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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Opening Day Zen

    Let the nothingness fly in your arrow.
  2. Edge

    What is this?

    No you wouldn't put silage in them up there, that was an attempt at humor.
  3. Edge

    Happy Birthday Southernexpress

    Happy bday to a great guy,Todd
  4. Edge

    WTS AR15 with many extras 1500

    Fellow who built this was an army armorer, so he knows his craft. He's done AR work for others on CouesWT, as well. I've seen this rifle and it is sweet.
  5. Edge

    What is this?

    Don't know for sure what it is, maybe it is a water tank but it's awfully big. I towed my silo to Surprise from Scottsdale. it was about 9' in dia. and 18' tall. Thought sure I was going to get a ticket. Looked like I was transporting the space shuttle. Silos are also used as sheds, pump houses, livestock shelters and even apartments.
  6. Edge

    What is this?

    A cattle lease might have use for a silo full of...............silage.
  7. Edge

    What is this?

    The top left and bottom ones even have a tractor and auger chute used to fill them, parked out in front of it. I had one in Surprise and used it as a tack room.
  8. Colossal Cave.....I was a tour guide there in high school back when the cave was a lot newer.
  9. Edge

    What is this?

  10. Edge

    Newest Addition to the Clan

    Howdy there, Chloe.
  11. Edge

    Amazing Dogs - Eider Retrieving

    I've never owned a lap dog but even they serve a purpose.
  12. Edge

    Amazing Dogs - Eider Retrieving

    Homo Estupidos, viva los perros!
  13. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Had to run to town for parts yesterday but couldn't get out. Once the water slowed down we refilled the wash bottom with boulders using a neighbors front end loader. Couple hours later crossed the wash but it would be quite some time before cars could use 163rd Ave.
  14. Edge

    Couple of NM Bruins

    Nice bears. Whereabouts in NM u bag 'em? Being stalked by lion at night always fun, do tell more, Details, man, details!
  15. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Yup, wash is washed out, trailer would have drug bad fo sho
  16. Edge

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    Huntntat2 You're right, no early bow, not that I would have seen a buck but tough to explain to a warden why you're too cheap to get fitted for glasses. Guess I'll wait for my hunting partner for an invite. He's probably afraid I can't keep up and will want a piggy back ride..
  17. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    I'm out at the end of 163rd Ave and Wildcat Mike, Patton Rd closed at 195th. Some pretty amazing rescues going on live on channel 12
  18. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Thanks buddy. Get that hound of yours to the other side of the creek out here and attach two pony kegs to him and float him across. I won't even care what brand beer it is.
  19. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Found my neighbors trailer 1/4 mile downstream, it's looking kind of haggard. Can anyone suggest a good trailer repair guy out here? But I shouldn't be making too much lite. A lot of people are going to be hurt by this.
  20. Edge

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Guy, you were just at my house the other night, silly goose.
  21. Edge

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    Oh my, Mike. glad u let me know. Backpack hunt verses sleeping on the ground with snakes and scorpions, tough choice.
  22. Edge

    Short-term trailer storage near Unit 9 or 12A

    I have a friend with acreage in Parks, mulling over your request.
  23. Edge

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    Either the Eagletails or Bighorn Wilderness areas, combined lion, deer hunt. I'll be the one with the pack horse covered with assorted armaments, bow, shotgun, .243, mace....