at Denny's Transmission's, he owns them and works at the one on Central. He has a decent warranty. Tell him I sent ya.
  3. Edge

    Attempted scout.

    Looked like a good day. I'll have to try that with the camera and bino pics
  4. Edge


    Interested in trading for a Bear Grizzly RH 50#?
  5. The land behind me just turned into State Trust Land. Signs say you need a permit to be in there and licensed hunting allowed. Question: I've been told that you don't need the state land permit if you have a valid hunting license. True or false?
  6. Edge

    State trust land question

    Wish I had a photo of the signs that were up from the City of Peoria, they clearly stated 1 mile and gave the city statute . Doesn't matter now, the land is now State Trust and no more target shooting. I think Peoria was trying to draw a line between target shooting and hunting and maybe even throwing a noise ordinance into the loop. Yes, state law is 1/4 mile but that same law gives Cities the right by that statute to tweak the law so long as hunting is not concerned. I forgive you, AZLance.
  7. Edge

    State trust land question

    A.R.S. 13-3107- C,3. Municipalities can place restrictions on the discharge of firearms within 1/4 mile of an occupied building or structure. . Peoria city council is constantly changing these restrictions. First it was shotguns only. Then in 2011 it was 1/2 mile from occupied buildings. Most recently the city council came up with a 1 mile restriction where posted and 2 miles where not posted.. All the roads off Dove Valley, Peoria were clearly posted with the 1 mile restriction signage.. Once again, AZLance proves he don't know squat diddly-do LOL
  8. Edge

    State trust land question

    This question has come about because the land had been Peoria, but the cops had such a far way to come in order to quell the constant disturbances made by jerks shooting all hours of the day and night and within a few hundred yards of residential areas, it's now State Trust. All the clowns had to do was follow a few reasonable rules and pick up after themselves....but no. On the occasions I would target shoot out there, I would click off the mileage on the odometer and pass target shooters the whole way out to the mandatory 1 mile minimum to legally shoot. Only one time did I see someone shooting out there beyond the 1 mile mark, and they were shooting at a hill off-roaders were riding on. So if you were planning on target shooting off of Dove Valley soon, we're all s.o.l.
  9. Edge

    State trust land question

    I don't know, the permits get hung on your rear view mirror. If you don't have one on your vehicle, wtf?
  10. Edge

    When pigs attack!

    Ouch, I bet the guy with the bow is thinking next time, a 12ga. with buckshot might be the appropriate weapon for this. Grandpa used to smile and say "I aint had this much fun since I watched the hogs eat my little brother."
  11. Edge

    Phoenix P.D. at your service.

    Be grateful you're not in Albuquerque.
  12. Edge

    Chicken Thief Exposed

    I was pissed so I set the traps. They've been wall hangers for years. I covered them with a little too much alfalfa and gummed the jaws up. One actually set off another. I only had a few minutes of light left to put them out by the time the chickens went night-night. With all the dogs and cats we and the neighbors have, decided it might be best not to set the traps again. Got nearly 500 pictures of the cat but the sequence of the traps going off wasn't captured by the camera. They're good pics but the cat is only 4-6' away. That's one beautiful animal and she was only taking advantage of our chicken duty slothing. Lesson learned.
  13. Edge

    Chicken Thief Exposed

    Last winter we got a little complacent about locking up the hen house at night. Fact was, we were leaving before first light and getting home after sunset. Finally was able to check on the chickens in the daylight and found 1 dead and 3 more missing, so I set up a camera....(ignore dates on pics) Took the dead chicken and hung it from a bush and locked up the chickens. Cat returned the next morning and spent 90 minutes on the dead chicken and checking out how to get back into the hen house.
  14. Edge

    Chicken Thief Exposed

    The neighbors have lost chickens and a Chihuahua. We put a guard dog in with the chickens and I have lost only one chicken since then and I don't know what got it. We live in the far nw valley. Posted these pics on a trail riding forum and found out thru feedback that bobcat sightings in the valley were rather common.
  15. Edge

    Guts or Balls???

    Broom? I came home one night to find the now ex-wife pointing a .38-40 Colt at my head thru the doors glass. My only crime was coming home early from work. At that moment, I definitely felt she had bigger balls than I. Shrinkage.
  16. Edge

    Morels/Ginsing in AZ???

    'The Teachings of Don Juan' by Carlos Castaneda
  17. I distrust this administration with every fiber of my being. But I do know the NOAA buying guns is not for the Nat'l Weather Service (although I would have loved to have gone full auto on some rawinsonde balloons when I was a meteorologist), they're for the NOAA law enforcement branch of the national fisheries. They have the roll of boarding vessels at sea that may be illegally harvesting fish in our waters, and a lot of that goes on up north.. I worked for several years in the AK fishing grounds. The USDA includes the forest service. There's some hanky panky going on in the woods, rangers just started carrying AR's not long ago and they're terribly out gunned by meth heads and cartels in clandestine growing operations. But I will agree there are just too many "agencies" going military on our butt, why does every single layer of government and their branches all need SWAT teams and MRAPS? Soon you can expect your local librarian to be wearing full body armor and carrying an M-4
  18. Edge

    Morels/Ginsing in AZ???

    According to Don Juan, you don't find peyote, it finds you.
  19. Edge

    Ariat Lace-Up Ropers Sz. 9-1/2

    Nice boots, I'd be all over these if they were 13's. For a little guy I wear boats...
  20. The border has the most traffic but there's some sort of illegal activity going on just about everywhere. You could think you're safe by putting in for deer in the Mazatzal's, then wander into an illegal pot growing camp. Me and some buddies were camped at Lime Creek Cabin one night, watching the campfire die down and about to turn in when we heard people going down the trail which was about 200' up above us on the canyon. We got quiet and listened as they approached then we realized they were speaking Spanish. They were using no lights and it was black out. Nv goggles? Couple days later, ran into a ranger on the way out and told him what had happened, he said they (the guberment) were aware of and dealing with lots of grow operations in the hills.
  21. Edge

    How accurate is a GPS unit?

    Small world indeed, turns out ol muledeerarea33? lives next door to an old buddy of mine.
  22. Edge

    How accurate is a GPS unit?

    Surveyors of yesteryear used chain but a taunt wire works. If you can see the near corner, line up on it and then swing 90 degrees if the property is square. Put your corner posts/ braces first then stretch a wire.
  23. Two of my three kids are combat seasoned marines, so yes, I would love to have them along. The bad guys from down Mexico way, exploit weaknesses in border law enforcement and have for the most part, chosen the indian reservation and Nat'l monument lands to enter the US. I spend several weeks per year packing into the Whetstones, and it has been a decade since I encountered illegals in there. Only encounters I've had in there since 2004 are with local cowboys and the Border Patrol. Spent last Christmas and Thanksgiving in those beloved hills. Last X-mas eve, the BP saw my camp from the air and sent a couple agents in to investigate. They too said they had seen no illegal activity in the area.
  24. Edge

    Found a few....

    Here's some pics from shed hunting last week. Spent 3 days and covered a lot of miles, found all the sheds in the last 24 hours being out there. Did see lots of elk and antelope, including a big antelope buck. One bull I saw was still wearing shiny bone, the rest in velvet. Try and guess the GMU.
  25. Edge

    Indian Ruins

    Indian Springs, Eagletails...