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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    3rd Leg of the Triple Crown +*TODAY*+

    I was aware of that. I believe CA Chromes trainer was a groom for Swaps. Here's some derby trivia...What was Ferdinand's fate?
  2. Edge

    3rd Leg of the Triple Crown +*TODAY*+

    That's why they call the Belmont the Test of Champions. A lot of the good old tracks are gone now, horse racing is in a slump. Takes a shot at a Triple Crown to resurge the sport if even for a short time.
  3. Edge

    Stand up guy

    Rick: great meeting you, next time we'll have ya swing a leg over that old mare. Soon we'll have Madison in the saddle, too. Dan and DeAnn: checks in the mail. I owe ya a beer, Dan, at Bobby Joe's. We'll invite Bill along to tell us his tall tales. Dwayne and Mike: The new bride rides an a$$, her mother leads it. Amanda: Thanks for the great website.
  4. You're too generous, looks like 5lb dumbbells to me.
  5. Edge

    A Vintage Deer

    Wow, cool buck!
  6. Wait till Putin sees this, he'll go ahead and reclaim eastern Europe. Three things struck me as I watched this video: 1) Obama genuinely thinks he's tough and is proud this weanie workout video was leaked. 2) Obama can't even have an honest debate with a women's dumbbell. He cheats on every repetition. 3) He's as weak as is his liberal ideology.
  7. Edge

    I might as well ask too...

    Where are you located?
  8. Edge

    My Grandfather and his coues

    Here's my old sporterized 1917 Winchester made Enfield. notice how the barrels and swedge look the same as grandpa's in the photo, Also, note the offset scope mount. If memory serves me, my research found only one in 10,000 Enfields came with that mount. Wonder how many krauts that old rifle knocked down? First time I touched off that .300 HH, it was a cold WA. morning, thought my shoulder was kicked by a draft mule.
  9. Edge

    My Grandfather and his coues

    British Enfield was .303, American made 1917 on the Enfield design was like a Mauser 98 in ,30.06. The one I owned had been improved to .300 H and H
  10. Edge


    Calling Carney a rat is a slap in the face of all vermin. Carney did things even a rat would never do.
  11. Edge

    My Grandfather and his coues

    Nice buck. Looks like a sporterized 1917 Enfield, had one like it.
  12. Yeah, would be great to find that jeep. Actually had sold that Win. 88 several years ago for cash and a pistol. The friend I traded it to wanted the pistol back and I wanted the .243, so we traded back again. Will never do that again. I can't go down to Tucson without the old man going down the list of every gun he ever gave me and make sure I still have them.
  13. I think this photo of dad would have been taken around 1964, I still remember the day we sold that '48 Willys but not sure of the year, 1965 or 1966. I still own that mount and Winchester 88, .243 The Willys was sold to a trailer sales lot off of Wilmot and 22nd, Tucson, long gone now? Dad and his bro, Bob. That antelope just missed the B and C. Judging by all the hair my uncle still had, maybe 1970? The dune buggy was our hunting rig up until about 1975. Did get a little nippy though hunting deer and elk, unit 27. Dads still kickin', survived the Great Depression, WWII and a 2 1/2 pack a day KOOL habit. Now he just gives the video poker machines heck down at the Desert Diamond Casino.
  14. Edge

    My Dad rabbit hunting in the 30's

    Excellent picture. Looks like a Winchester model 1897
  15. Edge

    Donate to send Military to SCI banquet?

    Thanks so much Amanda, you're making a difference in vets lives. Thanks to all that donated. If you end up with more tickets than vets, please consider LEO, firefighters and Border Patrol.
  16. Edge

    Check who threw out the first pitch

    Laughed and threw-up in my mouth at the same time. I think I saw that pitcher on Van Buren before the 2008 elections.
  17. Edge

    trailer repair tucson

    The trailer has been repaired and he and his brother are off fishing.
  18. Edge

    VA scandal

    For the last several years, I've been taking a friend to the Phoenix VA. He's a Viet Nam vet with a host of illnesses, he's 100% disabled. He fought hard for the US, was in Nam less than 12 hours when he got into his first fire fight. Was wounded twice and exposed to Agent Orange after several tours. Now he needs the VA's help to try and stay alive; diabetes, high blood pressure, PTSD, and other injuries. All the VA wants to do is dispense pain killers, which he refuses. I see first hand how they give him the run around. He shows up for appointments, they say they lost his records...(he carries his own copies), they tell him HE changed his appointment or missed it when he did no such thing. For over a year he's been trying to see a specialist about his shoulder. They finally told him he had an appointment with a surgeon in San Diego in a few months. He drove there, got a hotel room and was there at his appointment the next day, the surgeon's office said he had no appointment with the surgeon. Then you hear how the detainees at Gitmo have a 1.3 to 1 patient to doctor ratio while the VA's is 35 to 1. It's tough watching this man disintegrate before my eyes after all he did for this country.
  19. Edge

    destruction of a beautiful spring...

    Same happened where I put a camera up at a springs in the Eagletails. Nice little springs and pools of water everywhere and about 15 head of cattle browsing the area. 3 days later the water was gone and the cattle moved on. Those springs will recharge and the wildlife there had an AZGF catchment and tank a few hundred yards away that the cattle couldn't get to. Speaking of cattle ruining things, just got a call from a rancher wanting to know if I were interested in harvesting some wild cattle on his USFS lease.
  20. Edge

    Remembering the fallen

    Dad was drafted into the navy in 1944 and served as a gunner aboard destroyers in the Pacific. He gave himself numerous tattoos on his hands and limbs to make identifying his body easier. It was just the reality of the war. I learned at an early age not to ask questions about the war, he would only confide in a Marine vet living next door. Mom had lost an uncle in Bataan, Philippines 1942.
  21. Edge

    Transmission help

    Call Big Mike at Denny's Transmission's, he owns them and works at the one on Central. He has a decent warranty. Tell him I sent ya.
  22. Edge

    Attempted scout.

    Looked like a good day. I'll have to try that with the camera and bino pics
  23. Edge


    Interested in trading for a Bear Grizzly RH 50#?
  24. The land behind me just turned into State Trust Land. Signs say you need a permit to be in there and licensed hunting allowed. Question: I've been told that you don't need the state land permit if you have a valid hunting license. True or false?
  25. Edge

    State trust land question

    Wish I had a photo of the signs that were up from the City of Peoria, they clearly stated 1 mile and gave the city statute . Doesn't matter now, the land is now State Trust and no more target shooting. I think Peoria was trying to draw a line between target shooting and hunting and maybe even throwing a noise ordinance into the loop. Yes, state law is 1/4 mile but that same law gives Cities the right by that statute to tweak the law so long as hunting is not concerned. I forgive you, AZLance.