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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Mork is gone

  2. Edge

    Mountains of Colorado and Utah

    Beautiful, making me homesick.
  3. Edge

    Found ANOTHER gun! And a gold ring!

    This world is full of ingrates. But thanks for being honest. Lost my Iphone (left it in a shopping cart like an idiot) and called it all night trying to get the pos that had it, to return it. Offered a reward, a different phone, nothing worked. Then the a$$ had the nerve to call me at my gf's number and taunt me right up until the phone was shut off. Lost my contact info and photos, all gone.
  4. Edge

    Supermoon and calling

    Only trouble I got in was when I had to wake up the ol lady at 2am cuz I forgot my house key.
  5. Edge

    Field care and Caping seminar

    Jim Thanks for the great clinic. Hope to see u soon. Tim
  6. Edge

    cleaning deer - need help please 6A

    Seek out and help your local butcher. Soon you'll be processing, t00.
  7. Edge

    Dove hunting

    I pm'd some advice and map. Be happy to go dove huntin with them sometime, maybe even show them my super secret squirrel water hole out west.
  8. Edge

    Guns for sale price lowered! Added Glock 23

    bump for a good guy
  9. Edge

    Cool bobcat with elk picture

    It's great seeing all the forest critters gettin along
  10. Edge

    Pics of my latest outing

    great pics, keep em comin
  11. Edge

    Field care and Caping seminar

    Cool, give me a ride. *update* My friend is too mean and preoccupied to give me a ride but I will try and make it despite his poor attitude towards others
  12. Edge

    Mady's Bull

    Holy Moly!
  13. Edge

    Just heard an elk bugle in my neighborhood!!

    I was riding a green horse once that was just looking for an excuse to explode. Guy with me had a horse naying ringtone and that was all it took.
  14. I used to live at 7200' and saw rattlers all the time.
  15. Edge

    French squirrel kicker

    Even a blind squirrel could have found at least one nut
  16. Nice. I wanted to go but my scheduled ride backed out (and you know who you are, shame) when he learned it was a bear calling and not a bear sending seminar.
  17. Edge

    Kel-Tec PF9 $250

  18. Edge

    Kel-Tec PF9 $250

    Sadly, must part with my CC gun to justify buying another, much more expensive pistol. Comes with nylon conceal holster, one mag and over 100 fmj rounds. Hurry, wont last at this price. Actual pics coming soon.
  19. Edge

    Remington Rand / Colt 1911 .45 ACP

    WooHoo! Thanks buddy!
  20. Edge

    Kel-Tec PF9 $250

    It's sold
  21. Edge

    Kel-Tec PF9 $250

  22. I have a friend looking for one of these. What are u looking for in a partial trade?
  23. Edge

    When do Bugles Start? Scouting ideas

    Heard enough bugles at revelry, I need more cowbells.............
  24. PRDATR, that would be Satan Goodness sakes, IA Born; now there's political correctness in the world of herpetology? Question for the experts; I walked out to a shed one dark and dreary night and felt around the wall for the light switch. Finally found it, flicked it on and there in the light was a rattler there coiled up at my feet. If I turned the light back off, would he not be there? .