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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Short-term trailer storage near Unit 9 or 12A

    I have a friend with acreage in Parks, mulling over your request.
  2. Edge

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    Either the Eagletails or Bighorn Wilderness areas, combined lion, deer hunt. I'll be the one with the pack horse covered with assorted armaments, bow, shotgun, .243, mace....
  3. Edge

    Monday Check in

    9 sets pushups, 9 sets crunches, went on two short hikes and 2 bike rides. Tipped the scales yesterday morning at 225.5#
  4. Edge

    Trailer Service

    Thanks and good luck on your upcoming hunts. Call if you need anything.
  5. Edge

    2 days without tv or Internet

    With the exception of the news, we pre-record what little we watch. Judge Judy, Mountain Men, South Park and No Mans Land are staples here. The old lady watches the zombie and vampire nonsense. It's amazing how short the shows content is when you have no commercials. Took off shed hunt in unit 9 in May and lost work when inpatient folk couldn't go 3 or 4 days without hearing back from me due to no cell signal.
  6. Edge

    help please what think of spider is this

    Guy is right, if it's a recluse, will be violin shaped. Also called the fiddler spider. Don't think you got one here but all spiders are venomous. I got bit by a spider several weeks ago, no gapping wound just itches like crazy.
  7. Edge

    Test Driving the New Tent

    See any game?
  8. Edge

    cleaning deer - need help please 6A

    This sounds like a lot of afternoons I spent in the Philippines. Add a little pansit, some lumpia and a keg of San Miguel...... On those rare occasions where my father-in-law would shell out 60 pisos ($1) to have the goat processed for him, he'd still show up and reassemble all the goat parts to make sure it was all there.
  9. Edge

    Monday Check in

    I'm in, Mike So long as taking the trash out counts towards my aerobics. There are even 6 stair steps involved I like to limber up a bit first by clipping my toenails. Don't laugh, those toesies are getting tougher and tougher to reach. Sometimes I can only get one or two nails done before I get dizzy. Don't want to push the envelope too much, early on.
  10. Edge

    6a bear

    Super pics, nature girl. Great pictures are a trophy in most respects.
  11. Edge

    Used Knaack Truck Tool Box $70

    Let me know when that trailer is ready for servicing. Tim
  12. Edge

    Food Packaging Gone Wrong

    Was probably packaged for shipment to Greece. I don't want to know what it's stuffed with.
  13. Sorry that happened, thieves should be shot without a blindfold, stood up and shot again. The way things are going, I'll hide the guns in the freezer and keep the beef in the safe.
  14. Edge

    Supermoon and calling

    I hear ya Mocha, I've had some very close calls with the legless dragons. Was even considering postponing my excursions until the snakes all put themselves away for the winter. Been lucky so far, only pain I felt was being bucked off a couple times and sitting on some cholla. Oh well, another CWT member and I going out later, wish us luck.
  15. Edge

    Supermoon and calling

    Took advantage of the Supermoon last nite by driving out to the Hummingbird Springs Wilderness to do some predator calling. Parked the rig and hoofed it down the trail looking for a suitable spot for my stand. In the sand of the washes I crossed, there was a healthy variety of deer, sheep, lion and donkey tracks. Was getting darker, moon rising and I was on a rocky volcanic hill with good visibility to the north. I stopped and turned 180 degrees around and suddenly saw I was not alone on the trail. At the same instant I turned, I must have spooked the critter following me. Got a glimpse of some kind of large blonde varmit with a long fuzzy tail that fit a lions description, about 80' behind me, leaping off the trail and into the brush. I saw its tail a couple times thru the brush as I dug my hand caller out of my pocket to try and get it to come back.. It was one of those moments that gets your attention, for sure. I went ahead a little further up the trail and set up an E caller about 70 yards away and put my back to a wash bank. By 11pm, I had a grey fox, horned owl and several coyotes come in for a visit. Was just bright out enough to see critters 100-150'. But the hike back out wasn't much fun. Was tired and the adrenalin high from predator calling and now having to avoid several rattlesnakes in the trail, was wearing me out. Loved the supermoon last nite, but so did the snakes.
  16. Edge

    Supermoon and calling

    Haha, even toothless cougars are good for something. If y'all happen to locate Obama's balls, strap 'em on and come along sometime.
  17. The older you get, the more you rely on trickery, deception and deceit. Hot out in the shop? Plug it in. Comes equipped with light and storage compartments. The safe works great for chilling beer and venison, too. Please don't ask what the washer/dryer are used for.
  18. Edge

    Supermoon and calling

    The points I set out to make concerning the dangers of night hunts: A) Keep an eye open behind you, B) Keep an eye open below you. C) Keep an eye on your keys or you might get both eyes closed for you. Ready to go again, could use some extra eyes, any takers? PM me
  19. Edge


    There's lots of them in the hills around Sierra Vista. There you find the shells of an extinct fresh water bivalve. Petrified wood, mammoth bones, tusks and the occasional Brachiosaurus in them there hills.
  20. Edge

    Test Driving the New Tent

    Looks like you'll have good weather. Hope they're bitin!
  21. Edge

    Mork is gone

    He certainly was a talent although I wasn't into his improve. Wish he could have gotten help, looked recently like a lost soul. But I did just watch a clip of him entertaining the troops in the middle east. In the middle of his shtick, retreat was sounded and the vets all did an about face to honor the flag, as is the custom. He too went to a sort of attention, went silent not having a clue what was happening and watched our troops in quiet respect and amazement. After retreat, he asked the troops, "What just happened?"
  22. Edge

    My First Elk

    About time. I would have worn it out like the pup in the Grinch story wore his rack, before leaving it behind. Besides, knowing you, if you'd come back for it, a bear would be using it as a back scratcher.
  23. Edge

    Current routine

    My fitness plans for upcoming hunts is getting horses in shape and taking youngsters along to do my bidding.